Miller: Barta Leaves Fran Hanging

If Barta (et al) focused half as much prompt attention and energy to marketing the program as he (they) just did to publicly throwing Fran under the bus, the program wouldn't be desperately trying to climb out of the debts of the unknown and irrelevant. And fans wouldn't be nearly as apathetic. Leave it to this archaic administration to try and screw up one of the few good things it has going for it.

Furthermore, a group of coaches (whom I support, for what it's worth) put a group of kids in the hospital as a result of an overly strenuous off-season workout and no such comment about "crossing the line" or "distracting from our goals" were made. Get a grip.

I stand behind Fran and, as a previous post indicated, he's the best thing to happen to Iowa basketball in a long, long time. Here's hoping Fran continues to change the culture and not apologize for it.
Barta should have handled this in private. He's freakin' private about everything else that goes on, why couldn't he have kept this private as well. As soon as the golden goose squawks, Barta turns on his own. At least that is how it appears to many. That's crass.
Real shame Barta can't support a coach who is actually showing some emotion and improvement in his particular sport.
Barta absolutely should have pointed out to Jimbo that if Izzo and the two Bo's haven't crossed the line then neither has Fran. Barta just doesn't have what it takes to do that. Instead he leaves his guy hanging.

Barta is really a tool so does that surprise you at all?
I can't believe Barta is really that clueless when it comes to leadership and managing people. Well, maybe I can. It would have been so easy for him to have his coach's back in this case, show some passion himself for Iowa athletics and demonstrate that he has a spine. He failed on all counts.

Barta's a great fundraiser? Perhaps a more appropriate position for him would be head of development for the Iowa Foundation. Hire an AD who has a pair and expects a higher level of competitiveness from his coaches and teams.
another barta bashing thread!!!! shocking!!!!

you guys have not the first clue what was said behind closed doors. if you think these public comments were the first that fran had heard from gary, you are completely clueless and have no concept of how things work. in fact, they probably discussed how it would all go down before anything was released.

how people can praise fran for acting like a child and then turn around and crush Barta is embarrassing to the fanbase.
another barta bashing thread!!!! shocking!!!!

you guys have not the first clue what was said behind closed doors. if you think these public comments were the first that fran had heard from gary, you are completely clueless and have no concept of how things work. in fact, they probably discussed how it would all go down before anything was released.

how people can praise fran for acting like a child and then turn around and crush Barta is embarrassing to the fanbase.

Thanks for posting Mr. Barta.
the image of the University comes 1st, haven't you figured this out yet. the Administration will always protect that, have you forgotten Coker already
another barta bashing thread!!!! shocking!!!!

you guys have not the first clue what was said behind closed doors. if you think these public comments were the first that fran had heard from gary, you are completely clueless and have no concept of how things work. in fact, they probably discussed how it would all go down before anything was released.

how people can praise fran for acting like a child and then turn around and crush Barta is embarrassing to the fanbase.

You are the clueless one, Gar..., er 9YRPLAN, to think there would not be blowback from the fan base and perhaps even a negative impact on recruiting for what was clearly a public smack-down of a coach working hard to rebuild a program.

Fran "acting like a child" slamming a chair to the floor to make a point to his team, which was playing poorly at that point. Puhleeze. Again, I have no doubt who the clueless one is here ...
You are the clueless one, Gar..., er 9YRPLAN, to think there would not be blowback from the fan base and perhaps even a negative impact on recruiting for what was clearly a public smack-down of a coach working hard to rebuild a program.

Fran "acting like a child" slamming a chair to the floor to make a point to his team, which was playing poorly at that point. Puhleeze. Again, I have no doubt who the clueless one is here ...

do you think its a coincidence that literally 99.99% of the sports world thinks that Fran was out of line, and that he got a terse email from perhaps the most powerful person in sports?
another barta bashing thread!!!! shocking!!!!

you guys have not the first clue what was said behind closed doors. if you think these public comments were the first that fran had heard from gary, you are completely clueless and have no concept of how things work. in fact, they probably discussed how it would all go down before anything was released.

how people can praise fran for acting like a child and then turn around and crush Barta is embarrassing to the fanbase.

We don't need to know what he said behind close doors were referring to public comments.

Thus is what were discussing
do you think its a coincidence that literally 99.99% of the sports world thinks that Fran was out of line, and that he got a terse email from perhaps the most powerful person in sports?

I'm failing to see this 99.9% in the media, coaching world or this message board.

He looked kind of silly, but beyond that this entire thing has been laughable in the dramatic proportions it has reached
do you think its a coincidence that literally 99.99% of the sports world thinks that Fran was out of line, and that he got a terse email from perhaps the most powerful person in sports?

Define "sports world." Among the Iowa fan base, which I think also is part of that world, you appear to be among the 0.01 percent that didn't approve of Fran emphatically making his point at that moment.

"most powerful person in sports"? I didn't realize Fran got an e-mail from Sepp Blatter.

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