Mike Woodson goes off bigtime on Fran in his post-game presser...cussing and everything

LOL His team had everything going for it but still found a way to lose, look inward sir.
Like most head coaches, Fran dislikes it when an assistant get involved in a discussion where he feels it's not the assistants business. It happened in the Illinois post game handshake line a few years ago. It happened with Howard and Gard last year.

Woodson and Indiana are still stinging from the BTT loss last year. Now, Thompson injury not withstanding, they found a way to do it again.

I got a feeling Fran is not a well liked guy among coaching circles in general. People who are honest, passionate, and frequently over the line angry generally aren't. But as a head coach that's your peragative.
I'm not gonna comment on that, because that's bullshit, that's what that is.

Way to not comment on it Woodshed.

As for the comment that Fran should have been kicked out, that might have helped us based on that last real offensive possession. Two time outs and a possession arrow and we looked more and more discombobulated each time we broke the huddle.

It wasn't until Connor's gutsy post pattern to Murray, along with clutch free throw shooting, that the game was truly sealed.

Hey, does Connor have any football eligibility left.........
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I have to agree with Woodson, Fran is nut case when he looses it. It's embarrassing and if Fran can't control his outbursts he should seek help. He's starting to remind me of Bobby Knight in his later years as a coach.
Woodson is just trying to deflect and get his fans/media focusing on Fran's antics and not question why he's sitting there on his toddler booster seat doing nothing while his team blew a 20 point lead to a team that recently lost to Nebraska and Eastern Illinois.

It's similar to James Franklin over blowing the Iowa fans booing his 'injured' players a few years ago when they blew a double digit lead so his fans/media wouldn't question why his offensive was ineffective.
I will say this....Woodson could have been more professional about his disagreements with the Fran situation.

I think tactically wise, it was a very stupid move for Fran to risk getting another technical foul in the last minute of the game in a close game. He was lucky it did not cost his team the game.
I will say this....Woodson could have been more professional about his disagreements with the Fran situation.

I think tactically wise, it was a very stupid move for Fran to risk getting another technical foul in the last minute of the game in a close game. He was lucky it did not cost his team the game.
Judging by our execution on the final possession after TWO timeouts, and the last possession at Penn State, maybe it wouldn't have been a bad idea for Fran to get lost:)

To give Fran his due however, that was gutsy to have Sandfort and Dix out there over Ulis and Perkins at the crucial juncture of the game. Auditions are open for picking up Pat's minutes and both players made huge plays down the stretch.
Judging by our execution on the final possession after TWO timeouts, and the last possession at Penn State, maybe it wouldn't have been a bad idea for Fran to get lost:)

To give Fran his due however, that was gutsy to have Sandfort and Dix out there over Ulis and Perkins at the crucial juncture of the game. Auditions are open for picking up Pat's minutes and both players made huge plays down the stretch.
Agreed. Kinda ballsy, esp Sandfort.

It was nice to see Sandfort have a decent outing for his psyche and also Perkie was able to atone for his terrible start to the game. His missed shots and turnovers, sub par D to start really helped to get us in the hole. In the first half I began to cringe everytime he touched the ball. Nice recovery, so glad he could overcome it.
I have to agree with Woodson, Fran is nut case when he looses it. It's embarrassing and if Fran can't control his outbursts he should seek help. He's starting to remind me of Bobby Knight in his later years as a coach.
I disagree with this. Fran is mostly acting. Did you see after he got the T and the ref told him to calm down and he said repeatedly "I'm fine." Guys like Fran get T ed up strategically. Yes, he wanted to get the Refs to start calling fouls the right way, but he was mostly trying to fire up his team that was lethargic at the beginning of that game. He was just as animated at timeouts. He was coaching.

Norman Dale asked to be tossed from a game ("you got pigeon shit in your eyes") so he could give Shooter the opportunity to bring home a big victory. Coaches sometimes engage a ref and ask for a T. Refs and coaches have an understanding that Ts are a part of coaching and it is usually not personal.

Bobby Knight was generally an angry person who literally lost control of his shit. He carried over his meanness to the press room, locker room and the practice floor it seems. Fran loses his shit, and 2 minutes later he can have a perfectly gentile conversation with the refs or a sideline reporter. And, Fran is a genuinely cogent and analytic person. His interactions with the press are always professional and well considered.

