Just got back from the game

I wasn't at the game and was burdened by having to watch the TV broadcast with all the different replay angles and slow mo on the DVR. Take players from last year who were haltered the whole year and not allowed to run and gun. Match them up with true freshmen playing in their first real college game and we are surprised with the lack of flow and the turnovers? Good grief, it really is just one game into the new season with a new coach. We have seen NBA players lose in the World Games to teams they totally out matched in athletic skills, but managed to lose because of their ragged play and lack of continuity.

Give the coach and kids some time, then we can be critical.
blkn, I'm not negative, I'm honest. I pointed out it was the first game and Gatens was not there. It was against South Dakota St, not a power house. I'm sorry you can't take off your rose colored glasses and look at things honestly.
People like you find it more entertaining to bash other posters than try to honestly discuss things. Why didn't you actually talk about the game. All you and others that attacked me say is" it's the first game, you can't judge anything by that". I KNOW IT WAS THE FIRST GAME I said that.
Others on this thread disagreed with some of what I said and gave their reasons. That's fair and adult. You just said something stupid.
My 2 cents:

1) When we made a mistake, the entire coaching staff was upset. That tells me that they are all on the same page which I think is a good thing.

2) SDSU took a trip to Canada in August and played 3 games. Not great competition, but still a chance for their newcomers to step on the floor. I believe they had 2 weeks of practice for the trip and I dont think they have restrictions on number of hours they are allowed to practice. From everything I heard up here in the Sioux Falls area, they spent a lot of time practicing during those 2 weaks. I heard an interview with Coach Nagy a couple of weaks ago and he talked about how much farther they are ahead offensively with the extra practice. To me it was very evident. Our young guys are learning a new system and it showed. They are not yet to the "Read and react" stage of the offense.

3) I was very disappointed in the play of Cully, in fact I could see Cartwright passing him up at some point. I also know it the was the first game so I am hoping to chalk it up to that.

4) Basabe is RAW from a offensive standpoint. i am thinking he did not have to have a lot of moves to be successful in HS. I think his ceiling is very high.

5) Cole - if he was 6'10 he would be first team all Big Ten,

6) McCabe - I like what he brings to the floor, but not sure how high his ceiling is. I think he is going to be a solid role player before all is said and done. Never going to be the 1st or 2nd option on offense, but when all is said and done we are going to appreciate his years at Iowa.

7) you always see the most improvement from game 1 to game 2. We will see what happens tomorrow night

8) i think everyone who DVR'd the game yesterday or DVR a replay of it should keep it until the end of the season and then rewatch it. It would be a great way to see how much growth we will see in the these guys throughout the season
3) I was very disappointed in the play of Cully, in fact I could see Cartwright passing him up at some point. I also know it the was the first game so I am hoping to chalk it up to that.
So was Fran. You tell on the sidelines and also in the post game presser.
Very hard to say.

Creighton really struggled with Northern Arizona and probably should have lost, then again Creighton has a new system too, so probably can not make
any judgement from that game.

Big difference with ISU is they did bring back a senior guard that is Big 12 level.
Also that transfer from Northern Illinois, is off to a great start.

The fact you have what amounts to 2 senior point guards on the floor makes a huge difference for ISU.
i love how people judge players after one game in a entire new system, bunch of newer, younger players and a team that doesn't have one of their best most experienced players on the floor. This team WILL compete, it's going to take some hard work and some time but don't go ripping on any player or coach as of yet. Along with the negatives there were positives to, can we keep it positive instead of being negative nancies? I loved how the post players were fed the ball early and often. Playing better defense would help this team get out and run like we all want to see. I'm not going to get down because of a loss to the jack rabbits, I think the kids and the coaches deserve support, not people ripping on them after one damn game.

Thanks for stopping by hawkeyenation Fran! :)
I didn't see the game how did the two Rock Valley kids look for SDSU?

Heemstra had 4 fouls in 2 minutes of play.

Dykstra had a better game. Didn't really stick out much, but he hit a big shot late and had a key block late too.

Both need a lot more experience and need to bulk up, but they will be effective in the Summit.
From the sounds of it, the OP must have had unrealistic expectations going into the first game of the Fran era. I was at the game as well and what I saw was a very nervous team...and to a point, a very confused team. To be honest, I saw exactly what I expected to see from Iowa(with the exception of Cully, I was very disappointed with his play). What I didn't expect was to see SD St shoot lights out.

To the OP, there is nothing wrong with giving an honest assessment of the game. What's pretty baffling though is when you try to predict the future off of this one game. It would be easier to take you seriously if would give either a game analysis, or a longer term analysis towards the end of the season. Trying to make both after one game probably makes it a little tougher to take you seriously. Which is a shame because your game analysis wasn't bad.
From the sounds of it, the OP must have had unrealistic expectations going into the first game of the Fran era. I was at the game as well and what I saw was a very nervous team...and to a point, a very confused team. To be honest, I saw exactly what I expected to see from Iowa(with the exception of Cully, I was very disappointed with his play). What I didn't expect was to see SD St shoot lights out.

burky, I never tire of your posts.

I completely agree.

When you talk about nervous and confused, you hit the nail on the head. The first couple possessions after Iowa won the tip, I don't think Iowa was expecting SDSU to come out w/ pressure D. Cully couldn't get the offense started. Neither of the wings were making good cuts to get open.

Several possessions Iowa had two bigs on the same side trying to make cuts. The spacing was totally off.

The Hawkeyes did not look composed at all, esp the last 3 minutes of the first half. They looked like they had no idea what to do. Almost like Iowa football's defense against Northwestern's hurry up offense. It was chaos.
The fact you have what amounts to 2 senior point guards on the floor makes a huge difference for ISU.

I would agree with this. IMO Anderson is the best player on the team and is a very smart, high energy hustle kind of guy and I think it rubbs off on the rest of the team. ISU will have a game like this at some point during this season but one thing about it I feel like ISU is in good shape because of the roster turnover. Returning only a few guys who are seniors and will be gone anyway with the exception of Christopherson who is a good soldier is preferable because Hoiberg gets to remake the team exactly how he wants it right away.
burky, I never tire of your posts.

I completely agree.

When you talk about nervous and confused, you hit the nail on the head. The first couple possessions after Iowa won the tip, I don't think Iowa was expecting SDSU to come out w/ pressure D. Cully couldn't get the offense started. Neither of the wings were making good cuts to get open.

Several possessions Iowa had two bigs on the same side trying to make cuts. The spacing was totally off.

The Hawkeyes did not look composed at all, esp the last 3 minutes of the first half. They looked like they had no idea what to do. Almost like Iowa football's defense against Northwestern's hurry up offense. It was chaos.

I agree with this but wouldn't that come down to coaching? There hasn't been anything to do except work on the offense for half the practice time or even more?

Of course they came out pressuring they watched the game film from last year when every time we got pressured we folded. The coaching staff had to know that was coming there shouldn't have been any surprises.

I understand its the first game of the season but it wasn't the first game of all of the players lives. Our players make everything look difficult. I would play Payne as little as possible because he hasn't done anything to make me believe that he has the quality to play against low mid-majors let alone B10 opposition.

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