Middle Linebacker

I said this over and over again last year. But with the way things are going with this staff, expect Alston to announce he will be transferring soon.

Think Morris' father makes Kirk hesitant to pull him? When Kirk favors a player, he doesn't pull him like he should, IMHO.
I don't think Morris father handing out shoes and pads really affects Kirks decision much. Alston might transfer and that is his choice, remember when everyone wanted JC to replace Tate (I was one of the idiots that was asking for that btw)?! Might be same scenerio grass might not be greener on the Alston side of the fence.
A lot of you guys seem to be morons. James and the rest of the defense did a good job yesterday, only 17 pts given up and they got off the field and got the offense the ball for most of the game. They gave up 1 big play and 1 long drive. James wasn't perfect by any means, but the offense N Illinois runs with Zone read and passing out of it is to read the Mike backer and make him wrong on each play. Also, in the first part of the game the dline didn't particularly play well and the N Illinois line didn't have to doubleteam anyone, leaving a lineman to seal off Morris on a bunch of plays. I wouldn't recommend criticizing a player if you don't have any idea about what's going on besides "Morris didn't make any plays out there today."

Also - trust this staff to make personnel decisions. Look at Castillo. Look at Tobin. Both players have been criticized in the past. Look at this game, Tobin and Castillo may have played the best overall games of anyone vs NIU. They don't make the depth chart to screw over the talented players in favor of program guys.
Ferentz was quoted about moving Morris to the Will position. So, the talk of having a better Mike has some validity to it. Alston is that guy. He can shed blocks better. If he hadn't been banged up in camp, he would be out there playing on D, instead ofjust the special teams. Here is to his health...
Your explanation of zone reads would be worth excepting if the QB truly did make plays away from JM based on his reads...but that's not the case..the kid was around the ball all day but failed to actually be the playmaker on most... It wouldn't surprise me if the QB was actually looking for him to make plays his way...
This thread was about the Middle linebacker's play not the whole defense...

A lot of you guys seem to be morons. James and the rest of the defense did a good job yesterday, only 17 pts given up and they got off the field and got the offense the ball for most of the game. They gave up 1 big play and 1 long drive. James wasn't perfect by any means, but the offense N Illinois runs with Zone read and passing out of it is to read the Mike backer and make him wrong on each play. Also, in the first part of the game the dline didn't particularly play well and the N Illinois line didn't have to doubleteam anyone, leaving a lineman to seal off Morris on a bunch of plays. I wouldn't recommend criticizing a player if you don't have any idea about what's going on besides "Morris didn't make any plays out there today."

Also - trust this staff to make personnel decisions. Look at Castillo. Look at Tobin. Both players have been criticized in the past. Look at this game, Tobin and Castillo may have played the best overall games of anyone vs NIU. They don't make the depth chart to screw over the talented players in favor of program guys.
How we got so thin on defense...both in the line and at linebacker is a mystery. Morris is a great kid, but he's an average LB at best in the Big Ten.
Morris looks like he has added too much weight and is a little slower. I would like to see the coaches rotate alston and morris and see who should start getting the most snaps.

I really didnt see morris make a play until late in the first half.
It is BS to throw JM under the bus or to make personal attacks or question his ability or his character. The only valid points I saw were the reference to the adjustment made to have him "spy" the NIU QB, and how he seemed to get lost in the wash when players got bunched up in pursuit or took wrong angles, all of which speaks to scheme and assignment, all of which are correctable. My observation beyond this is that he got exposed for lack of a better way of putting it due to what I would kindly refer to as inept D-line play that left him on an island and led to his being forced into bad pursuit angles from which Brian Urlacher himself could not have recovered from or shed blockers any better. With improved D-line play (Alvis and Gaglione were bright spots), the rest of the defense will improve. I would hope that most Hawk fans are better than throwing a young man under the bus for not performing to their inflated expectations. GO HAWKS!!
It is BS to throw JM under the bus or to make personal attacks or question his ability or his character. The only valid points I saw were the reference to the adjustment made to have him "spy" the NIU QB, and how he seemed to get lost in the wash when players got bunched up in pursuit or took wrong angles, all of which speaks to scheme and assignment, all of which are correctable. My observation beyond this is that he got exposed for lack of a better way of putting it due to what I would kindly refer to as inept D-line play that left him on an island and led to his being forced into bad pursuit angles from which Brian Urlacher himself could not have recovered from or shed blockers any better. With improved D-line play (Alvis and Gaglione were bright spots), the rest of the defense will improve. I would hope that most Hawk fans are better than throwing a young man under the bus for not performing to their inflated expectations. GO HAWKS!!