He looks ridiculous when he loses his shit, but most of it is playacting. Most.....
Coach W is gonna be hearing from the Commissioner after that. I suspect he might have to write a check. Personally, I appreciate his candor. I get why he feels the way that he did. But, he was criticizing the refs openly in two different situations. No no.
I will say this....Woodson could have been more professional about his disagreements with the Fran situation.

I think tactically wise, it was a very stupid move for Fran to risk getting another technical foul in the last minute of the game in a close game. He was lucky it did not cost his team the game.
Totally agree.. I think Woodson was just pissed and frustrated over his own team blowing that lead like that as much as anything. That said Fran being clear over there to begin with coulda/shoulda been enough to get him Td up again. Would love to know what all was being said but we won't...

We are really lucky that they didn't.. Those 2 pts woulda changed things. The domino effect from that woulda been hard to predict but I like how they did instead.
Last night was one of Frans best coaching performances ever.

However yeah If I'm an assistant coach and Fran comes over to me telling me not to talk to the ref.

I'd straight tell him to go mind his own fucking business and calm down.
Fran is a nutcase. A vocal minority is supportive. A silent majority by varying degrees is not supportive of the behavior.

I wish he would exemplify good ways to manage stress. Becoming an idiot to motivate people really is not productive in the Big picture.
I'm one of those guys that agree with Woodson. If the rules are going to designate coaching boxes and identify what happens when a coach leaves that box then it needs to be enforced. I'm not saying that I agree with the rule or think Fran should have been tossed or that Woodson isn't looking for excuses, but the fact is there are way too many rules in all sports. If it's not going to be enforced consistently then get rid of it. Way too many gray areas. Either act on it or get rid of it entirely, but don't create a situation such as this one where it simply becomes an excuse.
It's all an act. All of the good coaches (ever heard of a dude named Izzo) do it. It was a master class from Fran in how to manipulate the refs. Francon 1 Fran is a tool. It fired up the crowd and they were a big factor in that victory.

It's all part of the game at this level. So much of refereeing at this level is subjective. You gotta get the calls at home because you know you won't get them on the road.
Refs also have to show some discretion and realize the moment of the game. Fran had a legitimate beef that assistant coaches are not supposed to be woodshedding the refs. Refs interact with the head coach only. Fran wandering a few feet past the box to confront the situation was not the crime of the century. Emotions were high, no one did anything egregious, let the players decide the fate of the game on the court. I thought the refs did a good job there.
Fran is a nutcase. A vocal minority is supportive. A silent majority by varying degrees is not supportive of the behavior.

I wish he would exemplify good ways to manage stress. Becoming an idiot to motivate people really is not productive in the Big picture.
I usually agree with your posts but Fran is definitely not a nutcase. Very manipulative, savvy coach who is working the refs. He uses Francon 1 for special occasions.

My God...watch Izzo, Underwood and Painter. They are chirping constantly. Izzo and Underwood are nut cases too...but it is all an act. Sometimes they WANT the technical. It's only one or two points. If they awarded 5 free throws or 10, you wouldn't see it at all.
I have to agree with Woodson, Fran is nut case when he looses it. It's embarrassing and if Fran can't control his outbursts he should seek help. He's starting to remind me of Bobby Knight in his later years as a coach.

I was there last night. He almost works the officials too much where they don't take him seriously much of the time. He started real early last night within the first couple minutes of the game. Now on the play he got the T when he wanted an and one. Was that worth it? You got the bucket and putting the officials in a certain place bitching about a chance for 1 pt. Is that worth it? I dunno, but Fran often does that intentionally to get his team going. Maybe he was just taking that play to get the T.

Anyway again, he's on the officials so much, I don't think they take him too seriously and just put up and manage him throughout the game.

And yea, the officiating was pretty bad both ways last night. I don't for the life of me understand how officiating can progressively get worse each year. Ya think it would eventually get a little better. The officials think they need to be a part of the game just because they have a whistle in their mouth. There were many plays they should have just let go. They should have not called Murry on that foul late in the game and just let Indiana have the ball out of bounds under their hoop. That kind of crap.
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Fran has been a HC longer than some people on this Board have been alive. He has been a very successful head coach at a number of levels, include the B10. I trust his instincts on working the refs. At the end of the day, we won the game after a historic comeback and while missing our second best player. If you don't believe that the biggest factor in that is coaching, well, we enjoyed a different game last night.