Joe Pa didn't do the **** molesting

I'm going to guess BK has every Jackson Five and Michael Jackson album ever recorded, has pictures of Bubbles plastered all over his apartment, thought MJ was unfairly accused of having inappropriate contact with children in his bed and would happily have spent a night or several at Neverland.
I didn't know what was told to Jo Pa... Where are you seeing that this is what was told to Joe Pa?

If what you're saying is true then yes Joe Pa should have told authorities and should be fired.

You seriously haven't read it yet? Anywhere? And yet you started this thread with only limited info? Did your buddy give you a drunken run-down and then you came here and posted?

Ignorance seems to be in a lot of places in this situation.
You would fit in well with the rest of the Penn St administrators that looked the other way and didn't investigate the situation.
Not only should JoePa not be giving the option of "retiring," he should be fired with no further benefits (pension, etc) and be brought up on criminal charges. It makes me sick.
What kind of idiot posts under his real name, and then not only makes a post in one of the 30 threads about this situation defending someone who allowed a 10 year old to be raped in his locker room, but STARTS AN F'ING THREAD ON IT!??? Seriously??? You are hands down the worst poster on this entire site. It's not even close.
What kind of idiot posts under his real name, and then not only makes a post in one of the 30 threads about this situation defending someone who allowed a 10 year old to be raped in his locker room, but STARTS AN F'ING THREAD ON IT!??? Seriously??? You are hands down the worst poster on this entire site. It's not even close.

And he promotes his business on this site.

What an IDIOT.
You seriously haven't read it yet? Anywhere? And yet you started this thread with only limited info? Did your buddy give you a drunken run-down and then you came here and posted?

Ignorance seems to be in a lot of places in this situation.

It also seems to be in BK's posts.
No one has heard Paterno's side of the story yet.
All that has been released is the grand jury report. This is not necessarily the whole story of what happened, it is just the grand juries report on what it believes after hearing only one side of the story, the prosecution's. It could be the grad assistant is lying to cover his own *** because he doesn't want to look bad. The prosecution gets to put on whatever evidence it wants, even hearsay evidence and the grand jury only hears the prosecutions case.
No one has heard Paterno's side of the story yet.
All that has been released is the grand jury report. This is not necessarily the whole story of what happened, it is just the grand juries report on what it believes after hearing only one side of the story, the prosecution's. It could be the grad assistant is lying to cover his own *** because he doesn't want to look bad. The prosecution gets to put on whatever evidence it wants, even hearsay evidence and the grand jury only hears the prosecutions case.

Except that It says right in the report that JoePa confirmed the call and meeting at his home about the situation.
No one has heard Paterno's side of the story yet.
All that has been released is the grand jury report. This is not necessarily the whole story of what happened, it is just the grand juries report on what it believes after hearing only one side of the story, the prosecution's. It could be the grad assistant is lying to cover his own *** because he doesn't want to look bad. The prosecution gets to put on whatever evidence it wants, even hearsay evidence and the grand jury only hears the prosecutions case.

If the GA was concerned about covering his a$$ he would've simply said nothing to anyone.
He's also on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and in several Iowa City business communities. Seems like a lot of potential exposure for bad press.

And the guy is so cluless he doesn't understand the entire country is outraged at Paterno's failure to do the right thing when it counted most.
What do any of you expect from this clown? The op doesn't surprise me at all. He's a total rube and a proven moron.
If the GA was concerned about covering his a$$ he would've simply said nothing to anyone.

Something about what the guy is saying just doesn't make sense. Because if he actually witnessed Sandusky having sex with a boy why would he (1) not stop what was going on and help the boy, (2) call the police, and (3) why would he wait to discuss the issue with his dad before going to talk to anyone. It just doesn't make sense, if he actually witnessed a sex act it seems like he would do something right away. If he merely thought that something was going on but wasn't sure then I can see him talking about it with his dad and not calling the police and waiting a day to talk to Paterno.
Nor did he see it with his own eyes. And who knows what the person said to Jo Pa when they told him about the incident. Maybe the person who told Joe Pa said something along the lines of "Strange horsing around".

Joe Pa worked with Sandusky for over 25 years. If someone came to you and said, "Hey, I saw your brother kind of horsing around with one of the kids in the shower and it seemed kind of strange." What would you do?

Are you going to take that comment and go call the police?

The whole key to this is what the person said when he told Joe Pa of the incident.

Wow, a ten year old boy is anally raped and you want to let Paterno off the hook for not acting. You honestly think it's typical or ok to dismiss this kind of allegation if you're not PRESENT during the act? What are you his ****ing defense lawyer?
Something about what the guy is saying just doesn't make sense. Because if he actually witnessed Sandusky having sex with a boy why would he (1) not stop what was going on and help the boy, (2) call the police, and (3) why would he wait to discuss the issue with his dad before going to talk to anyone. It just doesn't make sense, if he actually witnessed a sex act it seems like he would do something right away. If he merely thought that something was going on but wasn't sure then I can see him talking about it with his dad and not calling the police and waiting a day to talk to Paterno.

He acted the way he did because he's a spineless worm that was concerned about his future as a coach st Penn State.
I didn't know what was told to Jo Pa... Where are you seeing that this is what was told to Joe Pa?

If what you're saying is true then yes Joe Pa should have told authorities and should be fired.


First off you aren't the only one that thinks this. I spoke with a couple of friends that felt the same way they also hadn't read the Grand Jury report.

After explaining to them:

-the details of what was in the report
-the fact that after the 1999 incident he was told he couldn't bring kids on campus anymore
-after the 2002 incident he was supposed to be banned from the campus and keys taken away
-and the fact that he was on campus last week using the weight room

they changed their minds pretty quickly.

I would think after you read the grand jury report you would change your mind as well.
Something about what the guy is saying just doesn't make sense. Because if he actually witnessed Sandusky having sex with a boy why would he (1) not stop what was going on and help the boy, (2) call the police, and (3) why would he wait to discuss the issue with his dad before going to talk to anyone. It just doesn't make sense, if he actually witnessed a sex act it seems like he would do something right away. If he merely thought that something was going on but wasn't sure then I can see him talking about it with his dad and not calling the police and waiting a day to talk to Paterno.

So 8 boys are lying about 40 counts of rape? What are you saying here, it didn't happen? If not, why isn't PSU proclaiming Sandusky's innocence from the highest tree and railing the GA? Why didn't the AD stick around to defend the program?