Low class fan base

He puts his hands on Pemsl. But it is only a touch. It is somewhat like Al Franken's "groping" photo. In fact, it looks like he might be posing for a video as the "conquering hero" of some wilderness beast that he has just felled.
He puts his hands on Pemsl. But it is only a touch. It is somewhat like Al Franken's "groping" photo. In fact, it looks like he might be posing for a video as the "conquering hero" of some wilderness beast that he has just felled.
IDK if you are looking for a serious reply, but there's no way any of that was malicious. After I saw Pemsl crash in front of the student section, I was worried that our fans were going to do something stupid (and of course I was hoping he was ok). One guy that got hit fell on him, then they all cleared out except one idiot. Then, when he was helped up, almost every fan I could see was clapping for him. I'm being unbiased because I was really nervous some drunk college idiot was going to do something stupid, but nothing happened. Watch the longer video, it clearly shows Pemsl contacting the student, causing him to lose his balance.
IDK if you are looking for a serious reply, but there's no way any of that was malicious. After I saw Pemsl crash in front of the student section, I was worried that our fans were going to do something stupid (and of course I was hoping he was ok). One guy that got hit fell on him, then they all cleared out except one idiot. Then, when he was helped up, almost every fan I could see was clapping for him. I'm being unbiased because I was really nervous some drunk college idiot was going to do something stupid, but nothing happened. Watch the longer video, it clearly shows Pemsl contacting the student, causing him to lose his balance.

How do you explain the left leg kick? Tourette syndrome.
Any time you dive off the basketball court for whatever reason you are taking a chance of getting hurt.....just part of the sport

Sounds like you and your boyfriend don't know the difference between legitimately 'getting hurt' and @ssh0le fan behavior. Do you tell your boyfriend it's his fault when you come home angry & kick him?
The kid on the left is clearly wrong AND quite young. He doesn't look down. I'm sure he'll get into some trouble. The guy in the middle is probably helping. The other one is going to heckle, but sees the situation and stops.

At Iowa the fans around the court are mostly rich donors. This is a lot about nothing. It's not like someone's having sex in the bathroom or something.
Like I've said 1000 times, don't give me this "Ames and Iowa City aren't that different" crap. Plenty of aggie troglodytes up there. This is merely the latest example.

What's your point? If Iowa doesn't draw farmers then why does Pioneer advertise so much on Iowa broadcasts?

So Iowa fans like this are druggies?
Sounds like you and your boyfriend don't know the difference between legitimately 'getting hurt' and @ssh0le fan behavior. Do you tell your boyfriend it's his fault when you come home angry & kick him?
Wow....did someone put some icy-hot in your hand lotion container? Lighten up francis....
He clearly turns his head to look at him before his right arm comes down - that much is obvious in your video. I admit, I may be making more of an issue than I should be but you should probably consider maybe you're trying to underplay something fairly serious, which is in no way should a fan at a sporting event feel compelled to put his hands on a player.

Again, I believe it was a natural reaction to avoid falling on Pemsl, and we can agree to disagree. If I thought it was intentional I’d want him banned from games.
Again, I believe it was a natural reaction to avoid falling on Pemsl, and we can agree to disagree. If I thought it was intentional I’d want him banned from games.
You've done an admiral job defending your clown buddies now you need to stop. Quit fanning the flames! BryceC you know better.
Who's kidding who, this was clearly a move like a fan putting their fingers behind another fan's head. Smirky, stupid, and unsportsmanlike. Not a crime, but if someone did that to my buddy I would probably put him in the next row. Surprised he didn't take a selfie with his foot on Pemsl's head. The loss of balance is nonsense. You don't push down hard on someone to regain balance and the little kick was proof it was not an accident. A minor incident, what bothered me much more was the snarky point guard who was as dirty a player as I've seen in a long time. He got away with some serious fouls and was mocking an Iowa player at one point laughing at him. He will be a prime target of revenge next time these teams meet.
So let me tell you what I'd do if a rival player ever happened to stumble into my seating area.
I'm gonna push down on his shoulder, for like a second.
Kinda firm too! That would hurt, man! Bad!
Hahah that'll show him!
So let me tell you what I'd do if a rival player ever happened to stumble into my seating area.
I'm gonna push down on his shoulder, for like a second.
Kinda firm too! That would hurt, man! Bad!
Hahah that'll show him!
Do you think you've made your point yet?

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