Lunatic Fringe

I say instead of spending more time debating this, we should go to Legacy and I will hit drives into your nuts from 10 feet away. That would take care of two obsessions, mine with golf and yours with hurting your nuts.

derp derrrrrrrrp derp
The question that was asked was if I felt fans would be upset with 7 wins this year. It was not are fans going to be happy with 7 wins a year as a norm for the program.

IMO, the problems this team has right now are fairly obvious and they are not small problems. When you have a DL that may be your weakest group in over a decade, it's a fundamental issue of being able to stop the run, or not.

So if some folks are expecting (again, EXPECTING) this team to win 9 games this year, they are their own worst enemy. While it's not impossible for that to happen, to EXPECT it seems a bit foolish. Just my take. I am sure that if you email KXNO, they will give you a refund.

Do they charge you to be on the radio? They don't charge me to listen. Wow you get screwed.

Who is responsible for the issues with the D Line? Would you say it had anything to do with RK being given too much time? Do you think all the changes besides Norm just happened to be coincedence or did someone realize where this program was headed?

Jon, I understand your need to defend this program but I have no idea why the rest of the people do. Why if people ask the tough questions are the labeled a Clone Fan by most of the superstar Legends on here? I guess I'm tired of you always throwing out the Lunatic phrase when you know that people are going to question the program.

One last question. Are you happy with the program the last 7 years?
Are we still using tired phrases like 'lunatic fringe' and 'jhadic wing' that Deace threw out there a decade or so a go? As I stated in a previous post I probably should not be disappointed in a 6 or 7 win season, but I will be. If it makes me a kool-aid drinker so be it.
some of you guys like cory really need something to do.

btw, great analogy of the nads in the silverware drawer. that is what this site has become.
I expect us to win 9 games this season. If we don't I will be disappointed. it sucks to get any loss. I will not meltdown. I will not think that if Ferentz was making 2.5 instead of 3.5 I would feel better about it.

Go Hawks
Are we still using tired phrases like 'lunatic fringe' and 'jhadic wing' that Deace threw out there a decade or so a go? As I stated in a previous post I probably should not be disappointed in a 6 or 7 win season, but I will be. If it makes me a kool-aid drinker so be it.

We can all agree that jon's friend steve deace is a tool and the leader of his own "lunatic fringe" but have to say- I like this Cory fella...
I think 7 wins is very possible for Iowa Football. High expectations with a new coaching staff. Going 7-5 and onto a bowl game is better than going 6-6 or even worse. I hope 7 wins will NOT become the norm for the next few years, but only time will tell.
Do they charge you to be on the radio? They don't charge me to listen. Wow you get screwed.

Who is responsible for the issues with the D Line? Would you say it had anything to do with RK being given too much time? Do you think all the changes besides Norm just happened to be coincedence or did someone realize where this program was headed?

Jon, I understand your need to defend this program but I have no idea why the rest of the people do. Why if people ask the tough questions are the labeled a Clone Fan by most of the superstar Legends on here? I guess I'm tired of you always throwing out the Lunatic phrase when you know that people are going to question the program.

One last question. Are you happy with the program the last 7 years?

You're always just one step behind, aren't you?

Open letter to HawkeyeNation> Cory doesn't get sarcasm.
I don't expect Iowa to win 9, but I see it as an optimistic goal and I hope like hell for it...I'll put it this way...I don't go into ANY game resolved to the fact that the Hawks are going to lose it...does that make me a lunatic who predicts an undefeated season? Not at fact, my feeling about "The Fringe" (there, the term is officially updated! happy now?) is that they are the gloom and doomers who feel that every loss should be the end of the KF Era and that this program is free falling to the bottom of the conference and "Kurt" is overpaid...

So if anything, I think Jon used the wrong term and should have said it's us Kool-Aid drinkers who are hoping for/expecting a 9 win season and "The Fringe" doesn't care about number of wins so much as they erupt and burn the house down with every loss...
Iowa football is what it is right now. The situation we are in where our ceiling is 7 wins is tough to stomach.

7 wins isn't the ceiling. i'd say its a realistic prediction (most years with our talent and recruiting base.) I love kf bc he has rarely finishes below it and has surpassed it enough to let me believe that the ceiling on any year can be a bcs bowl. that doesn't mean though that I can realistically predict or expect a bcs bowl, just appreciate it when it happens.
Wow. Once again I'm totally amazed at the name calling. For no good reason, except this irrational group think of "I'm smarter than you are."
Wow. Once again I'm totally amazed at the name calling. For no good reason, except this irrational group think of "I'm smarter than you are."

First of all, who is calling the guy names? Second of all, you really were not expecting sarcastic responses in a thread titled "Lunatic Fringe"?
Please explain 2010 and 2011.

Cory, weren't you watching the games in 2010. Two big injuries to the offensive line hurt the overall offensive consistency the last half of the season. Someone in this thread said KF gets a pass on injuries, was that you?

2011 was a coaching staff problem leading up to a weaker defensive line but again Mike Daniels was nicked all year and some say had a torn muscle. With the defense not playing up to par the normally underscoring coached offense didnt score enuf points.
Do they charge you to be on the radio? They don't charge me to listen. Wow you get screwed.

Who is responsible for the issues with the D Line? Would you say it had anything to do with RK being given too much time? Do you think all the changes besides Norm just happened to be coincedence or did someone realize where this program was headed?

Jon, I understand your need to defend this program but I have no idea why the rest of the people do. Why if people ask the tough questions are the labeled a Clone Fan by most of the superstar Legends on here? I guess I'm tired of you always throwing out the Lunatic phrase when you know that people are going to question the program.

One last question. Are you happy with the program the last 7 years?

Here is the problem with the lunatic fringe, Cory. It has multiple sides, and your constant badgering on here puts you at the other end. So from those of us in the middle that can see both sides you can rest assured there are people on the opposite side on the fringe as well.
I believe that this indeed will be a rebuilding year. I also think that a 7 win season during a rebuilding year is a very good thing.

I think that the real issue that these member of the "lunatic fringe" have, is that we are coming off of two 7 win seasons that had high expectations and rightfully so. The last two seasons were major disappointments by two teams and coaching staffs that underachieved. If we had won 9-10 games each of the last two seasons like we should have, then this season would not be setting up for a letdown, and fans would be OK with 7 wins. The reality is that we are now going on 3 seasons of mediocrity.

I see no problem with fans expecting more and being disappointed when there is glaring underachievement. Obviously there are those fans who think the sky is falling every other day and believe that Iowa should contend for a National Championship every year. They are unrealistic and setting themselves up for disappointment. That being said I think the the fans who get bent out of shape every time someone questions KF or the Hawkeye program and only respond with "durr derp durr" are equally unrealistic. KF is a public figure who makes $4 mil a year. He is a big boy and should be able to take criticism. He should be held to higher standards. I assume he holds himself to higher standards.

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