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The day Jeff Peterson transferred, I knew that Lickliter was a failure of a hire. Tony Freeman was an Alfraud holdover that played 30 mins a game his JR year for Lick's first season. When he transferred, I assumed it was a personality clash between himself and Lick. When Peterson left, I knew it was over. I said as much. The same posters defending keeping Fran today, are the ones that told me I was crazy back then.
"he's a NCOY winner"
"I trust Barta more than I trust you"
"He needs more time"
"The future is bright"
"we can't be a program that fires head coaches that often"
And on and on and on the excuse train train rumbled. Now, those same posters act like they didn't champion Todd Lickliter, use him as the "what could happen if we get rid of Fran" argument.
There are some posters that want to champion Iowa athletics, no matter how good or bad. They won't admit that, but it's what they are. I'm fine with that and in some small way, appreciate it. It's precisely how I view AAU and high school sports. I never yell, scream or carry on watching high school basketball or football. I don't care when the coaches clear their bench and give everyone a chance to play. The cost of admission is $5 per event/ $150 for the entire season of every sport. The referees are paid $50 a game or something like that. The coaches are typically paid a few thousand dollars for the entire season. What could reasonably be expected? Big boy college athletics, where millions of dollars are paid to coaches and Ads. Where the cost of attendance/donations/parking is in the thousands and the emails for contributions/tickets keep coming every year, another matter entirely. You better have something more to sell me than mediocrity and hope, or I can easily find better places to put my money.

I don't recall who Jeff Peterson was.
My thoughts there was the players handled pressure of being a top team about as well as they handled pressure of close games. New players would hopefully be able to handle pressure next time Fran got us into the top 10.
