Lowe requests transfer

I'm no attorney but will play a member of the jury, here ...

What exactly is there to sue over?
-- Medical expenses? Covered and paid.
-- Loss of income? How can this be proven, at this point in time? Seems to me the only argument could be made if he is still unable to perform due specifically to the long-term, irreversible effects of rhabdo at any level of professional football, permanently. This is something that could not be known until at least next spring, when he would be preparing for a shot at the NFL. How can it be proven that he was ever going to be good enough to play professionally? All present and recent evidence (failure to progress on the depth chart and actually being passed over before the rhabdo occurred) suggests otherwise.
-- Punitive damages? Generally these are awarded due to negligence and / or intent, both of which have been dismissed by independent review.

I'm sure there are plenty of attorneys and court rooms that will entertain a lawsuit but I'm struggling to see the integrity of the case.

*IF* another doctor were to find that permanent damage has occured (say his liver will never recover and never function properly again), there *might* be something be a case for a suit. I would think that they would have to prove that the damage negates the ability to do a job (such as the NFL) that he could have done if the damage hadn't occured (and, of course, he would have to prove that the UofI was responsible for the damage). Tough sell, I would imagine. Then again, there are lawyers that will sue for anything...
He better not be building up for a lawsuit to seek damages....

Or what? You're going to give him the what-for on a message board?

Let the kid do what he wants here. I can't say I blame him if he's lost trust in the coaching staff. And if he still feels like something is wrong (like being down 20 pounds and have chronic headaches), and he was cleared by the medical staff, then I don't blame him for feeling like perhaps he can't trust them either. His health comes first.
Mike's post was so stupid I just assumed it was sarcasm.

That may just be wishful thinking on your part. I agree it's hard to pick up sarcasm from the typed word, but I wasn't catching a sniff from that at all - along with many other mind boggling posts on this topic.

Some pretty cold, heartless trash directed towards a young man in the program you all supposedly love.
So let me get this straight. Kid plays for Iowa, kid gets rhabdo while doing a workout for Iowa and says he doesn't feel physically able to play so a few of you instantly jump to the conclusion that it's because he got passed on the depth chart and he wants to cash in - proceed to demonize him as weak and money grubbing.

I can't do anything but shake my head in disgust at that.

Standard when someone leaves.

"We didnt need Guerrero anyways. He is too short."
"Payne wasnt that good, so its for the better."
"Lowe wasnt going to play and he is now scum."
"Wegher is worthless, just ask OK."
"Arob wasnt even that good."
"DJK doesnt belong in any Iowa record book."
That may just be wishful thinking on your part. I agree it's hard to pick up sarcasm from the typed word, but I wasn't catching a sniff from that at all - along with many other mind boggling posts on this topic.

Some pretty cold, heartless trash directed towards a young man in the program you all supposedly love.

It may be wishful thinking. I just figured he was playing off of all the over-the-top negativity from during the season. Sentiments like what he expressed weren't exactly rare in November.
I assume this is being typed from your couch with the hand that isn't covered in Cheeto dust. If you honestly think this is the correct course of action and stand to take on then topic, then.... I honestly just feel sorry for you.

These are kids out there working their ***** off to perform for not only themselves and their team, but for the fans. 13 of them put enough into it that it landed them in the hospital for over a week and yet you sit here and berate them from the anonymity of your keyboard. What a joke.

Look punk, I don't come here to be insulted by anonymous internet tough guys like you. And for your information I haven't had a cheeto in roughly seven years, not a fan of them.
Local sports talk media is really going to earn their pay the next few days. Surprisingly this morning Chris Williams was filling on for Travis Justice and he was actually sticking up for Iowa. Probably just doing it because he knows if he rails on us his car will get a Molotov in the front seat.

Nobody has all of the facts right now so its pointless to go overboard with speculation, especially over the air. Williams isnt a jerk like Perrault, who we know would have gone completely crazy over this. Props to CW for having a level head and not making a huge scene over this.
It has more to do with the fact he was getting jumped on the depth chart by more talented underclassmen than Rhabdo.

Just like Jon Beautjer got knocked the 'eff out but didn't transfer until weeks later which also just happened to be the day after the starting QB was selected.
If I went through this, got cleared by the medical staff but still didn't feel quite right, I absolutely would want another opinion. I would imagine that something like this is quite scary. None of them picked up on any indications during the workout (the workout was hard, but everything felt "normal"). Then, suddenly, you are ******* brown and you find out that your muscles are being broken down and endangering your liver/etc. How do you know what you look/feel for when nobody seems to be able to tell you what the warning signs are? If Lowe is concerned, he should absolutely get another opinion. Wouldn't you?

It would depend on the symptoms. I'd be more concerned about any symptoms relating to kidney and/or liver function. It's not clear-cut, at least to me, that headaches would be enough of a tell-tale symptom for me to be worried about it.
Standard when someone leaves.

"We didnt need Guerrero anyways. He is too short." Don't think anyone ever said we didn't need him
"Payne wasnt that good, so its for the better." Meh, was he?
"Lowe wasnt going to play and he is now scum." He wasn't going to play, but I don't think the majority think he is scum...
"Wegher is worthless, just ask OK." On the field? No. Off? Eh, certain signs seem to point that way
"Arob wasnt even that good." Def not as good as we have now.
"DJK doesnt belong in any Iowa record book."I think he does. I know some Iowa ppl don't feel that way. But only some.
This. I wish we would have kicked all the players that ended up in the hospital off of the team. If you can't stay in shape over a three week break that really shows your dedication to the team. We need to cut the weak links before we have another season full of 4th quarter collaspes.

Have any Hawks who have ever went to the NFL ended up in the hospital after doing the same workout? Nope, but underachieving guys like Bernstein and Lowe end up there, I don't think thats a coincidence.

Classy response. Are we seriously getting to the point where we're that delusional of a fanbase? It's not like these guys "quit" the workout. Pushing yourself to the point where you end up hospitalized for a week isn't exactly a sign of weakness.
I'll be the first to admit that I have no idea how intense these workouts were and have never completed one of these workout sessions. That said, it's amazing how many guys on this site feel that they are in the best shape of their lives and feel they could will their bodies through a workout that put 13 guys in the hospital (in shape or not is irrelevant at this point).
Maybe my black and gold blinders aren't as thick as some of yours, but if you seriously can't understand how spending a week in a hospital, (as a result of a team related workout) might be enough of a life changing event to question whether you want to remain with the program or not I pity that person.
Classy response. Are we seriously getting to the point where we're that delusional of a fanbase? It's not like these guys "quit" the workout. Pushing yourself to the point where you end up hospitalized for a week isn't exactly a sign of weakness.
I'll be the first to admit that I have no idea how intense these workouts were and have never completed one of these workout sessions. That said, it's amazing how many guys on this site feel that they are in the best shape of their lives and feel they could will their bodies through a workout that put 13 guys in the hospital (in shape or not is irrelevant at this point).
Maybe my black and gold blinders aren't as thick as some of yours, but if you seriously can't understand how spending a week in a hospital, (as a result of a team related workout) might be enough of a life changing event to question whether you want to remain with the program or not I pity that person.

You will have to ignore HawkeyeMike, for he knows not what he types.

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