Miller: Barta Leaves Fran Hanging

I'll tell you what....this 11-8 team is better than the product that has been on the football field the last two years. Barta is barking up the wrong tree.
Problem for me is, as I have managed some in my day. You always help the person save face in public, and scold behind closed doors. If Barta wanted to let Fran know he did not appreciate the tirade, he should have backed him in the media, and taken care of it behind closed doors. It is a fairly simple principal in the professional world, and now I am starting to get a picture of why what comes out of the Athletic dept. as far as media coverage, is **** poor managed.
Barta certainly is a high and low AD. Helps run off Alford. Makes a terrible hire in Lickliter. Gets rid of Lickliter in 3 years. Poorly handles Iowa football players getting sick affair. Hires what I think could turn out to be a steal and brilliant coach. Publicly does not back his hire after a minor chair slamming episode. I'm sure I'm forgetting some things....

Schizophrenic AD.
Ok lets not blow this little comment out of proportion. The B1G tells Barta whats up, and it all rolls downhill. Barta's not cut from the same cloth as Fran, he's soft as butter, nothing new here.

That being said, if Fran goes I'm going with him.
Why hire a coach like Fran if you don't like his actions?

True. They had to do some diligence on Fran's behavior at prior coaching stops.

I guess I personally don't care if he picked up a chair and dropped it. Frankly during that beat down, I think it took incredible restraint to stop at that.

As long as there is no suspensions or disciplinary action, I don't put much stock into the whole ordeal. Barta can say what he wants as long as he let's Fran do his job.

The whole thing is still kind of funny to me.
What are you people talking about? Yeah Fran is going to leave now. Geez this thing is being blown out of proportion.
Problem for me is, as I have managed some in my day. You always help the person save face in public, and scold behind closed doors. .

This is it, exactly...and Delany gave Barta the chance to do this with his statement that was entirely forward looking.
I think Barta is mediocre, at best, at his job.

Also, he should probably realize that he has already hired two basketball coaches. It would be unlikely that he'd be allowed to hire a third. His wagon is kinda hooked to Fran's now.
What we'll never know and what I'd love to know is when Barta talked to Fran about the convo he'd had with Delany how did that go? If when Barta left did Fran feel like he had his back or if he got the impression that he was going to publicly do what he did. If Fran felt like Barta indeed hung him out and lead him to believe he wasn't going to do that. Then Fran might not be a very happy camper to say the least. And after where this program has been and where the football team is at who's side do you all think hawkeye nation is going to be on?
Barta is a ***** and a puppet. He wouldnt have said crap had Delaney not said anything first. A f'n yes man is all he is. Leave Fran and Brands alone and continue to stroke Ferentz and his mediocrity.
anyone who knows what he was saying to his team knows it was more of a "fire up" speech then a "yell at them cause they're losing" speech. it was about them getting pushed around and them not pushing back. I think he slammed the chair to do something physical while he was yelling about being physical
People say Barta is mediocre or not good. How does one judge an AD exactly?

I've just never really found myself caring about an AD that much.
What is frustrating about the comment is that Barta can't have it both ways without people having a problem.

Hush, Hush about the cash machine that is Iowa football and all their glory, while the players have little to no character, but call Fran out...just makes no sense whatsoever.

Oh wait, it makes perfect is the moneymaker so it is untouchable.
People say Barta is mediocre or not good. How does one judge an AD exactly?

I've just never really found myself caring about an AD that much.

By the way he handles the media and the coaches he hires.

Fundraising and that isn't too difficult when the football team wins and a basketball coach that provides what Fran does comes second nature.
that matter could have been discussed at the end of season , why mess with frans formula? he`s trying to change the culture of losing seasons ,losing players to roy williams , or losing seasons.he`s trying to give iowa a name that everyone knows for great successes. GB needs to look at himself and ask himself who i wanna to be? p____ or the man who sticks it to the man...
I have watched the "chair slam" on a few occasions and I still don't have any problem with it. He was mad at his team and he should have been. This team has shown it can pay better ball and that particular game, the players were simply not into it. Yes, MSU is good ... but MSU is not that good.

I love Fran's intensity. He wants to win. He wants his players to know that losing is not okay. The culture surrounding Iowa basketball does need to change. Fran has his vision and he is simply an intense guy. So be it. Some of the players have mentioned after the fact they don't mind his intensity. One or two said they even welcome it.

What Delaney did not like is it brought national attention ... And hat Barta did not like it is brought attention from Delaney. Fran is not going to change his coaching style. Maybe he won't pick a chair up any time soon but I would be absolutely disappointed if Fran changed his style or personality because of a comment or two from Delaney or Barta.
Where is Bump Elliot when you need him? Seems to me that Barta tries to play both sides of the fence vs. taking a stand at times even though it may not please one of the parties. When he finds himself in a position to have to chose one side or the other it seems more often than not that he elects the politically correct decision that more likely pleases his superiors than his subordinates. On this front Barta reminds me more of Bob Bowlsby than Bump Elliot.

Considering some of the bad press that has grown out of some of our key programs in the last number of years this could all be attributed to a directive given years ago by those above Barta to error on the side of safety when running your show........."we don't want any more bad press".

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