HN's Love Doctor
They're definitely not going to strengthen the schedule at this point. Need as many wins as possible for Brian to take over.How else are we going to get to 6 wins with KIrk and Brian?
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They're definitely not going to strengthen the schedule at this point. Need as many wins as possible for Brian to take over.How else are we going to get to 6 wins with KIrk and Brian?
That sentence makes me laugh. Act like a grown up on the internet, who does that?![]()
Iowa State wishes Iowa would win a few of these games so they won't lose votes in the AP.
I know you're joking, at least I think you're joking, but, IF that's the game plan, then it wasn't carried out very well. Staying with the premise, for what it's worth, I would recommend a different game plan for the rest of the season.Because their entire game plan is "make 0 mistakes, and hope the other team makes a mistake." It boils down to luck.
I agree with Jon that this will end up being a 6-6 team most likely (maybe 7 wins with an upset). I also think most, myself included, thought that would be the win total this year. But, Iowa sure looked like they were capable of more after the Iowa St and Penn St games. I think they were capable of more, but not so much now.
But I think offensive coaching is taking an 8 or 9 win team and making it a 6 win team. It is a team loss today, but offensive game planning has been a big factor in at least 2 of our could argue all 3 with the safety against PSU.
Iowa could very well be unbeaten right now as crazy as that sounds.
But, this is classic Kirk Ferentz. They play up and down to their competition most years and this is the type of game we typically lose to a lesser opponent. It is frustrating and it gets old. I think that is Playmaker's point.
The comment regarding Iowa offense resembling Licklighter ball hits home. A glaring problem carries over and over each year. Who would have predicted KOK would be the highpoint of Iowa offense under Ferentz?
Totally disagree with posters that say Iowa doesn't have the talent to get this done.
Ferentz's comment that the offense only works if we have a good run game is telling. The coaching staff simply is stuck in a pattern and seems incapable of adapting long trm or in game - at least on the offensive side of the ball.
I feel for the young men on this team that do not have the kind of coach that can lead them on the field to use their hard work talent and time to achieve what they are capable of. They are left holding the bag and the fault, and they are simply doing what is coached and planned.
I see Jon's position like this - He did go a bit far in the past (imo) with criticism of iowa coaches and he now has too much respect for the Ferentz family and hImself to go anywhere even approaching that today. I get it and is much preferred to the big mouth negativity role some on here take.
For everyones sake I hope BF can learn and is capable of adapting and improving at some point or we and the young men who play their hearts out each Sat. are in for a rough ride.
I know he wants to win very very badly.
Wadley is not a threat unless he’s used in the slot, which apparently Brian Ferentz doesn’t like anymore.Wadley is simply our only threat on offense.
As a fan of your podcasts, you TOTALLY lost my support this past week when you said that Brain has done a very good job so far as OC.....somehow, you must have stricken a couple turd games from the equation. Last year, you did a 180 on us when you all of a sudden pulled some kind of higher than thou act in proclaiming how immature you had been in past criticisms....thus, giving those who still criticize a very underhanded finger wagging and dressing down. Well today, hell actually froze over. Today, our most positive, glass always half full, Hawk fan at our Dallas area Hawkeye watching club yelled out loud when Brain called the 3rd and 7 running play in OT. Brain is as over matched as his stubborn dim witted father Dirk. I am starting to actually wonder if maybe you are on the take....please tell me how you could possibly be in defense of Brain, and why Dirk should not be sent packing sooner than later. And don't give me the buyout...hawk fans are not to blame for that F'd up deal. The ONLY saving grace is that Brain and Dirk are tied at the hip....can we just F'n get rid of EVERYTHING Ferments and move the F on with this sorry ass....occasional tease....of a program. It is one big joke!!!!
Listening to podcast, just because you picked them to go 6-6 you can't throw flames? What in hell is up with you after EVERY loss taking this moral high ground on's become very vomit worthy.
Jon will never say anything bad he needs his press credentials
Exactly right. There are zero playmakers on this team. There is no talent at receiver, and none coming to help. What recruit with any talent at all would want to come play in this offense? Not gonna change until the Ferentz clan is out of Iowa City.
His "go ahead and disagree with me, but if you do, you're an idiot" attitude was a bit much in the instant podcast. Now he's boasting about the 6-6 prediction and there's still 5 games left. It was a strange podcast.
-------It was a strange podcast.
Damn sure was....I miss the old Jon before the transformation that suddenly seated him above it all, and left any Iowa fan that dares to harshly criticize as being labeled unhinged, unrealistic, or a "Rank Amateur"
That Podcast. I don't know if its a protection of press credentials or living far away from the program but I have a hard time with not pointing out the reality of what went wrong yesterday. It was offensive play calling that killed any chances. Failing to establish rhythm spills over to execution. The double reverse and jet sweeps and their ensuing failure were disruptive. Running the ball up the middle twice on 3 and 17 as a "give up" on the series is just plain stupid. If there are downs left in a series the goal should be to get the first down with the highest probability. A series can be given up on, its called punting on 4th down. The crooning over the 6 and 6 prediction sort of bothered me as well. I almost want Iowa to lose out so you can be proven wrong.
You think we look like a motivated team? No energy, no motivation, no sense of urgency, nothing. The team acts like the coach.