Joe Toussaint

And on the defensive side of things at least we know what to expect, because when I think of street ball I think of defense.

I kid, I kid, but figured someone would of said something like that by now.
Well that's certainly part of what I was saying/implying as well. And a kid that'll really push the ball on fast breaks too would be nice.
I think it's fair to say that I slumped my entire HS career...hence no D1 offers. No D2, D3, or NAIA offers either. It was a really bad slump.

I'm the same way - I played 4 years of HS hoops - was a starter for 3 of em and I was terrible. So was our team tho. My claim to fame is that I guarded Cary Cochran several times and one time he dropped 52 on me.
I'm the same way - I played 4 years of HS hoops - was a starter for 3 of em and I was terrible. So was our team tho. My claim to fame is that I guarded Cary Cochran several times and one time he dropped 52 on me.

I love it...I never gave up 52 points in a game, but had the privilege of going up against the Winfield team that had Jess Settles, Clay Edwards, and Eric Rawson. Can honestly say that at the time I was pissed, but looking back, getting dunked on by each of them in a single game was a pretty memorable experience.
Whoever said Iowa fans are awesome at excuses was dead on the money. Especially the injury one.

Bohannon had a bone bruise in November. He looks healthier this year than he did last year, he just isn’t playing or shooting that well.

Garza cist was obviously a major thing. But for him to play as well as he did coming out of the gate, and then we decide to bring it up now is pretty laughable imo.

Both of those guys will come around and play better ball I have no doubt, but the injury excuse is weak.

I'm pretty sure if you had a nine pound cyst removed from your abdomen it would effect you greatly. Garza can do what he is doing because he was in such great shape before. People are really pretty stupid sometimes. Of course, I'm pretty stupid sometimes too. When you watch a tennis pro or golf pro that has an injury it takes them awhile to come back to form. There isn't a great divide that separates success from failure in sports. It only takes a small annoying thing. Maybe you will get arthritis or back pain in your life to realize it.
I'm the same way - I played 4 years of HS hoops - was a starter for 3 of em and I was terrible. So was our team tho. My claim to fame is that I guarded Cary Cochran several times and one time he dropped 52 on me.
It sounds like you and your team had a good time though.
It sounds like you and your team had a good time though.

we got hammered every game and football was the same way. I played for a very small school and basically all you had to do was join the team and you were a 3 or 4 year starter.
I'm pretty sure if you had a nine pound cyst removed from your abdomen it would effect you greatly. Garza can do what he is doing because he was in such great shape before. People are really pretty stupid sometimes. Of course, I'm pretty stupid sometimes too. When you watch a tennis pro or golf pro that has an injury it takes them awhile to come back to form. There isn't a great divide that separates success from failure in sports. It only takes a small annoying thing. Maybe you will get arthritis or back pain in your life to realize it.
See I knew someone would have that response. I don’t downplay the injury, not one bit. We had no idea what to expect at the beginning of the season, even Fran mentioned he was surprised he was ready that quick.

But for a guy to average 16+ points for the first 5 games of the season, and then hit a slump and average 6.75 over the last four, the injury excuse is such a bad take. Did he had a setback? We certainly haven’t heard about it.

Sometimes guys hit slumps, it happens, it’s just a lazy excuse to blame the injury at this point when he already played so well for 5 games over a months span of time.
I'm sure as much as he loves the sport and being in front of the crowd his adrenaline was pumping pretty good the first few games. His body, after going through what he went through, was probably starting to tire out. The guy isn't a robot, and its going to take awhile for his body to regain the strength to sustain him through a basketball season. Freshmen usually hit a wall after a good part of their freshmen seasons, and its pretty likely a guy that has had a nine pound cyst removed and returns so quickly is going to have a wall too.
I'm sure as much as he loves the sport and being in front of the crowd his adrenaline was pumping pretty good the first few games. His body, after going through what he went through, was probably starting to tire out. The guy isn't a robot, and its going to take awhile for his body to regain the strength to sustain him through a basketball season. Freshmen usually hit a wall after a good part of their freshmen seasons, and its pretty likely a guy that has had a nine pound cyst removed and returns so quickly is going to have a wall too.
Thank you good doctor! How are the rest of the guys doing? How are their sleep cycles? Are they reaching their optimal REM sleep levels? Do you think Wells Fargo will be rocking enough Saturday to get our players to the adequate adrenaline zone?

You know, I think the Bears shut down Todd Gurley the other night because he tore his ACL in college. He’s been playing on pure adrenaline the last few seasons but that finally wore off Sunday night.

Yes I’m being a sarcastic prick, but it’s becuase you don’t know shit about Luka and his health, you’re simply talking out of your ass. I don’t know anything either.
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I"m sorry. I thought you were suppose to be a nicehawk21. I hope you take a deep breath, count to ten, and try and relax.
Thank you good doctor! How are the rest of the guys doing? How are their sleep cycles? Are they reaching their optimal REM sleep levels? Do you think Wells Fargo will be rocking enough Saturday to get our players to the adequate adrenaline zone?

You know, I think the Bears shut down Todd Gurley the other night because he tore his ACL in college. He’s been playing on pure adrenaline the last few seasons but that finally wore off Sunday night.

Yes I’m being a sarcastic prick, but it’s becuase you don’t know shit about Luka and his health, you’re simply talking out of your ass. I don’t know anything either.

<<I don't know anything either>>

Truer word was never spoken.

