Megan Gustafson

I'll take a crack at this one. Men are better than women at some things, women are better than men at some things, and women and men are equal at some things. Because of this, men have an advantage going after certain jobs, women have an advantage going after certain jobs, and women and men have an equal chance at certain jobs. To pretend it's unfair is kind of being out of touch with reality.

Take for instance porn stars. Women make 10 times more money than men do but you don't see the guys complaining. They understand that it's the women who bring in the money, so they are the ones who make the money. The men are just happy to have the job.
Thank you for beating me to the punch. Couldn't have worded it better frankly.

You don't see women working as trash collectors do you? What woman isn't qualified to do that? Yet few of them seem to do it. You don't see many men working as Kindergarden teachers. Many men are in education and plenty qualified yet I'm sure are passed over for females for them. We can go on and on with that with more examples.

Where you live and how flexible you are with moving makes the most difference to me on what your opportunities are. If you're a doctor in a rural area your opportunities won't be as much in a city. Common sense right? Do some injustices still happen? Of course we aren't living in a nirvanic utopia. (I made that up btw not sure if that's even a thing)
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I have read what you wrote and your ideas are unclear. So, answer a couple of questions and help me out. Do you believe that Women;s athletics are treated equally? Do you honestly think that because you know some "female docs" that means that women have equal access to opportunity? In our society the way we compensate people who have suffered damages is by compensating them financially. The University of Iowa was recently sued and lost because they treated women unfairly. They wisely settled a second lawsuit. Men have benefitted enormously by not having to compete with women for jobs and to say we've fixed a lot of that now and so everything is OK, just doesn't address all the damage. I look forward to your response.

1. Female programs are given $ to operate that they didn't bring in so I'd say they're being treated unfairly in that way. It starts and stops with that to me. Like the WNBA is subsidized by the NBA. But they are a business and can fully choose to do that if they want. But colleges use public $...
2. Yes Female docs if they are flexible with where they live should have equal access to getting jobs. Location of where you live has more to do with employment opportunities than anything else.

What are you meaning by it 'doesn't address all the damage" What do you propose needs to be done as reparations? We gave the Indians some land and ability to have casinos at either a 0% tax rate or really low. Should we give woman that too?
Don't understand why ALL women's threads get blown up by...……………….men? hmmmmm wonder why that is? I started this thread to congratulate an exceptional female Hawkeye athlete and look where it took off to. The more you talk the more you make my point for me. Thankfully there are quite a few of us that always don't look to the snarky side and give credit to this very hard working young lady. You should watch her play sometime. Megan would make you proud that she's a Hawkeye!
I watch the women play whenever I can. And by "whenever I can" I mean whenever they're on TV and no one is around to see me watching.
I'll be honest, I don't follow the women's team all that close and have only seen Megan play in passing over the years. What she has done in the college game is pretty remarkable and whether you're a fan of the sport or not, it's great recognition for the state, the university, and for Megan.

Not sure if mentioned yet as I breezed through most of this thread but she is a projected 1st round pick as well (only 12 teams) per draftsite and worst case 2nd round pick on other sites. It's been a while since someone from the men's team has been drafted...

Megan is a once in a lifetime athlete and what a great reflection on the U of I. So glad she is a HAWKEYE! We are witnessing history. What other athlete EVER has been such a dominating force for the Hawks in any sport? I love to watch em when on and would love to see in person. I coached HS softball and have a great appreciation for female athletes. Had girls that worked their asses off and were rewarded by their successes.
Megan is a once in a lifetime athlete and what a great reflection on the U of I. So glad she is a HAWKEYE! We are witnessing history. What other athlete EVER has been such a dominating force for the Hawks in any sport? I love to watch em when on and would love to see in person. I coached HS softball and have a great appreciation for female athletes. Had girls that worked their asses off and were rewarded by their successes.
Barry Davis. But your point stands. Megan has been one hell of a Hawkeye.

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