Man was that a dirty clown outfit or what?!

What did the McCaffery's do exactly in that game to be "classless"? It was Shayok, Jacobson and Prohm that were classless in that game.

I made a mistake here, and I think we're talking past each other. I was confusing this thread with the other that was saying there was a program wide lack of class with Prohm and ISU, which I completely disagree with, and I was responding talking program wide. In this specific game, I don't think they did anything particularly bad, although some would argue taking the team off the floor without a handshake and the elbow were classless I think all that stuff is overblown and no big deal.
I made a mistake here, and I think we're talking past each other. I was confusing this thread with the other that was saying there was a program wide lack of class with Prohm and ISU, which I completely disagree with, and I was responding talking program wide. In this specific game, I don't think they did anything particularly bad, although some would argue taking the team off the floor without a handshake and the elbow were classless I think all that stuff is overblown and no big deal.

Fran had no choice but to take his team off the court, it was the only option to him really. At that point who knows what else the ISU players or coaches are going to do? I mean they instigated on incident during the game, another as the game was finishing up, he didn't want to risk them pulling more crap after the game.
Heck the clown coach was on the floor more than his team. Running up and down the floor like an idiot. By the way he never grabbed his players and got them off the floor. Just running around like a spaz! In fact he would of looked good with a clown suit on running around the floor. Honk Honk Honk!
This is the time of year I wish I were a Clone or Fucksers fan.

So much candy AND nuts in those Christmas stockings. It’s all so festive.

And the school colors are more Christmasy than Iowa colors, too.

Yeah, I've already heard that one. "Too bad we didn't have Wiggington." I said, "Yeah, too bad you didn't have Purdy too."
I made a mistake here, and I think we're talking past each other. I was confusing this thread with the other that was saying there was a program wide lack of class with Prohm and ISU, which I completely disagree with, and I was responding talking program wide. In this specific game, I don't think they did anything particularly bad, although some would argue taking the team off the floor without a handshake and the elbow were classless I think all that stuff is overblown and no big deal.
A reasonable take. Pemsl certainly didn't help matters. But I'm kinda glad he did what did. This team needs some attitude. As for Fran taking his team off the floor, I think it was the right thing to do. Things were escalating at that moment and easily could've gotten waaaay out of hand.

I was impressed with TC's leadership. He was a peacemaker in the middle of both little skirmishes.

What I'd like to know, is that typical for Prohm? I don't see a lot of isu bb, but I've never seen that side of him. Not that he did anything wrong, I've just never seen him running onto the court like that. He seems like a pretty even keel guy.