Take it easy dude, I don't think anyone is attacking him or questioning his character. Hell, one guy said he is the kind of guy he wants his daughter to marry...now ability yes, a lot of people questioning his ability because the expectation of improved play from year to year and in some opinions, its not there...What's wrong with that? You ever had a player on a team you like that didn't appear to be cutting the mustard Or playing well? Settle down, he was stinky yesterday.. I hope he figures it out but he was stinky..
It is BS to throw JM under the bus or to make personal attacks or question his ability or his character. The only valid points I saw were the reference to the adjustment made to have him "spy" the NIU QB, and how he seemed to get lost in the wash when players got bunched up in pursuit or took wrong angles, all of which speaks to scheme and assignment, all of which are correctable. My observation beyond this is that he got exposed for lack of a better way of putting it due to what I would kindly refer to as inept D-line play that left him on an island and led to his being forced into bad pursuit angles from which Brian Urlacher himself could not have recovered from or shed blockers any better. With improved D-line play (Alvis and Gaglione were bright spots), the rest of the defense will improve. I would hope that most Hawk fans are better than throwing a young man under the bus for not performing to their inflated expectations. GO HAWKS!!

I don't speak for everyone...but it was my OP, and it wasn't a personal attack. I don't think he played well, especially on critical plays (73 td), and the their other touchdown, in addition to some blatantly poor angles and tackling at the point of attack. I, for one, hope he improves greatly. That being said...the leader of your defense...needs to lead by example. It's not going to be fun for him to watch some of that...some serious motivation should come out of it.
I don't speak for everyone...but it was my OP, and it wasn't a personal attack. I don't think he played well, especially on critical plays (73 td), and the their other touchdown, in addition to some blatantly poor angles and tackling at the point of attack. I, for one, hope he improves greatly. That being said...the leader of your defense...needs to lead by example. It's not going to be fun for him to watch some of that...some serious motivation should come out of it.

How was Morris at fault for the TD run by the RB? Morris was in position and took away the cutback lane. It was Kirksey that should have set the edge and forced the cut into Morris. As it was Kirksey was driven to the goaline by a WR blocking him. If Kirksey sets the edge, that play gains 1 or 2 yards.
After watching the game yesterday, I thought Morris had a very rough game. After re-watching it tonight, Morris' play wasn't remotely as bad as I initially thought. I think he fills too aggressively and takes himself out of plays, but overall his pursuit was really impressive. At times he has trouble getting off blocks, but re-watching the game, he was around the ball much, much more than I realized and didn't miss near as many tackles as I initially thought. Also, the kid absolutely plays his heart out and gives it everything he has. And as a general rule, it can be amazing how much differently you see a game watching it again and focusing on some different things. (For example, Hyde or Kirksey were the players that needed to shed blocks and make the play on the initial TD, though Morris could have had he taken a better angle and his first step not been forward. Hyde got chopped by a RB and Kirksey got derailed by the WR Hyde was lined up against.)
Reminder: criticism is different than insults and shots at players. We don't allow that, and the rules have been posted and stuck to the top of this forum for a long time. Violating that rule is going to result in a quick hook, which has already taken place in this thread.
Nothing wrong with Morris's effort and physical ability. It's simply a matter of lacking the instincts to play the position. After re-watching the film I saw exactly what I have seen from his play the past two years.

He lacks the natural ability to find the ball and instead often occupies himself with blockers unnecessarily or guesses by jumping into the wrong hole too early which permits the ball carrier to read him and run to the open lane for big gains.

His very best play of the game was when he was positioned outside of the tackle box and on the snap quickly stepped to the line of scrimmage. Then he was able to find the ball carrier and made a great solo tackle.

His issue is he is not capable of playing the middle linebacker spot. It requires the type of player who reads, reacts and flows to the ball naturally. We will continue to get gouged for big plays until we find another player who can play the position. The coaching staff needs to find a better position for him.

