Man was that a dirty clown outfit or what?!

1) I didn't think there was anything dirty or that bad even. It's a rivalry that got chippy. Shocker.
2) ISU definitely initiated the nonsense. But I don't blame them for trying to intimidate what most of us has considered a soft team, over the years.
3) I think most people misunderstood what Prohm was doing, when he put his hands on Iowa's players and got in close. It was obvious to me that he was whispering in their ears, looking for his next transfer prospect. That's to be expected.
I loved that Jordan took that layout at the end. Prohm was telling his players to lay off, and they kept being bitches and trying to hack and steal. Don't tell me you can't try to score, if ISU is gonna keep hacking and grabbing. Then at the end with Connor was total Bush league bull shit.
We were under no 'obligation' to hold that ball and take a shot clock violation at that point. If he'd have shot it way early in the shot clock that'd be one thing but it was running down under 5 I think. No probs at all with that
Spot on everyone except Bryce"C" for Clueless. That was lame ass shit and punksterisms out of the old Big East.

I will say when Iowa got up 20 points the Clowns went into even more thuggery muggery and the refs let them do it for about 3 minutes which was bad and caused a lot of hawk turnovers. Finally the crowd and Fran etc got on the refs enough they had to call a better game. And what was with the refs calling back to back fouls on hawk defensive rebounds who had absolute position, terrible, and probably bad both ways. Fire that crew.

That shit at the end was totally bush. Most players are shaking hands with 2 seconds left and a 14 point differential
Yeah that last one was beyond a head scratcher. I thought their kid was holding ours down from behind not letting him go get the rebound. I couldn't see it but our guy had inside position it made no sense to call the foul on him. I'd have been pissed at that too if I was Fran.
7 games is a lot for a suspension. Sounds like it should of been a dismissal instead.

Grainy surveillance video = benefit of the doubt.

A college coach a hot head towards the refs, Noooooooooooooooo, your kidding? Christ, don't act like he's throwing chairs or throwing punches at others. Does he have passion and show emotion, yes, nothing wrong with that.

Seriously, who would you rather have on the sideline, an emotionless Todd Lickliter or a coach with passion who has his team's back. I like people like you who beeeotch about coaches like Fran McCaffery, but if he ended up coaching your team, then all of a sudden he's fine. There are many teams that would like a coach with his passion. Don't confuse with with being disruptive or destructive. Not even a comparison.

He's literally done that.
Once again, making this about Fran, WHEN FRAN DID NOTHING WRONG AT ALL.

This is about the Clown players and Prohm, this is all on them. If Fran and his players came into Ames and pulled that bullshit all of Clown nation would be up in arms about it.

In this game, you are correct, I don't think Fran did anything wrong. He was totally fine. Again, I am not saying he did. Jesus you love putting words in people's mouths.
In this game, you are correct, I don't think Fran did anything wrong. He was totally fine. Again, I am not saying he did. Jesus you love putting words in people's mouths.
Love that you keep coming back for more. Gotta say you are the only clown that makes any sense and the only clown that comes back no matter the outcome. I'll give you that.
In this game, you are correct, I don't think Fran did anything wrong. He was totally fine. Again, I am not saying he did. Jesus you love putting words in people's mouths.

No way did the refs cost us the game.

The mccafferys are classless.

What did the McCaffery's do exactly in that game to be "classless"? It was Shayok, Jacobson and Prohm that were classless in that game.