Low class fan base

Well, hopefully in about 5 years you will look back on 7 win seasons with fondness, because you guys deserve only the worst.

I hope you enjoy the 3 win, 7 win and 6 win seasons that Campbell will have to ISU before bolting Ames. If you can't keep a legend in Hoiberg or Cael in that shit hole, no way Campbell stays as soon as someone is willing to buy him out.
I hope you enjoy the 3 win, 7 win and 6 win seasons that Campbell will have to ISU before bolting Ames. If you can't keep a legend in Hoiberg or Cael in that shit hole, no way Campbell stays as soon as someone is willing to buy him out.
Campbell, in year two, won 7 wins while being paid $2.1 million -- That's $300,000 per win.
Kirk, in year 492, won 7 games while being paid $4.5 million -- That's $643,000 per win.

So it cost Barta an extra $343,000 per win, to get the same result as Pollard's hire.
One coach has a great ROI, the other, not so much. Also Campbell has a $9 million buyout, so he's not leaving soon. Good try.

Now back to the tread topic....
The clown fun base is the worst fan base of any team in the world. This incident is just one of many from that low class fan base to prove that point.

I mean I could say the same. Had full beers thrown at me by Hok fans. Had Hok fans threaten sexual violence toward my family. Had a drunk Hok fan get in my face over a cyclone t-shirt being worn in Eastern Iowa. And these are all personal experiences. But ISU is the absolute worst. Get a grip.
I mean I could say the same. Had full beers thrown at me by Hok fans. Had Hok fans threaten sexual violence toward my family. Had a drunk Hok fan get in my face over a cyclone t-shirt being worn in Eastern Iowa. And these are all personal experiences. But ISU is the absolute worst. Get a grip.
My o my the clowns have shown up in force today. Honk Honk Honk!
Campbell, in year two, won 7 wins while being paid $2.1 million -- That's $300,000 per win.
Kirk, in year 492, won 7 games while being paid $4.5 million -- That's $643,000 per win.

So it cost Barta an extra $343,000 per win, to get the same result as Pollard's hire.
One coach has a great ROI, the other, not so much. Also Campbell has a $9 million buyout, so he's not leaving soon. Good try.

Now back to the tread topic....

So far Pollard has paid $420,000 per win for 2 years. Pollard just gave Campbell a HUGE raise for winning 10 game in 2 years. If he wins 7 again next year they then paid $500,000 per win.

Over the last 3 years Ferentz has won 27 games, or basically cost $500,000 per win. I'd rather pay $500,000 per win for 27 wins (9 wins per year) than pay $420,000 per win for 10 wins (5 wins per year).
You're funny. :rolleyes: I figured you would have something to actually say about our low class fans considering how upset you were earlier in the thread...

CF shows how pathetic the Clown fan base is. CyTwins and his buddies spend their entire existence, all day pretty much every day talking about and trolling the Hawkeyes. The Hawk obsession by Cytwins and his buddies screams Lil Brother
CF shows how pathetic the Clown fan base is. CyTwins and his buddies spend their entire existence, all day pretty much every day talking about and trolling the Hawkeyes. The Hawk obsession by Cytwins and his buddies screams Lil Brother

If you come onto a rival's board and expect not to get trolled, you're gonna have a bad time. I know who's territory I am in, and know that I will probably see my fair share of trolling. But I'm not posting here expecting thought out responses from everyone. I can appreciate different perspectives, but at the same time dismiss the bs thrown my way.

Finally, I don't condone or think CyTwins behavior is exactly productive. I will say that that "obsession" seems like a two-way street. If he is trolling you on CF, then why feed him? Blocking is a one click solution. I know the Hok trolls I don't pay attention to on CF. And I know the ones that I do, like Dexter. Seems simple enough to me...
If you come onto a rival's board and expect not to get trolled, you're gonna have a bad time. I know who's territory I am in, and know that I will probably see my fair share of trolling. But I'm not posting here expecting thought out responses from everyone. I can appreciate different perspectives, but at the same time dismiss the bs thrown my way.

Finally, I don't condone or think CyTwins behavior is exactly productive. I will say that that "obsession" seems like a two-way street. If he is trolling you on CF, then why feed him? Blocking is a one click solution. I know the Hok trolls I don't pay attention to on CF. And I know the ones that I do, like Dexter. Seems simple enough to me...

I would agree, but Hawk posters come and go on that site, as the ban hammer comes down fast on Hawk posters over that. Yet Cytwins trolling never stops, he isn't trolling Hawkeye posters, he is just flat out obsessed with the Hawks and has to discuss them non stop 24/7. It is funny that he is over here as well pretending to be a Hawk fan, that is just classic obsessive behavior.
I would agree, but Hawk posters come and go on that site, as the ban hammer comes down fast on Hawk posters over that. Yet Cytwins trolling never stops, he isn't trolling Hawkeye posters, he is just flat out obsessed with the Hawks and has to discuss them non stop 24/7. It is funny that he is over here as well pretending to be a Hawk fan, that is just classic obsessive behavior.

Like I said, I can't speak for the CF trolls. I know the good posters over there, you seem familiar with the site so I am assuming you can say the same. My guess is he does that shit because he gets a reaction from it. Don't feed the trolls. And to be fair, we have had our fair share of Hok fans troll and pose as Clone fans.

My entire point of posting was to show that there are shit fans in all fanbases. When the point was made that there were a lot of ISU fans on HN today, I simply pointed to the fact that that is a daily occurrence on CF even if they are troll bait.
Like I said, I can't speak for the CF trolls. I know the good posters over there, you seem familiar with the site so I am assuming you can say the same. My guess is he does that shit because he gets a reaction from it. Don't feed the trolls. And to be fair, we have had our fair share of Hok fans troll and pose as Clone fans.

My entire point of posting was to show that there are shit fans in all fanbases. When the point was made that there were a lot of ISU fans on HN today, I simply pointed to the fact that that is a daily occurrence on CF even if they are troll bait.
No I didn't say isu fans. It's nice to know that you answer to clown though.:p
Beating us in football got you through a disappointing year, just like beating you will get us through basketball season, although it's too early to tell how conference play will go. I'm figuring not well. That is what I was talking about
Beating Ohio State got us through a tough season, we will be better next year with a winnable schedule. Beating Iowa State is just expected.
I mean I could say the same. Had full beers thrown at me by Hok fans. Had Hok fans threaten sexual violence toward my family. Had a drunk Hok fan get in my face over a cyclone t-shirt being worn in Eastern Iowa. And these are all personal experiences. But ISU is the absolute worst. Get a grip.

No you didn't.
The University of Iowa fan base is very classy and respectful. I have been in sections at Kinnick Stadium and Carver-Hawkeye Arena that contained very obnoxious clown fans that tested their patience. However everyone kept their calm, and did not retaliate against the clowns. No other fans would shown such restraint.

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