Jon Miller

I just went through a bunch of bbc's posts. A whole lot of frustration and anger there. I think the trolls bothered him. I kinda like having the trolls here. We can't go to cyfan because Mrs. Williams over there but since the cyfans are coming here in droves just to be on a quality message board I can troll them and enjoy myself. I never really have a problem with UNI fans because most are decent posters. Fairfax on the other hand is a cyfan and he's such a loser he can't cover it up.

Dude, I am a 100% UNI fan and I have NEVER been on the Iowa State website. There are a lot more UNI only fans then you guys like to believe for some reason. If you are trying to provoke me by calling me an Iowa State fan that won't work but call me an iowa fan and we will have issues.
Dude, I am a 100% UNI fan and I have NEVER been on the Iowa State website. There are a lot more UNI only fans then you guys like to believe for some reason. If you are trying to provoke me by calling me an Iowa State fan that won't work but call me an iowa fan and we will have issues.

Excuse my ignorance. If you don't care for Iowa and you are a fan of another team, why spend your time visiting here let alone posting? Is there something about the interaction here that you enjoy more than being on a Panther board? Curious how that works. Thanks.
Dude, I am a 100% UNI fan and I have NEVER been on the Iowa State website. There are a lot more UNI only fans then you guys like to believe for some reason. If you are trying to provoke me by calling me an Iowa State fan that won't work but call me an iowa fan and we will have issues.

Try again.
Bbc being banned was probably inevitable. A person referring to himself as 'bbc' I am guessing has issues. It just hit me what that meant and i do not think it is a coincidence either.
I know Jon doesn't want serious threads derailed with photos but bbc's recent posts reminded of a Japanese pilot on a mission. Fortunately, he failed to sink the USS HawkeyeNation and only succeeded in killing off his own alt.

Bbc being banned was probably inevitable. A person referring to himself as 'bbc' I am guessing has issues. It just hit me what that meant and i do not think it is a coincidence either.

Made me feel like an old timer, but had to pull up the urban dictionary to see what you were getting at. Think you're onto something.
Dude, I am a 100% UNI fan and I have NEVER been on the Iowa State website. There are a lot more UNI only fans then you guys like to believe for some reason. If you are trying to provoke me by calling me an Iowa State fan that won't work but call me an iowa fan and we will have issues.

That's exactly what I would expect a closet cyclone fan to say...
Bbc being banned was probably inevitable. A person referring to himself as 'bbc' I am guessing has issues. It just hit me what that meant and i do not think it is a coincidence either.

Not sure what you mean. All it means to me is British Broadcasting Company?:confused:
Ban me you ******* dbag cuz im tired of reading trolls ****. If you ban me problem solved. Oh. And **** You

I'm giving ISIS your home address and telling them you're a Jordanian pilot.

I luv Jon Miller and I hate you bbc.
herbie? PC, c'mon, man. That's just crazy talk. We already have hawknick for our looney fix.
Yeah, anyone who misses the herbster that much can go read the Iowa Rivals board. He's on about his fifth username, but his deep-seeded bitterness and antagonism added to all of the *star* ratings and physical statistics never cease to bore.
Who would have thought that drama could work its way into my life via a messageboard. I see posters calling others out by screen name as if they know them like their next door neighbor. "Where has 'LivsInMumsBasementHawki" been? Or, where has "PeakedIn8thGradeHerky" been?

It's funny ... like some messageboard posters have a little clique with one another ... Becoming friends with anonymous messageboard posters ... a little on the creepy and "I need a life and I Need some real friends" side of things.
Who would have thought that drama could work its way into my life via a messageboard. I see posters calling others out by screen name as if they know them like their next door neighbor. "Where has 'LivsInMumsBasementHawki" been? Or, where has "PeakedIn8thGradeHerky" been?

It's funny ... like some messageboard posters have a little clique with one another ... Becoming friends with anonymous messageboard posters ... a little on the creepy and "I need a life and I Need some real friends" side of things.

Hey DMH! How are ya, bro? Ya know I've always admired your generous use of ellipses. You're my favorite poster.

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