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Direct quote from Gary Barta’s interview.

“Many times, when we announce coaches’ contracts, it’s for recruiting. In this case, we didn’t need an advantage in recruiting. Recruiting’s been going fine. So I made the decision to wait until the end of the season”

This wasn’t about recruiting, it was about GB locking up a coach he thinks is the best Iowa can do.
Yeah, he also lied. Do you teach your kids its OK to lie if its to cover up an embarrassing move they made?
meh... in college hoops it's basically the Power 6 or 7 - but you're right - McD has him beat - I just threw out a name -
These types of posts really help your credibility. Oh I didn't know what I was talking about and I didn't even answer the question but trust me, I'm right about Fran not sucking.
Look - I get it you don't like Fran. I also get that you think I am some blind homer... but really, if you objectively look at a guy who's had 400 D1 wins, 4 NCAA tournaments with 4 schools... i mean, he knows something. Crappy coaches don't make it this far this long. They get exposed. I'm not saying this will work out, I have no idea. But I feel comfortable saying that it won't be because Fran is a crappy coach.

Fran is someone that knows how to buy a HUD house and do some entry-mid-level fix-it-up.
He hasn't proven that he can fix-it-up, to the point, where he can flip the house, and make a profit.
This is a pie in the sky quote. Love the blind idea and hope it happens. Not holding my breath though. Nothing wrong with bringing up a positive idea. No one said it was a highly likely scenario....just what if? Couple of those guys would really help.

Watched Kentucky recently and they are struggling for Kentucky basketball considering they have young kids. They are 6-5 in conference and 17-7 overall. They have the top recruits every year and it still takes time for them to figure it out. Most of them don't know how to play team basketball at a high level. AAU ball where they all used to be the guy. Best recruits are even hard to gel together at young ages.

Iowa is dealing with young kids that aren't Kentucky caliber recruits and it will take more time. It isn't hard to look from the outside and say what the team is missing. The coaches see it also. I'm very disappointed in this season. Seemed to be several games where they didn't show up and just running through the motions. I'm still fine with Fran and appreciate what he has done to recover the basketball program.

Add in a few players. Maybe the team learns defensive rotations and learns to talk on defense. Next year could be the same or better. Needs to be moving in a positive direction. If not, then I'm ok with asking for changes for head coach.

No need to discuss Barta. I think everyone has the same opinion of him.
How many slow white guys does Kentucky have to try and develop? In two and half years we will be the whitest team in America
Fran is someone that knows how to buy a HUD house and do some entry-mid-level fix-it-up.
He hasn't proven that he can fix-it-up, to the point, where he can flip the house, and make a profit.
I wouldn’t trust Fran in cleaning out my gutters. His eye for detail is a little lacking
We have some intelligent and realistic fans but a few on here come off as pathetic losers. You know they were Lickliter supporters too!
The day Jeff Peterson transferred, I knew that Lickliter was a failure of a hire. Tony Freeman was an Alfraud holdover that played 30 mins a game his JR year for Lick's first season. When he transferred, I assumed it was a personality clash between himself and Lick. When Peterson left, I knew it was over. I said as much. The same posters defending keeping Fran today, are the ones that told me I was crazy back then.
"he's a NCOY winner"
"I trust Barta more than I trust you"
"He needs more time"
"The future is bright"
"we can't be a program that fires head coaches that often"
And on and on and on the excuse train train rumbled. Now, those same posters act like they didn't champion Todd Lickliter, use him as the "what could happen if we get rid of Fran" argument.
There are some posters that want to champion Iowa athletics, no matter how good or bad. They won't admit that, but it's what they are. I'm fine with that and in some small way, appreciate it. It's precisely how I view AAU and high school sports. I never yell, scream or carry on watching high school basketball or football. I don't care when the coaches clear their bench and give everyone a chance to play. The cost of admission is $5 per event/ $150 for the entire season of every sport. The referees are paid $50 a game or something like that. The coaches are typically paid a few thousand dollars for the entire season. What could reasonably be expected? Big boy college athletics, where millions of dollars are paid to coaches and Ads. Where the cost of attendance/donations/parking is in the thousands and the emails for contributions/tickets keep coming every year, another matter entirely. You better have something more to sell me than mediocrity and hope, or I can easily find better places to put my money.
The day Jeff Peterson transferred, I knew that Lickliter was a failure of a hire. Tony Freeman was an Alfraud holdover that played 30 mins a game his JR year for Lick's first season. When he transferred, I assumed it was a personality clash between himself and Lick. When Peterson left, I knew it was over. I said as much. The same posters defending keeping Fran today, are the ones that told me I was crazy back then.
"he's a NCOY winner"
"I trust Barta more than I trust you"
"He needs more time"
"The future is bright"
"we can't be a program that fires head coaches that often"
And on and on and on the excuse train train rumbled. Now, those same posters act like they didn't champion Todd Lickliter, use him as the "what could happen if we get rid of Fran" argument.
There are some posters that want to champion Iowa athletics, no matter how good or bad. They won't admit that, but it's what they are. I'm fine with that and in some small way, appreciate it. It's precisely how I view AAU and high school sports. I never yell, scream or carry on watching high school basketball or football. I don't care when the coaches clear their bench and give everyone a chance to play. The cost of admission is $5 per event/ $150 for the entire season of every sport. The referees are paid $50 a game or something like that. The coaches are typically paid a few thousand dollars for the entire season. What could reasonably be expected? Big boy college athletics, where millions of dollars are paid to coaches and Ads. Where the cost of attendance/donations/parking is in the thousands and the emails for contributions/tickets keep coming every year, another matter entirely. You better have something more to sell me than mediocrity and hope, or I can easily find better places to put my money.

