Kirk on McCall redshirt possibility from 11/15

so the NCAA actually exists with open phone lines to the public and they are not some mythical organization? Duff, the list of questions could get lengthy.
in response to the KF lying point, yeah coaches do lie about players health, they are not willing to tell the opposing staff about the availability of certain players
not to mention they get tired of the press bugging them about injured players, so yeah KFin this case, did what i call a misdirection lie
it misleads the opponent into preparing for another element that can be used in the offense or defense depending upon the player and got the media off his case about a player
all this proves is how stupid a few fans are for taking him at his word as gospel
I would forget it now... All is lost as far as a great season goes so it isnt like we have to pull out all the stops or anything... I mean if we would of beat MSU, we still could of had a chance for the division title and trip to Indy but now, nothing! Just let him heal and start fresh in winter workouts.
What the article says, is that if Mccall comes back and gets injured and still plays in less than 30% of games he can get it. Other than that he can't.
This what I said on multiple occasions in other threads. If he reinjures the ankle and is out, ok, fine. He can likely get the waiver. If not, and he can play, the waiver is not likely.

I am hell bent about this soooo I called the NCAA and talked to a very nice lady that was very helpful.

In a nutshell...she told me that what this situation is going to come down to is if the medical staff and doctors and show that McCall was "incapacitated for playing the rest of the season" I said, there is some debate about what this exactly means. She said that basically it means that the player cannot play the rest of the season by any means. I said well what if he just sits out because the coach wants to save him a year, she said that that is why the documentation is needed from trainers and doctors so coaches cannot take advantage of this rule in certain situations. I said well what if the player can only get cleared for the bowl game but decides to sit out to get another year. She said that she wasnt sure if even then they would give a medical hardship.

I said what if this player is giving full release to play and practice by week 7, she said that in that case (with documentation proving this) that the player would not meet the requirements for a medical hardship waiver.

I know I will still be questioned and some will choose not to believe me, but this is what a lady told me from the NCAA.

Jon if you want to call its pretty easy to get in contact with someone and they were very helpful.

I am sorry but you are crazy and need a life.
My question for Stormin and Fin....Do you think you know more on this situation than KF? Your assertion says this. Perhaps when KF said he was cleared to play, he also knows exactly how the bone is looking and maybe not 100%. Perhaps the bone is still very fragile and easily breakable again at this point and KF knows he can use that to get a medical hardship for him. Not sure why Fin keeps justifying his argument by a month old quote, when that month old quote is nullified by a 1 day old quote.
I posted this in one of the other McCall threads. Similar situation with the RB at Arkansas although he never carried the ball a few times in the first game like McCall. He has been cleared to play as well but the coaches at Arkansas are debating playing him or taking the medical. I am guessing the Iowa staff and the university know what they are doing as it relates to McCall.

Davis practicing again with Razorbacks | The Slophouse
My question for Stormin and Fin....Do you think you know more on this situation than KF? Your assertion says this. Perhaps when KF said he was cleared to play, he also knows exactly how the bone is looking and maybe not 100%. Perhaps the bone is still very fragile and easily breakable again at this point and KF knows he can use that to get a medical hardship for him. Not sure why Fin keeps justifying his argument by a month old quote, when that month old quote is nullified by a 1 day old quote.
No, I don't. I am only going on assumptions.

I've said in earlier posts, if the staff can show the ankle is still not 100% at this point (and for the rest of the year), then they can get the documentation for that medical waiver.

The point I am making (and have been since the start) is if McCall has been give full participation (and that is documented), it means the injury is not incapacitating, and therefore the NCAA will not grant the waiver. I have no idea if McCall has been given full participation, I can only go off what Kirk says in his pressers and from people I have talked to.

It all comes down to the doctor's documentation. If they can show his injury was still there during the rest of the season, they can get the waiver, if not, they can't.

I don't have records of student-athletes, obviously. So I can just call it as I see it with the information provided. If Ferentz says he is going to be able to get the waiver, then the medical staff must have the evidence to prove that McCall is still injured and he hasn't been allowed full participation.
I would think (not certain) there is a difference between cleared to practice, and cleared to play. I dont recall exactly what KF said. But I was under the impression he was cleared to practice, but was not 100%, therefore meaning he is still rehabing
Iowafincity is right dang it! Every admit it... he NEEDS you to admit it. REALLY needs you to admit it.

Iowafincity... is that the new fish supply superstore out on I-80? I haven't been around IC too much lately so I don't know all the new places. Or could it be a reference to those very classy t-shirts some fans wear?

Bottom line, if he doesn't play I'll bet he gets a redshirt.
I can't believe this thread has had this much traction.

McCall will be allowed a med redshirt if he doesn't play again this season.

He is a running back that broke his ankle in the 1st game. I doubt the NCAA spends more than two minutes reviewing this case before granting the request.

If Ferentz says he wasn't ready to play or in game shape because of this injury McCall gets his closed.
I can't believe this thread has had this much traction.

McCall will be allowed a med redshirt if he doesn't play again this season.

He is a running back that broke his ankle in the 1st game. I doubt the NCAA spends more than two minutes reviewing this case before granting the request.

If Ferentz says he wasn't ready to play or in game shape because of this injury McCall gets his closed.

So... can McCall redshirt?

[qote=TritonHawkeye;599657]I can't believe this thread has had this much traction.McCall will be allowed a med redshirt if he doesn't play again this season.He is a running back that broke his ankle in the 1st game. I doubt the NCAA spends more than two minutes reviewing this case before granting the request. If Ferentz says he wasn't ready to play or in game shape because of this injury McCall gets his closed.
So... can McCall redshirt?:)[/QUOTE] So is that a yes he can redshirt or a no he can't?
Like I have been trying to say all along... some people think that if he simply doesnt play that he will get it, this is why I got frustrated

i have been saying that regardless of how complex the rules appear to be, if he doesnt play the rest of the year he will get a hardship waiver.

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