Mike Gundy

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Rev and I aren't too far apart on this. I'm left of center politically, but I also have deep seated respect for fair coverage of news and events. Maddow is guilty of reporting with an obvious left bias while claiming balance. I don't have a problem with the left-leaning bias. I have a problem with the last part.

Rev, who would you consider Maddow's counterparts on the right?
There are many I would guess but I am not fluent on them because I seldom listen to news or watch it. I am more of a reader. I like to avoid soundbites and orchestrated productions with bias.

I listened to Maddow in small pieces over the years but she is so absurdly biased it is amazing. She appears to me to be so angry and filled with hate/revenge she is unstable. She has one theme...and plays to her audience.

I am left of center on some things but mostly identify as a social conservative. Most politicians annoy me.

Or so it seems...
Let's be honest:

Mike Gundy was just given a vasectomy on social media and on live TV.

Once he cowered, he lost his balls forever.

But these kids can go around Iowa City painting ACAB (All Cops Are Bastards), F 12 (F the Police), F^%$ the Police, and UI = KKK on everything and receive no punishment.

The iron is hot and the libs are striking.
Anarchy is always boiling under the surface of democracy. If the "mobs" are accepted as supporting One Way Think they are advertised as heroes. This in spite of the lives and businesses they destroy along their paths.
Does anyone else get annoyed when people learn a new word, then throw it around like crazy to sound clever? Whataboutism is the stupidest word I've ever heard. One person says something questionable. Another person makes a strong point as to why it's questionable. Then the first person just screams whataboutism because they have nothing logical to say back. Logic vs emotion.
Often when facts and logic hit someone in the forehead...the only choices are to be quiet and disappear or to go the Ad Hominem route...you attack the person and withdraw from the topic.

Unfortunately our culture has been in the business of teaching our society to identify as victims/excuse makers and to crave free things. Our culture has avoided teaching our citizens how to think critically, fairly and respect the views of others. Thus we have mobs of victims destroying at will. If one speaks against the destructive chaos...the discussion Goes Rachel, immediately.
Anarchy is always boiling under the surface of democracy. If the "mobs" are accepted as supporting One Way Think they are advertised as heroes. This in spite of the lives and businesses they destroy along their paths.

If Gundy's shirt had a rainbow next to the letters CNN, this would be a non-issue.

Coach supports President Trump. And that is an issue with the BLM crowd
If the kid can't live in a society with differing viewpoints then pull the scholly. Iowa should be doing that too for those that think they are bigger than the program and are dividing the team. You are entitled to your view but if it is counterproductive to the team then see ya. Inciting revolt is yes... counterproductive. You obviously don't appreciate the opportunity you've been given,... Non-racist/bigots would rather watch kids that want to be here than dividers, and the schools should be protecting their programs at this point. If anyone wonders why there was a no twitter policy and why it should be put right back in place. You tweet, you hit the bricks!
Everyone tends to overvalue their opinions. It is especially a mark of the brainwashed. Yes, we need players who want to be a part of a team and who value their personal opinions and the opinions of others. It is called respect.
Seems like Gundy had a do a lot less work to fix his problems and he got his kids to apologize for using their voice.

OAN is a problem but on the Black Lives Matter website, they call for the end of the nuclear family, ridding the country of "white supremacy" (whatever that means), and de-funding the police-a completely insane position- and those things are OK?

And when you click the donate button it redirects you to ActBlue Charities who accepts the money. Want an eye opener? Research how much money is funneled to Democratic candidates. Do most BLM donators know this is happening? I doubt it. Looks like a massive money laundering campaign by BLM and ActBlue.

BLM and all the Marxist radicals who are behind it want nothing more than to see this country burnt to the ground and are fomenting racial tensions to accomplish their end game.

Remember the Trayvon Martin case that launched BLM? What if it was all a hoax? Whenever something is begun and founded on a massive lie there should be questions galore.

If you can appreciate honest to goodness investigative journalism this is worth a watch. Hell - even if you don't it's a must see because this racial divide has to end and it begins with knowing the truth.

