Lowe requests transfer

Could him being jumped on the depth chart have anything to do with him being down 20 lbs, suffering from headaches and feeling physically unable to perform?

I'm not an Iowa fan by any means, but give the guy a break, he spent over a week in the hospital with a serious ailment. He may be medically cleared to live a normal life at this point in time, but college football is anything but normal to say the very least.
Did you read the name of this website when you signed up? If you are not an Iowa fan, go somewhere else.
I heard from folks close to the program that the parents of a few of the players were considering the option of "cashing in." I'm willing to bet that Lowe may have been one of them.

And yeah, he was buried in the depth chart and had repeatedly gotten passed on the depth chart even when he was healthy. If he was high on the depth chart, there is no way that he would have been doing this.

Hearsay AND wild conjecture in the same post - well played!

90% of you in this thread need to take the black and gold glasses off for 2 seconds and get a grip on reality and realize how you are sounding right now. If you were reading this on an O$U board, there would be a long thread about how disgusting this all was.

I love the Hawks as much as the next guy, but at some point you have to be able to look at things with a little bit of objectivity and realize that the university/program has put itself in a pretty serious situation here by what they put these kids and their families through.
I wouldn't use the term easy payday. Nothing easy about what they went through. I don't really fault the coaches, it was an accident, it happened, and nobody knows why exactly. But to take a shot at the players who suffered (still suffering) through it, is pretty low. The truth is there is a decent chance of a lawsuit, and that definitely has me concerned. We'll be talking about this 2 years from now still, unfortunately. Hopefully the other players are doing better than Lowe. But I don't like how it was said all players were pretty much healthy and ready to go and now we are hearing otherwise.

I agree there is a strong chance of a lawsuit or two, but after the initial burst of publicity I would expect they will disappear from the public discourse pretty quickly. After discovery and negotiations, I would expect all suits to be resolved and the settlements sealed, with mutual agreement to keep the details confidential. I doubt any of the settlements -- handled by the athletic department's liability insurer -- are going to be bank-breakers.
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Was there ever a complete list of all the players who were hospitalized released? As I've said from the beginning I'd like to see all these guys gone. Need to get rid of the weak, out of shape players. Cut the fat!
Was there ever a complete list of all the players who were hospitalized released? As I've said from the beginning I'd like to see all these guys gone. Need to get rid of the weak, out of shape players. Cut the fat!
Local sports talk media is really going to earn their pay the next few days. Surprisingly this morning Chris Williams was filling on for Travis Justice and he was actually sticking up for Iowa. Probably just doing it because he knows if he rails on us his car will get a Molotov in the front seat.
Fact: When it was first suggested Lowe might leave, the consensus on this board was that he was slipping down the depth chart and likely to even get passed by the incoming freshmen. Fact: This was before any Rhabdo connection was made. Fact: The Rhabdo case has been attributed to the strenuous leg workout. Fact: There were significant injuries.

Assumption/Conjecture: Everything else.
law suits and eligibility

Here is an interesting conundrum, if the university acknowledges it bears some responsibility for something that went wrong and then attempts to settle a suit with an athlete, does that mess with the students athletic eligibility? This seems problematic no matter how you look at it.
Transferring won't help him heal but it will keep him from looking into the eyes of his teammates when they are all doing things honorably.
If he needs to sit out a year to regain his strength to play again, then why can't he do it at Iowa? This is the part that doesn't make sense to me. I agree with those who believe a part of his consideration about transferring relates to his position on the depth chart. Transferring won't make him healthier, but it just may get him more playing time.
If he needs to sit out a year to regain his strength to play again, then why can't he do it at Iowa? This is the part that doesn't make sense to me. I agree with those who believe a part of his consideration about transferring relates to his position on the depth chart. Transferring won't make him healthier, but it just may get him more playing time.

Maybe he's lost trust in a coaching staff that was supposed to have his best interests at heart, but instead worked him dangerously past his limits and got him sent to the hospital for a week. Just a thought.
Maybe he's lost trust in a coaching staff that was supposed to have his best interests at heart, but instead worked him dangerously past his limits and got him sent to the hospital for a week. Just a thought.

Then he should transfer. By the way, nice gratuitous moralizing.
Then he should transfer. By the way, nice gratuitous moralizing.

well, if people can baselessly speculate on the real reason he is asking for a transfer, then why shouldn't it be appropriate to speculate on what he really thinks of the coaching staff?
well, if people can baselessly speculate on the real reason he is asking for a transfer, then why shouldn't it be appropriate to speculate on what he really thinks of the coaching staff?

And if you had sex with your mother your son would be your brother.
well, if people can baselessly speculate on the real reason he is asking for a transfer, then why shouldn't it be appropriate to speculate on what he really thinks of the coaching staff?

To be fair most of that speculation was before anyone even knew Lowe was one of the hospitalized players.
Hearsay AND wild conjecture in the same post - well played!

90% of you in this thread need to take the black and gold glasses off for 2 seconds and get a grip on reality and realize how you are sounding right now. If you were reading this on an O$U board, there would be a long thread about how disgusting this all was.

I love the Hawks as much as the next guy, but at some point you have to be able to look at things with a little bit of objectivity and realize that the university/program has put itself in a pretty serious situation here by what they put these kids and their families through.

No, what I heard was good info. However, that said, I will emphasize that making the connection to Lowe is TOTALLY an inference. The connection should only be drawn if Lowe (and fam) ends up pursuing that direction. That's why the language I used emphasized that the assertion was CONDITIONAL.

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