I'm a guy who always wanted to keep Fran, but always wanted to get rid of Lick. I actually wanted to get rid of Davis too. I've just always thought Fran had a better chance of making us really good than any random new coach could. To me, it was never about being fine with average. It was about me thinking Fran could make us better than average. This season has made me re-evaluate those odds, and now I think a random new coach being better than Fran is 50/50.
I'm a guy who always wanted to keep Fran, but always wanted to get rid of Lick. I actually wanted to get rid of Davis too. I've just always thought Fran had a better chance of making us really good than any random new coach could. To me, it was never about being fine with average. It was about me thinking Fran could make us better than average. This season has made me re-evaluate those odds, and now I think a random new coach being better than Fran is 50/50.

Why would you ever think that about Fran? Do you watch fundamentals? Outside of Woody and Cook, who has he really brought in that didn't have an * about them? 8 years and 2 higher level recruits.
I'm a guy who always wanted to keep Fran, but always wanted to get rid of Lick. I actually wanted to get rid of Davis too. I've just always thought Fran had a better chance of making us really good than any random new coach could. To me, it was never about being fine with average. It was about me thinking Fran could make us better than average. This season has made me re-evaluate those odds, and now I think a random new coach being better than Fran is 50/50.
There is no coach that Gutless Gary could hire, that would produce better results. That's the root of the problem. And Iowa fans need to withhold financial support for Iowa athletics until they get a real AD. The initial pain of staying away is a small price to pay to send the right message. And if the University decides it doesn't care about it, they can let the athletic department collapse. Either way, Iowa fans deserve the respect from the University, to be all in or all out. If they want to charge these prices - they need to be all in. If they want to be all out - they can charge accordingly.
Why would you ever think that about Fran? Do you watch fundamentals? Outside of Woody and Cook, who has he really brought in that didn't have an * about them? 8 years and 2 higher level recruits.

Because he got two teams into the top 10 in 3 years with a team he assembled while the program was at an all time low, and without hardly winning any close games. It wasn't that big of a leap to think he would bring in better recruits with the program being better (he hasn't to this point) and the close game woes would go away with Gesell's class (they have). Not to mention what Lightning just said about Barta being unlikely to ever hire a good coach.
Because he got two teams into the top 10 in 3 years with a team he assembled while the program was at an all time low, and without hardly winning any close games. It wasn't that big of a leap to think he would bring in better recruits with the program being better (he hasn't to this point) and the close game woes would go away with Gesell's class (they have). Not to mention what Lightning just said about Barta being unlikely to ever hire a good coach.

These types of posts really help your credibility. Oh I didn't know what I was talking about and I didn't even answer the question but trust me, I'm right about Fran not sucking.

I'm all about that Hawkeyenation street cred! I am also not saying I'm right, it's MY opinion. You don't have to share it or like it.
Those teams completely collapsed.

My thoughts there was the players handled pressure of being a top team about as well as they handled pressure of close games. New players would hopefully be able to handle pressure next time Fran got us into the top 10.