If Gundy's shirt had a rainbow next to the letters CNN, this would be a non-issue.

Coach supports President Trump. And that is an issue with the BLM crowd
OWT (One Way Think) The Brown Shirts used the same play book in 1930s Germany.

If you aren't OWT...we will destroy you.

Devalue, label, and demonize those who aren't OWT to justify their eventual destruction. OWT is so amazing, we are so amazing, the ends justify the means.

"Resistance is Futile"
And when you click the donate button it redirects you to ActBlue Charities who accepts the money. Want an eye opener? Research how much money is funneled to Democratic candidates. Do most BLM donators know this is happening? I doubt it. Looks like a massive money laundering campaign by BLM and ActBlue.

BLM and all the Marxist radicals who are behind it want nothing more than to see this country burnt to the ground and are fomenting racial tensions to accomplish their end game.

Remember the Trayvon Martin case that launched BLM? What if it was all a hoax? Whenever something is begun and founded on a massive lie there should be questions galore.

If you can appreciate honest to goodness investigative journalism this is worth a watch. Hell - even if you don't it's a must see because this racial divide has to end and it begins with knowing the truth.

If it serves our purpose, it is true.
It was a yes or no question. Please give it another try.

Well, Gundy has a right to wear that shirt but he also has to own any backlash. First Amendment rights does not preclude major advertisers leaving people like Tucker Carlson, Drs. Phil and Oz, and other people who step in the shit. A right to say something doesnt mean you cant be ostracized for what you say.

Yeah, you have the right to say or show some slogan or words but you can still be hammered for it in the court of public opinion and action.

Good for Hubbard and others and I have read that Gundy has "FOUND THE LIGHT" about not doing things like wearing OAN or other likewise things.

So now Gundy is showing he is two faced just to keep his prized players and his job.

I would have liked to hear T. Boone Pickens on this but too bad he is dead.
OWT (One Way Think) The Brown Shirts used the same play book in 1930s Germany.

If you aren't OWT...we will destroy you.

Devalue, label, and demonize those who aren't OWT to justify their eventual destruction. OWT is so amazing, we are so amazing, the ends justify the means.

"Resistance is Futile"
Ha. Big time hypocritical.

You're against "one way think" if it's the way you don't think.

If the "one way" of thinking was anti abortion, anti homosexual, anti secularism, you'd be all for "OWT." You'd say, "Wow! The world has finally gone right."

Opposition to "one way think " goes both ways, Kev.

You jeebus wackos have it easy. You can think all kinds of oppressive and weird stuff about gender, tolerance, morals, etc, and you get to play the excuse card that you're just doing what you interpret some book to say.

If I said I thought unicorns created the universe and everything in it, and the unicorns sent a hobgoblin to earth thousands of years ago to give us a message, and also told us that if we follow the rule book we get to go home and live in the unicorns' dimension, or else we get transported to a different one to get burned and tormented for eternity I'd get locked up involuntarily. But you get a pass. Like how does that work? Thousands of people every year say that some unicorn or hobbit or fairy spoke to them in a vision in their head telling them to go to seminary and we actually let those people give us advice and be alone with our kids.

Oh shit....I'm sorry. That was "one way thinking."
My guess is that the NCAA is going to open up a new transfer exemption immediately for those who feel aggrieved by racism and classy coaches like Nick Saban will be out there to make sure that gentlemen like this gentleman from Oklahoma State have somewhere safe to play football come the fall.
Nothing would surprise me...
Ha. Big time hypocritical.

You're against "one way think" if it's the way you don't think.

If the "one way" of thinking was anti abortion, anti homosexual, anti secularism, you'd be all for "OWT." You'd say, "Wow! The world has finally gone right."

Opposition to "one way think " goes both ways, Kev.

You jeebus wackos have it easy. You can think all kinds of oppressive and weird stuff about gender, tolerance, morals, etc, and you get to play the excuse card that you're just doing what you interpret some book to say.

