Music Thread

Happy posthumous birthday to Kurt Cobain. Would have been 52 today. Left a lot of great music behind, not just the two or three MTV slogans that most of you remember. He talked, in the last six to twelve months of his life, about leaving rock stardom behind and playing folk music.

I don't know what was going through Cobain's mind at the end but I have little doubt he would have succeeded as a folk artist. Neil Young, Bruce Springsteen and Bob Dylan have shifted back and forth several times and Cobain was as talented as any of those three. His MTV unplugged, now viewed post suicide, is absolutely chilling.

If Darius Rucker can reinvent himself, Cobain could have done it. I just wanted to recognize him because I started posting on this board literally days after his birthday and had to wait a whole year to recognize it.
Flamin Gloovies - What the Hell's Goin' On.

A very good reunion album from an a very good 70's band that didn't get any traction the first time out, or the second and third. I don't think anyone noticed this time either.

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