Joe Pa didn't do the **** molesting

No i do realize what happenef, im just saying quit attacking the OP, its his oppinion. Makes no sense why some of the stuff people are saying to him are being said. So many others are being bashed for having a different opinion on the subject, which shouldnt be happening.

If your opinion is that Joe Pa did nothing wrong because he followed protocol but let the guy continue to do what he did on the football campus for 9 MORE YEARS and he knew the guy had done something, then yes you should be bashed.
So if you see your female co-worker getting raped in the conference room after hours, as long as you tell your boss about it, everything is just fine. You have no obligation (morally, ethically, or legally) to go to the police. And as long as your boss tells his boss, he is in the clear too, right? And then you let the rapist come and go into the office even though you know he has the potential rape again.

That makes perfect sense, doesn't it?
So if you see your female co-worker getting raped in the conference room after hours, as long as you tell your boss about it, everything is just fine. You have no obligation (morally, ethically, or legally) to go to the police. And as long as your boss tells his boss, he is in the clear too, right? And then you let the rapist come and go into the office even though you know he has the potential rape again.

That makes perfect sense, doesn't it?

It's even worse than that, it's a former coworker that no longer works in your office but just happens to still have a parking space and keys to the office that is in said conference room. Two weeks later they come to you and tell you that they took away his parking space and his keys and can't be in the office anymore. Yet on a regular basis he is still seen around the office.

Yes, move along nothing to see here all is well:

I'm not sure where all the Kaldenberg hate eminates from. He says he's a Hawkeye and I believe him.

He is not usually good with his predictions i.e: Iowa losses, moped guy starting by mid season, etc. He has been right on a few: Wegher not being B1G running back. I think he usually calls them like he sees them (even if his winning percentage would make him homeless in Vegas)

He is right when he says the whole thing with whether JoPa should be let go hinges directly on what was told to him. We don't know exactly what was said. Although I think JoPa knew full well and still let him around the facility. Not sure if JoPa had the authority to kick him out as Sandusky (puke face) had emeritus status and it would have had to come down from the president or higher. Still think JoPa had enough pull to get it done if he would have wanted.

Still am puzzled by all the Bri hate.
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In defense of the OP, it's very tempting to come to the defense of JoePa who's been a warm, fuzzy and grandiose figure in college football. Nobody wanted to see it come to an end like this and noone wants to believe his response could have been this inept. It's hard for anyone to accept this and I myself have looked for a possible rationale to defend his actions or lack of inactions. I'm still having a hard time wrapping my brain around it.
It's even worse than that, it's a former coworker that no longer works in your office but just happens to still have a parking space and keys to the office that is in said conference room. Two weeks later they come to you and tell you that they took away his parking space and his keys and can't be in the office anymore. Yet on a regular basis he is still seen around the office.

Yes, move along nothing to see here all is well:


It's even worse than that. He gets to keep his parking spot and keys, he's just told not to bring women to the conference room anymore.
In defense of the OP, it's very tempting to come to the defense of JoePa who's been a warm, fuzzy and grandiose figure in college football. Nobody wanted to see it come to an end like this and noone wants to believe his response could have been this inept. It's hard for anyone to accept this and I myself have looked for a possible rationale to defend his actions or lack of inactions. I'm still having a hard time wrapping my brain around it.

It's easy to wrap your head around it. We see it all the time: People placing the institution over the person.

It's just more extreme in this instance because it's kids getting raped.
I'm not sure where all the Kaldenberg hate eminates from. He says he's a Hawkeye and I believe him.

He is not usually good with his predictions i.e: Iowa losses, moped guy starting by mid season, etc. He has been right on a few: Wegher not being B1G running back. I think he usually calls them like he sees them (even if his winning percentage would make him homeless in Vegas)

Not to derail this thread, but how is he right about that? Did he say he would leave after having personal issues and that is why he isn't a B10 RB?
Joe Pa didn't call the police. Nor did anybody else, which makes them all just as responsible for the continued rape of children as Sandusky. End of discussion.

And unlike Sandirty, they aren't sick, twisted, perverted rapers of little boys.

They were big shots who couldn't be bothered. gotta be sh*ttin me! He harbored a damn monster and you say to get off his back? Do you have kids Brian? If so your comments are even more appalling....I'd rather listen to 2starstan's garbage than this actual nonsense.
I'm not sure where all the Kaldenberg hate eminates from. He says he's a Hawkeye and I believe him.

He is not usually good with his predictions i.e: Iowa losses, moped guy starting by mid season, etc. He has been right on a few: Wegher not being B1G running back. I think he usually calls them like he sees them (even if his winning percentage would make him homeless in Vegas)

He is right when he says the whole thing with whether JoPa should be let go hinges directly on what was told to him. We don't know exactly what was said. Although I think JoPa knew full well and still let him around the facility. Not sure if JoPa had the authority to kick him out as Sandusky (puke face) had emeritus status and it would have had to come down from the president or higher. Still think JoPa had enough pull to get it done if he would have wanted.

Still am puzzled by all the Bri hate.

When you already know about the 1999 incident (I find it incredibly hard to believe that JoePa didn't know), do you really need specifics on the 2002 incident to figure out what was probably going on?
I'm pretty sure BK gets some kickback for our responses/clicks....I think we should all agree to shun him...or ignore.
Nor did he see it with his own eyes. And who knows what the person said to Jo Pa when they told him about the incident. Maybe the person who told Joe Pa said something along the lines of "Strange horsing around".

Joe Pa worked with Sandusky for over 25 years. If someone came to you and said, "Hey, I saw your brother kind of horsing around with one of the kids in the shower and it seemed kind of strange." What would you do?

Are you going to take that comment and go call the police?

The whole key to this is what the person said when he told Joe Pa of the incident.

Mr. Kaldenberg, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Nor did he see it with his own eyes. And who knows what the person said to Jo Pa when they told him about the incident. Maybe the person who told Joe Pa said something along the lines of "Strange horsing around".

Joe Pa worked with Sandusky for over 25 years. If someone came to you and said, "Hey, I saw your brother kind of horsing around with one of the kids in the shower and it seemed kind of strange." What would you do?

Are you going to take that comment and go call the police?

The whole key to this is what the person said when he told Joe Pa of the incident.

The funny thing is "joe doesn't do much of the coaching either these days, but he still gets credit for wins".

This will go down as one of the most memorable posts of all time...for all the wrong reasons. Nice work.

"strange horsing around" exactly do you define that? If it's a 60 year old naked man in a shower with a 10 year old boy, it's not "horsing around"'s rape or molestation. "What would you do"...good question...I'd freaking call the police after I made sure the kid was safe.
Joe did know and reported it once. He Should of went beyond peers to stop the rump ranger. Queer bastard.

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