Marcus Smart shoves a fan

lol also... so someone being a bigot or bully or whatever they do... apparently in your world this is much less than childish shove.

If he beat him down to the ground maybe... but you are being such a simpleton on this.

Am I?
We are discussing the one that answered words with physical violence.

If Smart had said something to Ole' Jellyroll and Jellyroll responded by assaulting Smart, we'd be talking about Jellyroll.

Essentially, our attention in either case would be directed at the person who escalates the situation to physical violence.

Smart is in a high pressure situation and adrenaline is flowing and the guy touched a nerve. Again I am amazed this doesn't happen more. I was a college athlete and have been through the calls...we're you? I never did anything like this but I wanted to. I would bet if you were in a high pressure situation and someone was heckling you up and they touched a nerve it would be hard for you to stop factor in all he negative press smart gets and I bet it is hard for him. Most people don't understand the public critique these players go through as we have never had it. It would be stressful and the fans create the monsters so we can bring them down.

i would love to see how all of us do working for 2 hours and giving our best and all while you do it have people calling you a piece of s*** and other things...I would bet almost all would want to physically so something and many would.

words affect people and instigate situations just as much as physicality...actually more. How many are called fat and then become anorexic? But it is ok because it was words and not physical? Neither is ok and words can do just as much damage (look at all the verbal abuse that people deal with and how much counseling they need). To act like the physical is much much worse is actually wrong.
Here is the bigger problem...a higher percentage of fans act like that jerk than the percentage of players that act like smart. But which one are we discussing. We need to shape the conversation correctly. And many fans need to ask themselves if they have ever said things like that guy did during a game. And realize no player came after them even though the player probably wanted to and even sometimes should have.

Odds would agree especially when you have 15,000 fans versus 28 to 30 players. However I would add that my personal experience doesn't agree with your comment on the games I've attended over the years. I've not seen a high percentage of fans acting like that. I would also ask that you look at the other video's of this Fan (Texas A&M game for reference) dude is a TOOL..
So I take it you haven't seen the other crap he has done in other games. This is not the first time he has acted a fool. He is clearly a ****** Bag and TT officials should act.

So acting a fool at sporting events means you should get shoved by players.
So acting a fool at sporting events means you should get shoved by players.

No like I stated earlier Smart never should have done what he did.

Today, 09:27 AM

HN LegendJoin DateOct 2009LocationOwatonna, MNPosts5,683

[h=2]Re: Marcus Smart shoves a fan[/h]
Smart should be suspended the rest of the year and Anything less that is a slap on the wrist. I don't care what was said to him, you don't cross that line.

Jeff Orr should be suspended from attending the remainder of the games this season and next, When his suspension is complete he returns and gets new seats well away from the court.​

Odds would agree especially when you have 15,000 fans versus 28 to 30 players. I also would add that my experience doesn't agree with your comment on the games I've attended over the years. I've not seen a high percentage of fans acting like that. I would also ask that you look at the other video's of this Fan (Texas A&M game for reference) dude is a TOOL..

So you don't hear fans call a player a piece of s*** or flip them off at watch very few games then.
This guy has been contacted by school officials before. He is kind of famous for being a d-bag.

I've went to Iowa b-ball games for 25 years never heard of anything like that..

Oh. What they just had on espn was school officials saying they have never had a problem with him before
I don't think the NCAA or the Big12 can let this go without very stiff penalties. I would tell Tech to ban that fan for life from the arena. No matter what else, this guy has been known for years to be an instigator, get rid of him forever. He obviously is the person who started it.

Second, Smart needs to be suspended very harshly, maybe even the rest of the year. You can not have player going into the stands after fans for ANY REASON. I don't care what they say, period, end of story. It puts the PLAYERS in danger, the fans in danger, and is an all around bad situation.
Not the High Majority that you claim does it no Sorry..

When did I say high majority or even majority? I said higher percentage of fans act like or similar to that guy than the percentage of players physically attacking fans. But I guess reading isn't everyone's strong suit.
& Orr says he didnt. Who do we believe?

It's obviously all circumstantial, but let's look at the evidence we have.

1. It's reasonable to assume that the fan had to have said something pretty serious to elicit a reaction like that.

2. The guy has admitted he said something he shouldn't have. He denies it was racial or vulgar, but come on. It's not like he's got any reason to lie about that now that everyone and their dog knows who he is.....oh, wait.

3. This fan has a history of being a *********.

4. Smart says it got racial.

None of that is concrete, but I'd lean towards believing Smart's version of the events.
How do you know that there were racial slurs? If he was yelling that wouldnt other people that were there speak out?

Yes, because his family/friends and other Tech fans are likely to do that. It's not like he was sitting next to the head of the ACLU.

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