Most will laugh at this comment but if he was big enough (which he is not) he would be much better suited at defensive end where he can be up on the line of scrimmage and react. The line of scrimmage cuts down his issue of knowing where the ball is.
Nothing wrong with Morris's effort and physical ability. It's simply a matter of lacking the instincts to play the position. After re-watching the film I saw exactly what I have seen from his play the past two years. He lacks the natural ability to find the ball and instead often occupies himself with blockers unnecessarily or guesses by jumping into the wrong hole too early which permits the ball carrier to read him and run to the open lane for big gains.His very best play of the game was when he was positioned outside of the tackle box and on the snap quickly stepped to the line of scrimmage. Then he was able to find the ball carrier and made a great solo tackle.His issue is he is not capable of playing the middle linebacker spot. It requires the type of player who reads, reacts and flows to the ball naturally. We will continue to get gouged for big plays until we find another player who can play the position. The coaching staff needs to find a better position for him.Most will laugh at this comment but if he was big enough (which he is not) he would be much better suited at defensive end where he can be up on the line of scrimmage and react. The line of scrimmage cuts down his issue of knowing where the ball is.

just curious what "film" did you watch.

You and I watched a different game, I guess. And, your claim that you have been watching James for the last two years and his weaknesses are consistently exposed, frankly, makes no sense at all.

Think about it. NIU spreads the field, leaving 4 defensive linemen and Morris with no help until you get to the safety, who is 15 yards + deep. That means 5 offensive linemen + the QB and 5 defenders...pretty good odds for the O. In the first half, Morris was assigned to "walk out" to cut off passing lanes. Did not work...nothing to do with his ability. Second half: Put Morris inside and had him "spy" the QB. The stats don't lie: NIU had virtually no yardage in the second half, obviously, with the exception of the long run.

As to the long run: Look back at the film. O-line put a hat on a hat, Morris stepped inside to fill the cutback lane and the responsibility for the QB was on the safety. The safety missed the tackle and that was that.

As to other comments: Morris is NOT too small to play the Mike. The new breed of LB in the Big Ten is not 250. Check out the weights of Wisconsin's LB"s, who are listed as the top of the Big Ten. He is also pretty darn fast. (watch is pursuit) He was co-leader for tackles made last year and was the clear leader the year before. Last year he was the fifth leading tackler in the Big Ten. Shedding blocks? The job of the D line is to keep the O line off of the LB's. They do not always get that done.

Finally, Jon, thank you for doing whatever you did to get rid of the personal attacks on players. You have consisently observed this rule so violators have no excuses.
just curious what "film" did you watch.


I always get a kick out of guys claiming to watch "film". You DVR's the game and watched it again on your TV. Stop acting like your X-Box coaching experience gives you insight into how the plays are shaping up.
So you are saying he played well?...sorry but I saw very few plays made above and beyond from the defensive leader...is that to personal? I mean this is a football forum right? Besides the waste of space comment I'm reading nothing but play critiques, a lot of people hoping for his success and a lot of the same opinions...if that's not allowed here then why bother?


You and I watched a different game, I guess. And, your claim that you have been watching James for the last two years and his weaknesses are consistently exposed, frankly, makes no sense at all.

Think about it. NIU spreads the field, leaving 4 defensive linemen and Morris with no help until you get to the safety, who is 15 yards + deep. That means 5 offensive linemen + the QB and 5 defenders...pretty good odds for the O. In the first half, Morris was assigned to "walk out" to cut off passing lanes. Did not work...nothing to do with his ability. Second half: Put Morris inside and had him "spy" the QB. The stats don't lie: NIU had virtually no yardage in the second half, obviously, with the exception of the long run.

As to the long run: Look back at the film. O-line put a hat on a hat, Morris stepped inside to fill the cutback lane and the responsibility for the QB was on the safety. The safety missed the tackle and that was that.

As to other comments: Morris is NOT too small to play the Mike. The new breed of LB in the Big Ten is not 250. Check out the weights of Wisconsin's LB"s, who are listed as the top of the Big Ten. He is also pretty darn fast. (watch is pursuit) He was co-leader for tackles made last year and was the clear leader the year before. Last year he was the fifth leading tackler in the Big Ten. Shedding blocks? The job of the D line is to keep the O line off of the LB's. They do not always get that done.

Finally, Jon, thank you for doing whatever you did to get rid of the personal attacks on players. You have consisently observed this rule so violators have no excuses.
Hey ghost: Here is a lesson for you! With a DVR, you can back up and watch a play several times. You can slow it down and watch it over and over. Wow. Sounds just like film.

And, (not for ghost) I was simply thanking Jon for not allowing personal attacks. I have no problem with expressing opinions...none at all. I will, however, feel free to call you out if I disagree. Hopefully, I can do it in a logical manner...not as a personal attack. I apologize if I offended you.

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