Miller: Barta Leaves Fran Hanging

I'm failing to see this 99.9% in the media, coaching world or this message board.

He looked kind of silly, but beyond that this entire thing has been laughable in the dramatic proportions it has reached

It has only reached dramatic proportions in the minds of fans who love drama.
I'm failing to see this 99.9% in the media, coaching world or this message board.

He looked kind of silly, but beyond that this entire thing has been laughable in the dramatic proportions it has reached

Exactly. With all the reaction this has caused you'd think he'd chucked the chair across the floor. I laughed the first time I saw what he actually did. Thinking to myself, all the outrage over this?! LOL
In the end, whether you agree with it or not, the chair incident is a positive for the b-ball program. A few things are happening. 1) Whether neg or pos, it puts Iowa b-ball in the news & people will notice there has been recent success. 2) Recruits see the energy & will want to play for a coach that is fired up like that. 3) McCaffery is laying a foundation with the referee staffs so they know how he rolls which could pay nice dividends in the future. 4) Iowa seems to be relevant again.

So people, even though Barta is allegedly tried to reign in Fran, I really believe in the end it is good for the program & Barta prob realizes this. He just had to cater to Delaney on the issue.
i dont really have a problem with the chair tossing, but i realize that it was over the line. theres a reason it made ESPN, CBS, USA Today, etc. i am just not one to care about stuff like that. I was/am a huge RMK fan.
Fran got his hand slapped by his boss..........big deal...let's move on....

No he didn't, this "was clearly a public smack-down". I will be surprised if Fran can ever learn to trust Bartard again. Bartard is clearly history's greatest monster and will stop at nothing to stop the momentum that Fran has going.
Barta is a joke......I don't condone chair tossing as a sport, but to get your point across.....then by all means toss away.....LMAO
Fran got his hand slapped by his boss..........big deal...let's move on....

A "hand slap" would have been Bary Garta wandering down the hall, discussing the Delany note with Fran and telling him to be aware of his bench behavior in the future. The public statement that Fran "crossed the line" clearly was more than that, especially in the context of when it was issued (following Fran's statement that no apology was needed and that the conference shouldn't communicate with him about it.)

Delany no doubt read Fran's comments, decided he very publicly needed to communicate not with Fran directly but with Fran's boss. Garta needed to get a spine and kicked it right back at Delany. Instead, he appeared to be trumpeting (quite lamely, IMHO) to the herd.

I doubt many big benefactors of Iowa athletics achieved their success by being passive and obedient, particularly when they were dealing with failing assets. I hope some of them, at least, were rubbed the wrong way by Garta's response.
Barta is a joke......I don't condone chair tossing as a sport, but to get your point across.....then by all means toss away.....LMAO

To everyone, please be clear about what Fran did and did not do. He slammed a chair in front of his players when he was upset with their play (and perhaps their responsive to passive officiating) with a 40-point deficit. He did NOT toss a chair across the floor, endangering players and spectators, to protest the officiating, ala Robert Montgomery Knight.

A big difference.
While I do not agree with Barta's comments, I understand them,and calm down folks...this is not a hanging offense. Couple of observations:

1. Same fans that hate KF's passivity,love Fran's passion,so of course KF gets sucked into this discussion for no reason.

2. Delany was put on the spot due to the publicity of this incident. PTI,Around the Horn,U-tube sensation, BTN...everyone in sports media discussed it,so of course Delany had to respond. I thought it was a mild rebuke.

3. Barta does not seem to have any clout in the Big Ten offices when it comes to getting Iowa bb on BTN in the non-conference or even replayed anytime but 3 in the morning, and that infuriates me more than this mild wrist slap on Fran. Time for Barta to raise holy hell about Iowa BB's second class treatment on BTN.

4. Unless this actually does strain Fran's relationship with big deal,gang.

Still, good column Jon, as my reaction was the same and brilliant minds think alike.
I fail to see what the big deal is here. Everyone has limits of what is considered acceptable behavior at work. Fran crossed what his boss considers that limit. He told him so (so what if it was in public). I very much doubt that Fran sees this as the big deal that many posters here are making it.
Awesome thread. Jon puts up an opinion piece and the sheeple here take it as fact and Barta is blasted.. Good grief.
I fail to see what the big deal is here. Everyone has limits of what is considered acceptable behavior at work. Fran crossed what his boss considers that limit. He told him so (so what if it was in public). I very much doubt that Fran sees this as the big deal that many posters here are making it.

Awesome thread. Jon puts up an opinion piece and the sheeple here take it as fact and Barta is blasted.. Good grief.

At least some people get it:

"Chair slams: Iowa coach Fran McCaffery has received a lot of criticism for picking up a folding chair and slamming it into the hardwood while berating his team during a timeout in last week's 34-point loss at Michigan State. My opinion? I loved it. McCaffery didn't hurt anyone or touch a player. His passion and fire is exactly what Iowa's downtrodden team needs. McCaffery didn't apologize for the outburst. "If anybody thinks I'm going to sit there with my hands crossed when we're down by 40 [points], they've got the wrong guy," he said. Four days later, Iowa upset No. 13 Michigan."
Anyone notice Gary behind the bb player's bench tonight? Fran was being watched very closely. People really need to start calling for Barta's termination. He truly is just a little doouche in a jock's position.

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