Miller: Dismal Finish

Not going to pin this one on the defense at all, but BBDB still has to go. The worst thing in the world is watching a gassed defense allowing the other team go marching because they're not designed to get off the field. And it gets worse still when it's paired with a QB who won't get out of the way of the train bearing down on him.
Will we have much to look forward to in Sept 2012? Please someone tell me how we are going to stop this slide into irrelevancy? I feel more down on Hawkeye football than I have since the 1990s and Hayden's slide into retirement.....I hope I am just overreacting to today's results but I feel yucky and can only hope the BB team can regain their once upon a time relevance in the next two years.....
EH? revenue for the team? Bowl's don't make much anything for revenue - in fact many teams lose money on them.

I won't claim that I knew that but how would not showing up for a bowl game send a message then if this is the case?
The losses to Minny and ISU hurt the most although with ISU beating OSU at home that one is put into perspective. Our team played 2.25 games of inspired football. 1 qtr against Pitt, the NW game, and the Mich game. We have been spoiled with great D LINE play the last 2 years and now we have to appreciate it. We need to get some DLINE help big time if we want to be in the mix in the BIG at all. I don't know who fills McNutt role next year but we will need CJ Fed and Davis to be great and we will need a game changer to mix in with Coker. Our O line should be ok, JVB will be better next year, Coker can get it done. We need a front 4 on D that can make some noise. Our early schedule next year could get some momentum going. Today was a horrible day.....mostly self induced, but it happens. We need to show up in the bowl game and get some solid recruits and keep the ones we have. Getting a Schutt from PSU would be huge and even better would be a JuCo DT OR 2.
This was a 7-5 or 8-4 team. Thats what most predicted at the beginning of the season who weren't drinking too much Kool aid

Take a couple weeks, get over it, and watch Iowa Wrestling kick some tail

Go Hawks
JVB just threw another fade 10 yards out of bounds. Do we have a 4th WR on our roster? Unreal. I have never been a fire KOK guy but my junior high football coach could come up with a better game plan.
I think it is going to be a long off season and even longer 2012. We lose quite a bit from both the offense and defense and our shining star at punter. Furthermore, I have never been on the fire Ferentz/KOK/Parker bandwagon, but it is glaringly obvious that parts of the coaching staff have become a liability.
This will likely be the first bowl game in awhile that may have crappy attendance... maybe thats what it takes for a wake up call in Iowa City.I feel like this program is falling asleep.
It is and our window for establishing ourselves as one of the B10's best has closed. OSU now has Meyer, Michigan has a good coach again, Mich St and Wisconsin have better coaches than us, Penn St will get Al Golden or another solid coach. Nebraska adds even more competition to the conference. Our window for real success has about slammed shut boys.

Jon accurately identified the word for this program, 'stale'. Unfortunately the description goes beyond this year. We as alumni and fans need to make sure Mr. Barta is aware of our concerns. We will be here long after KF et al are long gone. I think there is an obvious disconnect between the W-L records the last few years when comparing the number of players in the NFL. Isn't the former what we are most concerned about?
Jon- good points.
the underachieveing of last year hurt. The schedule this year was manageable for rebuilding. I was worried when all the hope was put on an IA HS QB new starter. I've only seen one new guy gunslinger and that was Tate. I knew Cooker could get 4-5 yards but would everyone play bend don't break on us? You had to be just nutty to believe in a 2002 type Offense to carry the D.
Where were the playmakers this year? anywhere?
or was it when Hyde tackled Marve forcing him to funble on pylon?
Btw, 'stale' is to be expected when you've got a head coach and coordinators who have done things the same way year after year for 13 years.
the offense today looked an awful lot like that 2007 team. problem is, we have significantly better weapons. lots of questions to be asked in the offseason. wonder if KF will be able to take an honest look in the mirror.
We have been spoiled with great D LINE play the last 2 years and now we have to appreciate it. We need to get some DLINE help big time if we want to be in the mix in the BIG at all. We need a front 4 on D that can make some noise. Getting a Schutt from PSU would be huge and even better would be a JuCo DT OR 2.

This. In the past, if we had an undersized DLine, they were quick (Clayborn & Co.), or had a relentless motor (Roth & Co.). If you lack size on the D-line you better have some serious speed. This year we lack both on the line. JUCO route might be an acceptable quick, temporary fix.
Btw, 'stale' is to be expected when you've got a head coach and coordinators who have done things the same way year after year for 13 years.

When you have complete job security and no desire to move up, why should you change anything? Just continue to cash the checks and skate by.
When you have complete job security and no desire to move up, why should you change anything? Just continue to cash the checks and skate by.

I think Kirk is smart enough to read the writing on the wall, and will make some changes in his staff after this year. With new blood coming in, he could realize a rebirth in the program, and finish his career here on an even higher level. Let's hope we see some changes in the off season.
I think Kirk is smart enough to read the writing on the wall, and will make some changes in his staff after this year. With new blood coming in, he could realize a rebirth in the program, and finish his career here on an even higher level. Let's hope we see some changes in the off season.

That's my hope, but I've seen nothing in the last seven years that suggest that will happen. Hopefully he surprised me though.
Nebraska wanted to win the game and exploited Iowa's weaknesses. Iowa played the same predictable offense and defense it has for the past 11 years and exploited NO weaknesses. In fact, they let a QB that can't pass, of course, look like a great QB...AGAIN. Just set up a zone and give the opposing player a 5 to 7-yard cushion EVERYPLAY, have no defense that can rush the QB, and let even a QB like Martinez pick our defense apart.

Norm HAS TO FIRED. The man simply does not know how to coach a defense anymore...He needs to be fired or retire and take care of his health. He certainly is not taking care of the Iowa defense.

But nothing is done without our dynamic coach at the helm going into game after game after game, especially on the road, being ultra conservative, ultra predictable, and playing not to lose.

This staff simply has no clue anymore what it takes to win in the B1G...Maybe they can schedule more directional schools...ohhh, wait Ferentz loses to those schools too.
Be honest do you think we will ever return to the form of the early 2000's? I really dont feel that way at the moment.

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