Well-Known Member
I see you as the kid from Better Off Dead looking for his two dollars. Anyway, there is something to be said about the character building exercise of going around door to door to collect money for the paper and selling it to people when they move in. I know every generation rags on kids and there are some great kids in my neighborhood, but man alive with these devices there are some serious autists that our society is producing and these kids really need a route or some door to door lawn mowing selling skills.Christmas Morning 1983 or 1984. A Sunday. My younger brother had my old route. I helped him. 26 degrees below zero. Holy shit!
I had a trick with those Wednesday and Sunday ads. If a customer was being belligerent or behind in payments (we collected door to door back then, another shitty part of the job) I would flip that paper upside down and as high in the doorway as possible. All those ads would fall out on it's descent.