Looks like the clowns are closing in on beating TCU

His math is bad, but you still couldn't find more than 54,000 people interested enough in your stellar program to attend the last home game against Tx Tech.
So don't get carried away by the cocky train, historical punching bag.

You realize there is only about 43k actual seats right? Over 10k people were convinced to sit in the grass. If you think that's bad, what would be good?
So ISU beats a team without their starting QB, and we just got lucky. But Iowa beats Minny without not only their starting QB, but by far the best player on their team, and all of the sudden Iowa is great again. I get it now.

Oh, and by the way, ISU was playing their backup QB yesterday too. Doesn't that mean we're just a deeper team if our backup beat their backup?
Why did all of you clown fans turn your backs on Stevie Hicks in his greatest hours of need?
All of you have blood on your hands. You may as well have pushed him off that overpass, crychump.
You will burn in hell.

Seriously, when are you going to stop this crap? It's the most classless BS that takes place on this board.
Why did all of you clown fans turn your backs on Stevie Hicks in his greatest hours of need?
All of you have blood on your hands. You may as well have pushed him off that overpass, crychump.
You will burn in hell.

Wow-that's quite a leap. You sir, are quite a d-bag.

Super Bowl?

JESUS CHRIST CLOWNZ!! Just when I am about to take you seriously, you go and do just about the weakest, Mickey Mouse, little Bro thing imaginable?

How is it, even when you win, you're still losers? I just don't get it...

JESUS CHRIST CLOWNZ!! Just when I am about to take you seriously, you go and do just about the weakest, Mickey Mouse, little Bro thing imaginable?

How is it, even when you win, you're still losers? I just don't get it...

Blaming the fans because of this ridiculous idea is pretty ignorant. Go ahead and take a peak at the 5 page hate-fest on CF about these shirts. I'll even link it for you.

Today was a good win, but this is a bit ridiculous...
JESUS CHRIST CLOWNZ!! Just when I am about to take you seriously, you go and do just about the weakest, Mickey Mouse, little Bro thing imaginable?

How is it, even when you win, you're still losers? I just don't get it...

Kinda like seeing some wearing ANF Gear. Farm Bureau pays $50 a year for a helmet sticker and sells t-shirts at $15 bucks a pop. Talk about stupid.
Blaming the fans because of this ridiculous idea is pretty ignorant. Go ahead and take a peak at the 5 page hate-fest on CF about these shirts. I'll even link it for you.

Today was a good win, but this is a bit ridiculous...

While I did not really say so in my rant, that disgust was aimed at the ISU athletic department for trying to pull crap liek this. You're guilty by association, but teh hate-fest helps ease my repulsion a hair.
While I did not really say so in my rant, that disgust was aimed at the ISU athletic department for trying to pull crap liek this. You're guilty by association, but teh hate-fest helps ease my repulsion a hair.

It comes down to ISU trying to harness all of these "good vibes". This was someone's idea that should have been shot down from the get-go.
It comes down to ISU trying to harness all of these "good vibes". This was someone's idea that should have been shot down from the get-go.

I suppose when you have so little experience winning games of any significance, you should be allowed a few errors before we judge you too seriously.
Seriously, when are you going to stop this crap? It's the most classless BS that takes place on this board.
More shocking is not one person said anything. It is hideous, but reflective of the depths of despair he has sunk to.
You realize there is only about 43k actual seats right? Over 10k people were convinced to sit in the grass. If you think that's bad, what would be good?

Are you asserting that you have a ****** small stadium where people are forced to sit on dirt and grass?
If so, you "win".
Are you asserting that you have a ****** small stadium where people are forced to sit on dirt and grass?
If so, you "win".
No actually I think he was asserting that yoUr're a ***** small person that can't do math. Just sayin'
No actually I think he was asserting that yoUr're a ***** small person that can't do math. Just sayin'

Actually, I'm 6'2" and 265. You can call me fat, but nothing about me is small.

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