If I said I thought unicorns created the universe and everything in it, and the unicorns sent a hobgoblin to earth thousands of years ago to give us a message, and also told us that if we follow the rule book we get to go home and live in the unicorns' dimension, or else we get transported to a different one to get burned and tormented for eternity I'd get locked up involuntarily. But you get a pass. Like how does that work? Thousands of people every year say that some unicorn or hobbit or fairy spoke to them in a vision in their head telling them to go to seminary and we actually let those people give us advice and be alone with our kids.

Oh shit....I'm sorry. That was "one way thinking."
Welcome back Fry, you have avoided the posts I sent that had you boxed in. Glad you are back to name calling and attacking anything with a hint of Christianity.
Welcome back Fry, you have avoided the posts I sent that had you boxed in. Glad you are back to name calling and attacking anything with a hint of Christianity.
I forgot about the one when I was travelling. I'll find it and reply; I remember the date so it'll be easy to find.

And as far as attacking Christianity, I've heard your team do sermons and some of the stuff they say about non-believers. Contrary to what you think I've done more than just a passing study and reading in that arena unfortunately. I think I was easy on you comparatively.

And I don't see what the big deal is, really...

You tell me that I'm going to go to another dimension when I die to burn, agonize, and suffer in torment to a level of anguish so monumental that our human brains can't even comprehend it, and you also think that because I refuse to believe, that I deserve it for eternity. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

All I said was that you have a mental illness. You heard a voice and had a vision (or "calling" if we're being euphemistic) telling you to do something. That's psychosis and schizophrenia, mi amigo. But you get a pass for some reason that I haven't figured out yet.

I don't think you should burn in hell even if it did exist, so who's the nicer one here?
Something I found interesting with this too is that Gundy is getting painted as that since he wears that shirt he must agree with EVERYTHING that's on that channel. How stupid of an assumption is that? Just because he may agree with some of what some of the people on that channel says sure as hell doesn't mean he does to everything they all say does it? Nobody does that for any other news channel or opinion show of any kind. Here's where that's so stupid. For those that wear Nike stuff do they all support child labor laws to be violated or are they for the causes of Kaepernick? Like which is it? We cherry pick our selective outrage...

Gundy is getting heat for not apologizing in that but what's he supposed to apologize for exactly? Wearing a shirt to go fishing in that he has every right to wear? He didn't wear it on a recruiting trip to recruit Greg Floyds son did he? He didn't wear it to some function where it'd have been inappropriate. If any kid doesn't like that the coach leans the way he does politically and that in and of itself is reason enough for them to not want to play for them then so be it. They can transfer. But man is that going to now be a question asked both ways on recruiting trips now? Where is this sort of thing heading?

The kid obviously agreed with Gundy that the way he went about blasting him on Twitter about it instead of going to him directly over it was the wrong way to do it. (Hmm where have we heard that before?)
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How dare he wear a shirt of a news source that is not owned by one of the 5 giant old line media companies, an oligarch or enlightened Silicon Valley technocrats. FIRE HIM NOW.

all must comply...do not question approved narrative...all must comply. Those who do not will be dealt with appropriately.
I forgot about the one when I was travelling. I'll find it and reply; I remember the date so it'll be easy to find.

And as far as attacking Christianity, I've heard your team do sermons and some of the stuff they say about non-believers. Contrary to what you think I've done more than just a passing study and reading in that arena unfortunately. I think I was easy on you comparatively.

And I don't see what the big deal is, really...

You tell me that I'm going to go to another dimension when I die to burn, agonize, and suffer in torment to a level of anguish so monumental that our human brains can't even comprehend it, and you also think that because I refuse to believe, that I deserve it for eternity. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

All I said was that you have a mental illness. You heard a voice and had a vision (or "calling" if we're being euphemistic) telling you to do something. That's psychosis and schizophrenia, mi amigo. But you get a pass for some reason that I haven't figured out yet.

I don't think you should burn in hell even if it did exist, so who's the nicer one here?
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