Miller: Barta Leaves Fran Hanging

Barta absolutely should have pointed out to Jimbo that if Izzo and the two Bo's haven't crossed the line then neither has Fran. Barta just doesn't have what it takes to do that. Instead he leaves his guy hanging.
I think Barta has every right to tell Fran to relax, if he wants to...but given the order of all this, how Fran made his comments last week, then Big Ten yesterday, and Barta a day after Big me, that is weakness and shows no support for your coach...come out and say this last week before Big Ten says anything to you, then it's entirely different.
Iowa clearly
thinks family friendly is
only item of concern.

It is frustrating
beyond belief hearing things
like Jons article.

Which by the way I
totally and completely
agree with big time.
“The conference did communicate its concern regarding certain conduct during the Iowa-MSU game to the institution through Iowa’s athletic director, the coach’s direct supervisor. The conference did not ask for, nor did the conference expect, an apology from the coach. The conference is primarily focused on future conduct, not statements of apology. The conference does not expect similar conduct in the future.â€￾

Yeah, good luck with that. Fran isn't going to do anything different in the future. Now, you probably won't see another chair slam in the near future but he is who he is and he isn't going to change(nor do I want him to). My guess is(I hope) Barta had a private conversation and said don't worry about it but I gotta say something publicly to cover my own a$$.
I doubt we would have ever seen a chair slam again, regardless of all of this. This is just waaaay too much
Barta absolutely should have pointed out to Jimbo that if Izzo and the two Bo's haven't crossed the line then neither has Fran. Barta just doesn't have what it takes to do that. Instead he leaves his guy hanging.

For the life of me I dont understand why people have such an issue with Ryan and Izzo. Do they get special treatment by the league
? (not talking about calls) Sure they do, but they've earned that with everything they've accomplished.
I agree whole-heartily Jon. Bobby Knight Chair throwing across the floor is one thing.....what Fran did was fighting for and motivating his team. Fran deserves the backing of his AD in the public realm of things on this particular issue. Just another media thing not handled well by Barta and the U of I.
I will say one thing about Fran he knows how to create a buzz. We are on ESPN a lot more in the last 6 months than in the last 5 years. Recruiting, upset wins, chair-throwing. I bet the recruits think chair-throwing is cool.

I agree Barta should have kept this behind close doors. Barta's great at keeping secrets with the football program, you'd think it would be second nature with the other sports by now.
For the life of me I dont understand why people have such an issue with Ryan and Izzo. Do they get special treatment by the league
? (not talking about calls) Sure they do, but they've earned that with everything they've accomplished.

If it crosses a line, it crosses a line. Period. And it wouldn't be quite so bad if they didn't often get special treatment from officials, too.
For the life of me I dont understand why people have such an issue with Ryan and Izzo. Do they get special treatment by the league ? (not talking about calls) Sure they do, but they've earned that with everything they've accomplished.
If it crosses a line, it crosses a line. Period. And it wouldn't be quite so bad if they didn't often get special treatment from officials, too.

Different people have different lines, that's just life. If stormin went off the deep end here he would get a little lighter slap from Teh Diesel than I would if I did the same. Why? Because we've both earned it. In the game of life not everyone plays by the same rules. That's just the way it is.
The way I see it is Fran's antics are probably a little childish. I just don't care. Plus, it's fun to watch.
AD's are vastly overpaid and the majority of them are only in it for themselves.

I was never really impressed with Barta to begin with. This is a cowardly move on his part to cover his own butt.
If this some how causes Fran to leave, Barta needs to be fired. What coach is going to want to work for an AD that doesn't have his back?
barta needs to STFU and leave Fran alone. KF and Barta are to in their thinking as it is with the football program. don't need another kf on the sidelines.
If it crosses a line, it crosses a line. Period. And it wouldn't be quite so bad if they didn't often get special treatment from officials, too.

This. Either there is a line or there is no line. It can't be both and Barta should've used that tact in sticking up for Fran. To suggest that the Iowa AD should meekly accept that Izzo and Ryan can get away with it but a coach at Iowa needs public chastisement for similar behavior is ludicrous.

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