Jok - he gone

I would say fixing the light and getting a flag and then proceeding to get another OWI is probably a 10. Since he hadn't been drinking I'll give it a 5...could have been worse.

That makes no sense at all. How could it have been so much worse when he was driving sober?
That makes no sense at all. How could it have been so much worse when he was driving sober?

Its disappointing that Jok didn't care enough not to get into any more trouble by fixing a couple of things on his moped. Its also disappointing that the coaching staff knew all the details of the last incident and didn't check up to make sure he was taking care of things. The whole situation is pretty sad and silly to me. I know the coaches aren't babysitters, but they should be concerned enough to know whats going on after a legal incident.
I'd say the most dangerous part is going to load your boat if you trailer'd it in to the lake that day. That can get pretty dangerous with all of the traffic at the ramp.

Dangerous for dinging up your boat maybe. But not dangerous to other people.
Its disappointing that Jok didn't care enough not to get into any more trouble by fixing a couple of things on his moped. Its also disappointing that the coaching staff knew all the details of the last incident and didn't check up to make sure he was taking care of things. The whole situation is pretty sad and silly to me. I know the coaches aren't babysitters, but they should be concerned enough to know whats going on after a legal incident.

Why should they have made sure he fixed the moped? If he follows the law and doesn't drive illegally, the worst thing that's going to happen to him down the road is he gets a fix-it ticket.
I have not seen it mentioned anywhere that when Pete got his owi that he also was ticketed for no flag on his moped at that time. If not, why not???
I have not seen it mentioned anywhere that when Pete got his owi that he also was ticketed for no flag on his moped at that time. If not, why not???

It's not unusual for cops to drop lesser charges during traffic stops. I once got pulled over for speeding, but that got dropped because I didn't have valid proof of insurance in the car and forgot my wallet. If I'd had proof of insurance on me, I would have gotten stuck with the speeding ticket.
It's not unusual for cops to drop lesser charges during traffic stops. I once got pulled over for speeding, but that got dropped because I didn't have valid proof of insurance in the car and forgot my wallet. If I'd had proof of insurance on me, I would have gotten stuck with the speeding ticket.

It's not unusual for cops to drop lesser charges during traffic stops. I once got pulled over for speeding, but that got dropped because I didn't have valid proof of insurance in the car and forgot my wallet. If I'd had proof of insurance on me, I would have gotten stuck with the speeding ticket.


Quit lying, you were rolling on some 22(s) and the cops had it out for you.:)
We are REALLY making this out to be a felony and so is everyone else....his OWI is a no no and he should get some privileges removed but seriously bad tail light and a safety flag on a moped!!!!!!!!???????? This can only mean that the Iowa City Deputy Dogs are hot on the heals of ANOTHER NO NOTHING incident yet it's posted as if it's a capital offense.
We are REALLY making this out to be a felony and so is everyone else....his OWI is a no no and he should get some privileges removed but seriously bad tail light and a safety flag on a moped!!!!!!!!???????? This can only mean that the Iowa City Deputy Dogs are hot on the heals of ANOTHER NO NOTHING incident yet it's posted as if it's a capital offense.

Do they have bullets in their guns or are they allowed to have only one bullet in their pocket. Welcome to Mayberry.
These types of punishments usually result in players transferring about 90% of the time. Wouldn't surprise me if that's what happens here. It's like they want a fresh start and transferring will allow that. This is why I never get hyped on a plauer's potentional. Not until they actually show it on the court. We will never see it with Pete, well somewhere else probably.

Who as ever been suspended for two moped related violations? To suggest a transfer over such a thing is beyond absurd.

I can't believe people are even talking about this because it's nothing and doesn't matter.
You people who think that this is just a couple of minor moped related incidents being blown out of proportion are missing the point entirely. P.J. was charged with an OWI and had his driving priveleges suspended. While in the process of trying to obtain a deferred judgement on that infraction he continued to drive without a license and got caught doing it. His opportunity for a deferment on the OWI charge is gone and his initial 6 month loss of license will become a minimum of 12 months. He has real potential for serving some jail time.

It's too bad that this isn't just a couple tickets for moped related safety equipment violations. It's way more than that.....
You people who think that this is just a couple of minor moped related incidents being blown out of proportion are missing the point entirely. P.J. was charged with an OWI and had his driving priveleges suspended. While in the process of trying to obtain a deferred judgement on that infraction he continued to drive without a license and got caught doing it. His opportunity for a deferment on the OWI charge is gone and his initial 6 month loss of license will become a minimum of 12 months. He has real potential for serving some jail time.

It's too bad that this isn't just a couple tickets for moped related safety equipment violations. It's way more than that.....

All that shows is that he's stupid, not a hardened criminal or thug. And if you really think he's going to spend more than a couple days in jail, pass what you're smoking. This is Johnson County, were key football and basketball players tend to avoid serious legal consequences unless they've done something REALLY bad (DJK, Douglas, Pierce, etc.).
All that shows is that he's stupid, not a hardened criminal or thug. And if you really think he's going to spend more than a couple days in jail, pass what you're smoking. This is Johnson County, were key football and basketball players tend to avoid serious legal consequences unless they've done something REALLY bad (DJK, Douglas, Pierce, etc.).

Agreed. Dude was riding a freaking moped for *ucks sake. If he was 21 he doesn't even get an OWI, as it was so close it would have gotten tossed out. BTW why the heck is the drinking age 21, when you are a legal adult at 18? You can go to war, vote, have kids (don't even need to be 18 for that), be charged for crimes as an adult, but ohhhhhhh nooooooo, you can't toss back a beer or two.
All that shows is that he's stupid, not a hardened criminal or thug. And if you really think he's going to spend more than a couple days in jail, pass what you're smoking. This is Johnson County, were key football and basketball players tend to avoid serious legal consequences unless they've done something REALLY bad (DJK, Douglas, Pierce, etc.).

I don't think anyone thinks he's a thug or hardened criminal. The concern is that he did something so stupid and is he capable of doing something stupid again. It's like when my kid throws wet clothes in a dryer that still has previously dried clothes in it. Is it a horrible act against humanity? No, but it sure is stupid and I can't process why she would do such a thing. It's amazing what young people are capable of.
He's not gone officially until Hoiberg calls him up.

I don't see him leaving over 2 moped incidents, but it would be interesting if he did need to or want to leave if ISU would get involved. I know Fred liked him out of high school, but was forced to stop recruiting him early on because of the Lefty Moore recruiting violations. Jok was one of the players that Lefty called outside of the recruiting period or something like that, so Fred had to cross him off the list as part of imposed punishment.
All that shows is that he's stupid, not a hardened criminal or thug. And if you really think he's going to spend more than a couple days in jail, pass what you're smoking. This is Johnson County, were key football and basketball players tend to avoid serious legal consequences unless they've done something REALLY bad (DJK, Douglas, Pierce, etc.).

I'm not smoking anything, and where I come from a couple days in jail is jail time.... Regarding your use of terms like "stupid", "hardened criminal" & "thug" I will agree with stupid. The other two terms don't descrbe Peter and I never used them.
I don't see him leaving over 2 moped incidents, but it would be interesting if he did need to or want to leave if ISU would get involved. I know Fred liked him out of high school, but was forced to stop recruiting him early on because of the Lefty Moore recruiting violations. Jok was one of the players that Lefty called outside of the recruiting period or something like that, so Fred had to cross him off the list as part of imposed punishment.

You already know the answer to that.

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