Marcus Smart shoves a fan

Your wrong with that assessment..

How many times have we seen a player react this way in college basketball? Smart is the only one that comes to mind. We're talking about one guy out of however many thousands of athletes. There is absolutely a higher percentage of fans who behave this way, than there are players who react to that behavior this way.
When did I say high majority or even majority? I said higher percentage of fans act like or similar to that guy than the percentage of players physically attacking fans. But I guess reading isn't everyone's strong suit.

I misunderstood and your right Foval. That said just like with everything people got to throw the jab in and dumb the other person down, anyway your right I was wrong.
How many times have we seen a player react this way in college basketball? Smart is the only one that comes to mind. We're talking about one guy out of however many thousands of athletes. There is absolutely a higher percentage of fans who behave this way, than there are players who react to that behavior this way.

Your right. Thanks tm..
I misunderstood and your right Foval. That said just like with everything people got to throw the jab in and dumb the other person done. Seriously Gotta love it.

I know and if I had said that to your face you probably would have said something back or wanted to do something back...yet everyone wants the player to not react...again I am surprised this doesn't happen more as there are jerks that act like that guy.
I know and if I had said that to your face you probably would have said something back or wanted to do something back...yet everyone wants the player to not react...again I am surprised this doesn't happen more as there are jerks that act like that guy.

I agree man!
Odds would agree especially when you have 15,000 fans versus 28 to 30 players. However I would add that my personal experience doesn't agree with your comment on the games I've attended over the years. I've not seen a high percentage of fans acting like that. I would also ask that you look at the other video's of this Fan (Texas A&M game for reference) dude is a TOOL..

The fat boy is a BullyBoy who loves to show how bad he is by belittling players. His wife acted outraged like it was the first time. What a pair of losers. Bet they would be a fun couple to hang around with. Smart definitely overreacted. Have to have thicker skin than that in college and pro sports, but I don't entirely blame. The fan seems to be a pro at provocation.....

Fan should be banned from the arena, but he has the big money seats so he can do no wrong......

True meeting of the minds, fat bully vs hotheaded basketball player with racial difference thrown in for good measure....

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Oklahoma State told's Gary Parrish that the school will hold a press conference at 6 p.m. ET on Sunday. Smart will attend the press conference along with OSU coach Travis Ford. Smart is expected to make a statement but not take questions. This comes on the heels of reports in which Smart alleges a racial slur was used against him just before his shove against a fan late in OSU's loss at Texas Tech.
Oklahoma State told's Gary Parrish that the school will hold a press conference at 6 p.m. ET on Sunday. Smart will attend the press conference along with OSU coach Travis Ford. Smart is expected to make a statement but not take questions. This comes on the heels of reports in which Smart alleges a racial slur was used against him just before his shove against a fan late in OSU's loss at Texas Tech.

VIDEO: Marcus Smart shoves fan near end of OSU loss at Texas Tech -

If true I have no problem with what Smart did. Fans need to cheer for their team and STFU when it comes to the away team. It's actually pretty sad grown adults acting like 7 year olds. He should get his seats taken away and if he wants to go to games he has to sit in the last row of the stands.
If true I have no problem with what Smart did. Fans need to cheer for their team and STFU when it comes to the away team. It's actually pretty sad grown adults acting like 7 year olds. He should get his seats taken away and if he wants to go to games he has to sit in the last row of the stands.

I agree with this..
Smart should get suspended a game or two... but its not like he really hurt/hit the guy or anything... wasn't much to it.

Depending on what they guy said - the fan should have his seats removed.
Like I said we need more of this, not less. Boorish bullying fans deserve to get beotchslapped by these players. This chunky pasty TT tool deserves a full metal @$$ kicking, not just a shove.
Smart should get suspended a game or two... but its not like he really hurt/hit the guy or anything... wasn't much to it.

Depending on what they guy said - the fan should have his seats removed.

Like I said we need more of this, not less. Boorish bullying fans deserve to get beotchslapped by these players. This chunky pasty TT tool deserves a full metal @$$ kicking, not just a shove.

I think Smart needs to face a pretty stiff penalty. I can understand why he did it, but there has to be a zero-tolerance policy for this. Otherwise, the next time might be much, much worse.

That said, the fan should also face a very stiff penalty. There should be a zero-tolerance policy for that kind of behavior, too.
Yeah, you can't have dudes attacking fans and Smart should be suspended for it for a long time. However, I have no moral issue with him pushing (or doing more) to a guy who said something racial too him.
The fan needed to be ejected from the game and he needs to be banned from games. But because this is about money and not the sanctity of sport or the student/athlete the only one that will get any punishment is the player who is 19 yrs old. I am not saying he was ok in what he did but how many overreact when they are 19 or 20? The biggest penalty should be laid on the fan who crossed a line.
Suspend Smart for a bunch of games and ban the old dude for life (if he said something racial, we have no clue what the dude said)
He cant push a fan, period. Absolutely not acceptable.

That being said, that guy and the old lady getting right into his face are horrible excuses for human beings. Lucky for him he has money to buy good tickets so he can say horrible things to athletes because if he walked up to someone on the street and said the that to someone he'd probably end up in the hospital.
That weird short haired blonde lady with the glasses annoyed me more than anyone with her dumbfounded open mouth and extended pointing.

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