My Hilton Experience

Carver? Why would I be talking about Carver? Kinnick, on the other hand...Hawk fans have booed their own quarterbacks. There is holding called on every single play from the stands. It would not be fare to compare like sports because the two schools are polar opposites.

The Hawks have a better basketball tradition historically than ISU. The Hawks drew about the same number of fans attendance wise last year as ISU. So why wouldn't you compare Carver to Hilton?? Sure I get why u might think attendance is like 50x greater at Hilton since the level of booing is 50x greater than at Carver....but that is the point we are trying to make and you can't seem to grasp. The 15k at Hilton are thin skinned babies who would boo their freaking mothers if they could.

I have been trying to throw you a lifeline, but with each post you look more and more like a Clown troll.
I thought this was going to big a big thread evaluating a certain hotel chain....but nope.

I'm with Seth and a few others. I've heard about bad treatment in Ames towards Hawkeye fans that there's no way I would want any part of going there. Basketball or football.

That at being said...the Hampton Inn on sturgis corner and riverside dr. (part of the Hilton chain) is a good one.
Lack of self-awareness (a close adjunct to delusion) is a hallmark of clone fans. Their constant presence here is an ongoing reminder of that... not to mention some of the idiotic comments themselves.

You don't have to "make it up" when it comes to the folks from Story County. They self-define.
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I went to Hilton for their game against Arkansas Pine Bluff, I chanted Hilton Magic every time McKay hit a free throw and again when Niang got 10 inches off the ground to dunk.

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