Joe Pa didn't do the **** molesting


The fact that you are doing business with Brian Kaldenberg is starting to negatively reflect on you and your business. You should seriously take this into consideration.

First off you aren't the only one that thinks this. I spoke with a couple of friends that felt the same way they also hadn't read the Grand Jury report.

After explaining to them:

-the details of what was in the report
-the fact that after the 1999 incident he was told he couldn't bring kids on campus anymore
-after the 2002 incident he was supposed to be banned from the campus and keys taken away
-and the fact that he was on campus last week using the weight room

they changed their minds pretty quickly.

I would think after you read the grand jury report you would change your mind as well.

Reading it right now.
Except that It says right in the report that JoePa confirmed the call and meeting at his home about the situation.

Yeah, but do we know what was discussed? We know what the GA claims and what the prosecution wants you to believe. Do we know what Paterno did after he told the AD? No, there is nothing in the report about any conversations Paterno might have had with the AD to see what was going on? It could be that the AD lied to Paterno and told him that the authorities were looking into it and in the meantime we are banning him from campus. If anything like that happened it is not going to be in the report because it is irrelevant to the case and it no evidence would have been presented on it. That is why people need to stop condemning Paterno when all there is a grand jury report regarding Sandusky's alleged conduct, not Paterno's. Again not all of the evidence is out there with regard to what Paterno did or did not do.
No one has heard Paterno's side of the story yet.
All that has been released is the grand jury report. This is not necessarily the whole story of what happened, it is just the grand juries report on what it believes after hearing only one side of the story, the prosecution's. It could be the grad assistant is lying to cover his own *** because he doesn't want to look bad. The prosecution gets to put on whatever evidence it wants, even hearsay evidence and the grand jury only hears the prosecutions case.

Trust me, the things that come out from this point forward won't make it any better for JoePa...
Yeah, but do we know what was discussed? We know what the GA claims and what the prosecution wants you to believe. Do we know what Paterno did after he told the AD? No, there is nothing in the report about any conversations Paterno might have had with the AD to see what was going on? It could be that the AD lied to Paterno and told him that the authorities were looking into it and in the meantime we are banning him from campus. If anything like that happened it is not going to be in the report because it is irrelevant to the case and it no evidence would have been presented on it. That is why people need to stop condemning Paterno when all there is a grand jury report regarding Sandusky's alleged conduct, not Paterno's. Again not all of the evidence is out there with regard to what Paterno did or did not do.

So Paterno didn't ask to be kept abreast of the situation which involved accusations of child rape by a friend of his for 25 years? After years passed and nothing happened it just went away? Yeah, good job outta Joe.
Yeah, but do we know what was discussed? We know what the GA claims and what the prosecution wants you to believe. Do we know what Paterno did after he told the AD? No, there is nothing in the report about any conversations Paterno might have had with the AD to see what was going on? It could be that the AD lied to Paterno and told him that the authorities were looking into it and in the meantime we are banning him from campus. If anything like that happened it is not going to be in the report because it is irrelevant to the case and it no evidence would have been presented on it. That is why people need to stop condemning Paterno when all there is a grand jury report regarding Sandusky's alleged conduct, not Paterno's. Again not all of the evidence is out there with regard to what Paterno did or did not do.

Check the timeline on when this all happened. Way to much time has passed for Paterno to think everything was being taken care of
I've said it once and I'll say it again.

So Paterno didn't ask to be kept abreast of the situation which involved accusations of child rape by a friend of his for 25 years? After years passed and nothing happened it just went away? Yeah, good job outta Joe.

Im not saying that Paterno did or did not do something wrong, I just think that people should wait to judge until every side of the story comes out. because a grand jury's report is completely biased based on what story the prosecution wants to tell.
I didn't know what was told to Jo Pa... Where are you seeing that this is what was told to Joe Pa?

If what you're saying is true then yes Joe Pa should have told authorities and should be fired.

Read pages 6-7 of grand jury testimony, for starters. I could barely get through it.

I'm not sure where the biggest failures were in all of this...there were likely many.

edit: I'm sure you're a nice guy, and I probably shouldn't be so hard on you. You're trying to make sense of this, as we all are.
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Im not saying that Paterno did or did not do something wrong, I just think that people should wait to judge until every side of the story comes out. because a grand jury's report is completely biased based on what story the prosecution wants to tell.
Wait to judge? Are you saying the Grand Jury's testament is false? That 8 kids are lying, the GA is lying, etc...?

There is no grey area here due to the subject matter at hand. None.

The fact that you are doing business with Brian Kaldenberg is starting to negatively reflect on you and your business. You should seriously take this into consideration.

Brian built the site for us in 2009. I am appreciative for the work he did then, and that one of the things he does professionally.

At present (and since this spring), now that the site has been built for over two years, I use Host Duplex to host the site, update software patches, etc. I have another company I use for cosmetic changes.

Brian is a registered user of this site, the same as you.
Yeah, but do we know what was discussed? We know what the GA claims and what the prosecution wants you to believe. Do we know what Paterno did after he told the AD? No, there is nothing in the report about any conversations Paterno might have had with the AD to see what was going on? It could be that the AD lied to Paterno and told him that the authorities were looking into it and in the meantime we are banning him from campus. If anything like that happened it is not going to be in the report because it is irrelevant to the case and it no evidence would have been presented on it. That is why people need to stop condemning Paterno when all there is a grand jury report regarding Sandusky's alleged conduct, not Paterno's. Again not all of the evidence is out there with regard to what Paterno did or did not do.

Interesting points. It is true that we do not know everything. Unfortunately, I'm sure we'll hear a lot abou it in the coming days and weeks.

I'm sure many of us are/will be sick of this whole thing long before the courts and media disembowel the whole Penn State system.
How can you comment on the situation if you have no information?

Amazing... but not really.

Right, because that stops 95% of the people on this board when it comes to questioning coaching decisions, etc.


sure Brian probably should have read the report before starting this thread but it isn't like it's anything new for all of the people that are jumping down his throat starting threads to call people out for things or situations that they know absolutely nothing about.

Point in case 99% of the threads started after the Minny game.
So 8 boys are lying about 40 counts of rape? What are you saying here, it didn't happen? If not, why isn't PSU proclaiming Sandusky's innocence from the highest tree and railing the GA? Why didn't the AD stick around to defend the program?

What did I say about the allegations against Sandusky? Am I missing something. Im talking about what the GA says he reported to the AD and Paterno. Obviously Sandusky is guilty. What I am saying is that it is too early to make a judgment on what Paterno knew or didn't know, what actions he did or didn't take based on the grand jury report regarding an indictment of SANDUSKY for child abuse. This is not a report about what Paterno did or did not do.

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