JBo is thinking about coming back next year

If he comes back to play, stop bitching about parking tickets, NCAA grab bags, and stirring the pot about mundane things, etc.. That whiny petulant child act kind of started to get old a bit to me. Have your focus where it's supposed to be, on your team and defense.

But, I'd take his 3 pt shooting if his mind was in the right place for more consistency.

IMHO, he's really pinned himself between a rock and a hardspot. Now that he's opened the can of worms bitching about the NCAA and players getting paid, he'd really look like a hypocrite if he comes back if not getting paid, and he knows that, he's not dumb. With how dynamic the topic is and with all that has to be looked at and figured out, there is a very slim chance that paying players would get approved before next season.
Agree 100%.....JBo's biggest problem was opening his mouth time and time again. He could have simply said he supports players being played and left it at that.
I am in favor of Jabo returning if that is what he wants. What he does off court? Not my business.
Imagine being a big enough asshole that you think Jordan Bohannon needs to shut up and play? Being a player advocate isn't wrong. Being vocal about your rights and letting your character show, again, isn't wrong. Being more than a basketball player isn't wrong. Having a podcast, isn't wrong. Wanting the basic right of NIL for your sport, the same exact thing every other person in America has rights too at that age, isn't wrong. Imagine believing that is cause for bad play or a distraction, him fighting and speaking up about player rights? A law that's already been passed in 8 states and is absolutely inevitable for every state. Imagine being upset at a kid for trying to make the game better in general. You are the worst if that's you.
Imagine being a big enough asshole that you think Jordan Bohannon needs to shut up and play? Being a player advocate isn't wrong. Being vocal about your rights and letting your character show, again, isn't wrong. Being more than a basketball player isn't wrong. Having a podcast, isn't wrong. Wanting the basic right of NIL for your sport, the same exact thing every other person in America has rights too at that age, isn't wrong. Imagine believing that is cause for bad play or a distraction, him fighting and speaking up about player rights? A law that's already been passed in 8 states and is absolutely inevitable for every state. Imagine being upset at a kid for trying to make the game better in general. You are the worst if that's you.

The other side of the argument would be to imagine having the opportunities that he seems to forgetting all about (and taking for granted) while he continually emphasizes how life isn't fair yet you've been playing by the current rules since you grew up playing ball in the backyard. He's playing a game...His life revolves around a sport. If he doesn't like the fact that he's not being compensated for what he puts in then he needs to do something different with his life.

I totally get his point of view and am totally in favor of making money off his NIL, but at the same time he's forgetting that whether he's being compensated or not he's spent years playing at a level that almost all of dreamed about. I don't necessarily see it as being "the worst" or an asshole if people want him to be less vocal, I simply think they see it as a matter of being appreciative for the opportunities and doors its opened rather than continually bringing it up.
The other side of the argument would be to imagine having the opportunities that he seems to forgetting all about (and taking for granted) while he continually emphasizes how life isn't fair yet you've been playing by the current rules since you grew up playing ball in the backyard. He's playing a game...His life revolves around a sport. If he doesn't like the fact that he's not being compensated for what he puts in then he needs to do something different with his life.

I totally get his point of view and am totally in favor of making money off his NIL, but at the same time he's forgetting that whether he's being compensated or not he's spent years playing at a level that almost all of dreamed about. I don't necessarily see it as being "the worst" or an asshole if people want him to be less vocal, I simply think they see it as a matter of being appreciative for the opportunities and doors its opened rather than continually bringing it up.
Who says he isn't grateful for that? He's said it million times. He's relayed over and over how thankful he is to have the opportunity he has had and how grateful he is to Iowa and the coaching staff. He says it in almost every interview he's done. So, now what? He can't share any of his other thoughts? He can't bring his opinion to the table? What's wrong with him speaking out and speaking up? Where does the problem lie with you in regards to that.....and don't say he should be "practicing D and worrying about shooting" cause if you doubt his dedication to the sport at this point, you're not worth arguing with.
Who says he isn't grateful for that? He's said it million times. He's relayed over and over how thankful he is to have the opportunity he has had and how grateful he is to Iowa and the coaching staff. He says it in almost every interview he's done. So, now what? He can't share any of his other thoughts? He can't bring his opinion to the table? What's wrong with him speaking out and speaking up? Where does the problem lie with you in regards to that.....and don't say he should be "practicing D and worrying about shooting" cause if you doubt his dedication to the sport at this point, you're not worth arguing with.

There's no argument on my side. I'm just in the crowd that thinks people have as much right to bag on him as he does to bag on the NCAA and his argument of getting paid.

I'll add if you look back through my posts on the issue...the only thing i've said that's even close to being negative was when I said that if collecting on his NIL was at the heart of his decision to consider returning to play next season I wasn't on board with it.
Who says he isn't grateful for that? He's said it million times. He's relayed over and over how thankful he is to have the opportunity he has had and how grateful he is to Iowa and the coaching staff. He says it in almost every interview he's done. So, now what? He can't share any of his other thoughts? He can't bring his opinion to the table? What's wrong with him speaking out and speaking up? Where does the problem lie with you in regards to that.....and don't say he should be "practicing D and worrying about shooting" cause if you doubt his dedication to the sport at this point, you're not worth arguing with.
I hate to say it but I kinda doubt he's putting in full effort. He thinks he's getting a raw deal. The next person I see put 100% effort into something when they think they're getting a raw deal will be the first.