I'm not sure he was making "excuses" as much as he was offering a possible explanation. Same thong with Pemsl. He played on adrenaline against ISU. Whether or not he can sustain that, or instead needs to have surgery and shut it down is still to be answered.
<<I don't know anything either>>

Truer word was never spoken.

I'm not sure he was making "excuses" as much as he was offering a possible explanation. Same thong with Pemsl. He played on adrenaline against ISU. Whether or not he can sustain that, or instead needs to have surgery and shut it down is still to be answered.
Read his posts, he’s convinced he knows what he’s talking about. He says I’m sure and I’m pretty sure.

The Pemsl thing is quite different in my estimation. It’s a nagging injury that deals with reoccurring pain.

Garza had a surgery. Normally following surgery you have a recovery time. Garza recovered and got back out there and played good basketball for the first 5 games. He’s had a tougher go of it the last 4. I haven’t heard anyone around Iowa basketball say he’s had a set back with his recovery. Is it possible? Absolutely. But to me it just seems like a weak excuse to pull out now after he played so well for 5 games. Sometimes guys struggle for whatever reason, it happens.
Read his posts, he’s convinced he knows what he’s talking about. He says I’m sure and I’m pretty sure.

The Pemsl thing is quite different in my estimation. It’s a nagging injury that deals with reoccurring pain.

Garza had a surgery. Normally following surgery you have a recovery time. Garza recovered and got back out there and played good basketball for the first 5 games. He’s had a tougher go of it the last 4. I haven’t heard anyone around Iowa basketball say he’s had a set back with his recovery. Is it possible? Absolutely. But to me it just seems like a weak excuse to pull out now after he played so well for 5 games. Sometimes guys struggle for whatever reason, it happens.

Frankly, I'm kind of shocked he came back in time for the season opener. So it wouldn't "shock" me if he's having some fatigue. But I agree, his recent "slump" is probably just exactly that, a slump. They happen more frequently than injuries!
Its coaches and players that aren't supposed to make excuses. Fans aren't part of the team so who gives a rip if they do?
Read his posts, he’s convinced he knows what he’s talking about. He says I’m sure and I’m pretty sure.

The Pemsl thing is quite different in my estimation. It’s a nagging injury that deals with reoccurring pain.

Garza had a surgery. Normally following surgery you have a recovery time. Garza recovered and got back out there and played good basketball for the first 5 games. He’s had a tougher go of it the last 4. I haven’t heard anyone around Iowa basketball say he’s had a set back with his recovery. Is it possible? Absolutely. But to me it just seems like a weak excuse to pull out now after he played so well for 5 games. Sometimes guys struggle for whatever reason, it happens.

Read the 2 sentences he says "I'm sure" and "I pretty sure". Neither have anything to do with knowing for sure the injury is affecting him right now. My guess is he's not slumping because of the surgery. But that is just a guess. I would bet money that his two sentences you referenced are accurate.
Read his posts, he’s convinced he knows what he’s talking about. He says I’m sure and I’m pretty sure.

The Pemsl thing is quite different in my estimation. It’s a nagging injury that deals with reoccurring pain.

Garza had a surgery. Normally following surgery you have a recovery time. Garza recovered and got back out there and played good basketball for the first 5 games. He’s had a tougher go of it the last 4. I haven’t heard anyone around Iowa basketball say he’s had a set back with his recovery. Is it possible? Absolutely. But to me it just seems like a weak excuse to pull out now after he played so well for 5 games. Sometimes guys struggle for whatever reason, it happens.
I never said he had a set back in his recovery. Anyway, I don't know if your 21 or not, but I can tell you are fairly a young guy. If you want my advice, which you probably don't, I'd suggest you try and get at least eight hours of sleep a night. Maybe even listen to some classic music. You might try reading the Bible and going to Church if you don't. I do agree with you that I'm not the truth.
I love it...I never gave up 52 points in a game, but had the privilege of going up against the Winfield team that had Jess Settles, Clay Edwards, and Eric Rawson. Can honestly say that at the time I was pissed, but looking back, getting dunked on by each of them in a single game was a pretty memorable experience.

So you're a SE Iowa boy...where from?
Read the 2 sentences he says "I'm sure" and "I pretty sure". Neither have anything to do with knowing for sure the injury is affecting him right now. My guess is he's not slumping because of the surgery. But that is just a guess. I would bet money that his two sentences you referenced are accurate.
I don’t care to argue about it really, I was just giving him shit to see if he’d admit he doesn’t have the slightest clue about Garza’s health situation.

“His body, after going through what it went through was probably starting to tire out.”

Is that a professional opinion? Garza recovered from surgery, and got back to playing and played very well. If anything, assuming no setbacks, as he continued to train you’d expect his endurance to get better not worse. But I guess because he’s slumping we medically opined that he was playing off adrenaline in the beginning but now his body is starting to wear down.

Again, not that big of deal. Fans can use whatever excuse they’d like, I just frankly find this one very tired and lame. I was being a prick, I admitted as much in my post.
Honestly color me skeptical?

What other major power five school was recruiting him? That’s an honest question not a snarky comment.

Fran has a history of not getting this missing piece and already it’s been said his outside shooting skills aren’t the best. We do have plenty of players who can light it up from the outside, so maybe, just maybe, a quick penetrating guard is just what the doctor ordered.

However just like the Apostle Thomas, I will not believe until I see for myself.
Maybe he is a clone if Zavier Simpson?

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