Kirk on McCall redshirt possibility from 11/15

I'm gonna call the NCAA and ask why fOSU is only loosing 5 schollies over the tattoo thing. Does anyone have a question they want me to ask?

Ask them why Jeremy Bloom was declared ineligible while baseball players can make millions of dollars playing the minor leagues?
Most coaches will not file for the hardship if the player is healthy enough to come back. Most, if not all, the medical hardship waivers are filed for season-ending injuries.

Can you give me an example of where a player was healthy enough to come back middle of the season, get full participation, not play, and still received the medical hardship waiver after showing proof that the player was healthy?

we are not privy to student-athlete health records, so i do not have access to such information.
Most coaches will not file for the hardship if the player is healthy enough to come back. Most, if not all, the medical hardship waivers are filed for season-ending injuries.

Can you give me an example of where a player was healthy enough to come back middle of the season, get full participation, not play, and still received the medical hardship waiver after showing proof that the player was healthy?

Shifting the burden of proof a bit there, no? He is not the one that made a positive assertion, that was you. He simply asked for proof. ;)
Shifting the burden of proof a bit there, no? He is not the one that made a positive assertion, that was you. He simply asked for proof. ;)
Again, I am giving you the answer to rules put forth by the NCAA (we've seen how they can be wishy-washy).

However, if you talk to people about the medical hardship waiver it's easy to understand how it works.

If McCall is physically able to play (and Iowa can't prove he isn't), then he can't get the waiver. None of us will see the paperwork, so we can't say for sure (so examples aren't going to be there). I can just tell you how the rules work and how they are interpreted.

I am just giving you the rules and how they are enforced.

yes as I have been trying to do

yet you people fail to read the rules and understand them. With the information we have here how can you be certain he can get a redshirt? You have everything working against you.
Storm and I are giving you facts and you are guys fail to take the facts into account.

again the information

McCall according to KF has been ready to play since Minny and has been on record saying he will play.

McCall has said on his facebook he will be able to "Ball" again

Is this injury incapactating him from playing this year?
- with the information we have, no it is not, How can you argue that it is?.
Most coaches will not file for the hardship if the player is healthy enough to come back. Most, if not all, the medical hardship waivers are filed for season-ending injuries.

Can you give me an example of where a player was healthy enough to come back middle of the season, get full participation, not play, and still received the medical hardship waiver after showing proof that the player was healthy?

can you prove the opposite?

showing proof that the player is healthy is a gray area too. it's one thing to show an xtra showing a break, for example, is fully healed. Another to prove that the player has full use of the part of the body effected. full range of motion, full strength, full confidence, etc. goes both ways.

and it this case, he is supposedly ready to play, but the xrays show the opposite.
my point is that THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED so why even argue it?

that is foolish to think it has never happened.

Have you ever thought there are no cases that we can find because no coach as tried to push the rules and lie on documentation with doctors and medical trainers to gain an extra year?

Do you really think of all coaches KF would do this?

p.s. the call to the NCAA took 5 minutes, and you guys are fools for saying I need a sure you guys are all real busy right now and that is why your on a message board. Give me a break, its not like I drove to the NCAA offices.
Again, I am giving you the answer to rules put forth by the NCAA (we've seen how they can be wishy-washy).

However, if you talk to people about the medical hardship waiver it's easy to understand how it works.

If McCall is physically able to play (and Iowa can't prove he isn't), then he can't get the waiver. None of us will see the paperwork, so we can't say for sure (so examples aren't going to be there). I can just tell you how the rules work and how they are interpreted.

I get that you are quoting what the rules say. Surely though you could find an example of a guy who was able to play but did not for whatever reason, and was denied a medical hardship waiver do to the fact that he was able to play. You say "how they are interpreted" yet provide no proof that is indeed true. I am not necessarily doubting you, just playing devils advocate.
can you prove the opposite?

showing proof that the player is healthy is a gray area too. it's one thing to show an xtra showing a break, for example, is fully healed. Another to prove that the player has full use of the part of the body effected. full range of motion, full strength, full confidence, etc. goes both ways.

and it this case, he is supposedly ready to play, but the xrays show the opposite.

Right, and as I said in other posts. If they can show an Xray that the foot isn't 100% in November/December, they are going to be ok. However, if they get full participation clearance from the medical staff and he is cleared, the waiver isn't possible.

There's too much unknown right now in the situation and will all depend on what the medical staff can show/prove. If (as we've been told) McCall has been cleared (and by cleared, meaning documented full participation), then he can't get the waiver.

My hope is if McCall doesn't play, they can prove it was a season-ending injury. If they don't think they can prove it, then McCall is best used in the game.
Right, and as I said in other posts. If they can show an Xray that the foot isn't 100% in November/December, they are going to be ok. However, if they get full participation clearance from the medical staff and he is cleared, the waiver isn't possible.

There's too much unknown right now in the situation and will all depend on what the medical staff can show/prove. If (as we've been told) McCall has been cleared (and by cleared, meaning documented full participation), then he can't get the waiver.

My hope is if McCall doesn't play, they can prove it was a season-ending injury. If they don't think they can prove it, then McCall is best used in the game.

you are essentially saying that McCall would be the first player in history to be medically cleared mid-season yet not play again that year.

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