Low class fan base

Travis the Troll Justice. He does a lot of things for clickbait.
Looks like Jordan stepped on a player on his way out to Pem. If you just look a this, JBO should be suspended.
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So let me tell you what I'd do if a rival player ever happened to stumble into my seating area.
I'm gonna push down on his shoulder, for like a second.
Kinda firm too! That would hurt, man! Bad!
Hahah that'll show him!
Good point. I think there is a type of one finger death punch. Lmao!
Watched replay of the game last night, and believe that it is a nonissue. Watching it happen live, it happened quite quickly. The Clone Fan might have been balancing himself by placing his hands gently on Cordell's back. The leg nudge also could have been to maintain balance.....

Anyway he did not harm or attempt to harm Cordell at all.....

This happened at Hilton with their over the top rabid fans in a close game with time running out. Emotions were high there and at home for those watching. All things considered, the alleged offense simply looked bad, a classless slight to a Hawkeye, but even if that was the case, and I don't believe it was, it was so minor that it should be dismissed.....

I'm sure the fact that he lost his balance explains why he gave Cordell a little kick at the end too, right?

It was, at worst, a playful homecourt gesture. Unsportsmanlike for certain, not very classy, but no harm was done. Going to give the Lad a pass because he might have been correcting his balance.....

Wow, I thought we handled losing bad. Way to up the ante boys
Lol you're a peach.........but a rotten one for sure! Keep fanning the flames since you're so much better than everyone else! As far as the losing part you need to try a little harder because the Hawks pretty much stink and you barely won. Hahahaha
Lol you're a peach.........but a rotten one for sure! Keep fanning the flames since you're so much better than everyone else! As far as the losing part you need to try a little harder because the Hawks pretty much stink and you barely won. Hahahaha
Barely beat a coach who should have the program on a consistent winning cycle. Prohm is retooling, getting his guys in, and it seems like he is getting them to buy in a little quicker than Fred's guys. And I'm sure I heard more than a few times how great Iowa was going to be with 80% of their scoring back and Jok, the defensive liability, not around any more. I know Iowa State isn't going to have a stellar year, but with the players he has, and the players coming in next year, It won't be long before we do. We have a coach that can recruit point guards.
Barely beat a coach who should have the program on a consistent winning cycle. Prohm is retooling, getting his guys in, and it seems like he is getting them to buy in a little quicker than Fred's guys. And I'm sure I heard more than a few times how great Iowa was going to be with 80% of their scoring back and Jok, the defensive liability, not around any more. I know Iowa State isn't going to have a stellar year, but with the players he has, and the players coming in next year, It won't be long before we do. We have a coach that can recruit point guards.
Yes indeed many thought the Hawks would have a fairly good season but have you noticed the Hawks record and who they have lost to? Evidently you haven't or you wouldn't bother with you're crap.
Yes indeed many thought the Hawks would have a fairly good season but have you noticed the Hawks record and who they have lost to? Evidently you haven't or you wouldn't bother with you're crap.
Of course, just like how hawk fans noticed who we lost to, to start the year. And grammar Nazi time, it's your crap, not you're crap. Sorry, it's the copy editor in me coming out.
The clown fun base is the worst fan base of any team in the world. This incident is just one of many from that low class fan base to prove that point.
What does football have to do with being a Nazi grammar jerk? YOU'RE not making any sense but since when has any clown ever made any sense?
Beating us in football got you through a disappointing year, just like beating you will get us through basketball season, although it's too early to tell how conference play will go. I'm figuring not well. That is what I was talking about
Beating us in football got you through a disappointing year, just like beating you will get us through basketball season, although it's too early to tell how conference play will go. I'm figuring not well. That is what I was talking about

Clowns are going ape shit about a 7 wins season, that is the high point of ISU football for the past 38 years (minus 1 years). Hawk fans are ho hum, or flat out disappointed by a 7 win season. Beating Iowa St. means nothing to Iowa in disappointing years. For ISU beating Iowa got Paul Rhoads an extra year coaching even though he was pathetic.
Look at the kids eyes they are clearly facing forward. Had he lost balance he would be looking down at Pemsl. This was straight up Napoleon Dynamite martial arts being used here.
Clowns are going ape shit about a 7 wins season, that is the high point of ISU football for the past 38 years (minus 1 years). Hawk fans are ho hum, or flat out disappointed by a 7 win season. Beating Iowa St. means nothing to Iowa in disappointing years. For ISU beating Iowa got Paul Rhoads an extra year coaching even though he was pathetic.
Well, hopefully in about 5 years you will look back on 7 win seasons with fondness, because you guys deserve only the worst.
Well, hopefully in about 5 years you will look back on 7 win seasons with fondness, because you guys deserve only the worst.

Spoken like a true clown. The truth of the matter is that next year you will go back to maybe 3 wins and it's all the refs fault, Campbell needs to go, blah, blah, blah f*cking blah

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