I had a newbie young Mexican cop in North LIberty pull me over twice in a half hour time span for a tail light out in back. I was taking my boy and his friend home from baseball practice and the first pullover happen. He had to run my plates and check everything, purely fishing for anything to find. He cleared me and I let him have a piece of my mind asking why he just couldn't quickly let me know it was out instead of scaring the boys with his light flashing behind me while he ran all my info.
I then dropped the boys off at home then decided to quickly go to O'reilly's to get a new bulb. I left and when got to an intersection turned right and here is that same cop having another car pulled over for a tail light. I was thinking "Man, glad he'd dealing with him or he'd probably pull me over". I went by them. I then turn L onto another road, and sure shit, said cop is right behind me with his lights on again. He must have saw me go by with my tail light out and quickly chased me. I pull over in a residential neighborhood. Same young Mexican cop comes up to my van. By this time I'm pizzed.
Me - "You just pulled me over about 20 minutes ago"
Cop - "Sorry, chuckle chuckle, I didn't see it was you."
Me - "Is this all you have to do tonight? I'm feeling like you are harassing me. You're obviously just pulling people over as I saw you had that car pulled over for a tail lite out."
Cop - "Well, I guess I'm bored. It's slow on a Tuesday night."
Me - "I'm actually on my way to O'reilly's to get a bulb."
Cop - "Chuckle chuckle." Back to car.
So I get to O'reilly's and they apparently just closed so never got my bulb.