I'm a big believer that the mind is a powerful thing. If you think positive and talk positive, good things will happen. On the flip side, when you constantly vocalize the negative, bad things happen. I believe in what he's doing and think it needs to be done. But I also think it sabatoged his career. It's also classic Iowa luck that we have one of 3 players pushing for this during what was Hopefully going to be a dream season. I'm not in the camp that thinks he should shut up and dribble. But I am in the camp that thinks he would have been a better player and we would have been a better team if he would have. An unfortunately, since I'm a fan, that's all I care about, which means I wish (not think he should have) he would have shut up and dribbled.
Cool cool, I am glad that so many of you want him to shut up and dribble, but Iowa not giving players NIL is putting our major programs at a huge disadvantage. It's going to be a thing. Jordan is fighting for something that is going to happen regardless. I also personally think that he's smart enough to compartmentalize the many hats he wears and he can handle talking, dribbling, shooting and probably a couple of other things too in his day. I mean, whatever he thinks he can handle is fine by me.
I hate to say it but I kinda doubt he's putting in full effort. He thinks he's getting a raw deal. The next person I see put 100% effort into something when they think they're getting a raw deal will be the first.

I'm a big believer that the mind is a powerful thing. If you think positive and talk positive, good things will happen. On the flip side, when you constantly vocalize the negative, bad things happen. I believe in what he's doing and think it needs to be done. But I also think it sabatoged his career. It's also classic Iowa luck that we have one of 3 players pushing for this during what was Hopefully going to be a dream season. I'm not in the camp that thinks he should shut up and dribble. But I am in the camp that thinks he would have been a better player and we would have been a better team if he would have. An unfortunately, since I'm a fan, that's all I care about, which means I wish (not think he should have) he would have shut up and dribbled.

Keep in mind this is coming from a guy who thought (and still thinks) Murray should've started over Bohannon...

The idea that he's not giving 100% is complete horseshit. Lolz.

That guy loves his teammates and coaches, they love him, and he's always been one of the most fan-friendly dudes Iowa has ever had. The idea that he's out there tossing up threes and not really caring if they go in, or not trying hard to get back down the court and playing like shit in games because he's mad at the NCAA is complete and total dumbfuckery. Jesus Christ.

I've given plenty of criticism to JB over the years and a lot of it I still think is totally valid, but thinking he's out there purposely dogging it for his teammates, team, and fans because of Mark Emmert's opinion is just so goddamn stupid it doesn't really warrant a response.

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this board is dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.
Keep in mind this is coming from a guy who thought (and still thinks) Murray should've started over Bohannon...

The idea that he's not giving 100% is complete horseshit. Lolz.

That guy loves his teammates and coaches, they love him, and he's always been one of the most fan-friendly dudes Iowa has ever had. The idea that he's out there tossing up threes and not really caring if they go in, or not trying hard to get back down the court and playing like shit in games because he's mad at the NCAA is complete and total dumbfuckery. Jesus Christ.

I've given plenty of criticism to JB over the years and a lot of it I still think is totally valid, but thinking he's out there purposely dogging it for his teammates, team, and fans because of Mark Emmert's opinion is just so goddamn stupid it doesn't really warrant a response.

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this board is dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.
Good stuff
Keep in mind this is coming from a guy who thought (and still thinks) Murray should've started over Bohannon...

The idea that he's not giving 100% is complete horseshit. Lolz.

That guy loves his teammates and coaches, they love him, and he's always been one of the most fan-friendly dudes Iowa has ever had. The idea that he's out there tossing up threes and not really caring if they go in, or not trying hard to get back down the court and playing like shit in games because he's mad at the NCAA is complete and total dumbfuckery. Jesus Christ.

I've given plenty of criticism to JB over the years and a lot of it I still think is totally valid, but thinking he's out there purposely dogging it for his teammates, team, and fans because of Mark Emmert's opinion is just so goddamn stupid it doesn't really warrant a response.

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this board is dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.
Hey dumb F, I never said he didn't give 100% during games. I highly doubt he put 100% into the work in the off season. Pretty much everyone tries in games. Not everyone puts 100% into the work it takes to get better. Hell you've basically said the same thing in past posts. Most players feel like the NCAA is taking advantage of them. But not all players are the same about of extreme with it. Bohannon is at the far extreme end of feeling taken advantage of. When I guy feels that strongly about something, what do you think he's gunna choose to do when deciding between the gym and flipping on the Playstation?
I know this guy at work. He's constantly bitching about being underpaid. Yet he shows up early every morning and stays late. He also works harder than anyone there.

Just kidding, I don't know that guy, and neither does anyone else because that guy doesn't exist.
Cool cool, I am glad that so many of you want him to shut up and dribble, but Iowa not giving players NIL is putting our major programs at a huge disadvantage. It's going to be a thing. Jordan is fighting for something that is going to happen regardless. I also personally think that he's smart enough to compartmentalize the many hats he wears and he can handle talking, dribbling, shooting and probably a couple of other things too in his day. I mean, whatever he thinks he can handle is fine by me.
Keep in mind it's not like I care that much. I just lean towards thinking he would have probably been a slightly better player and had a slightly better year if he had a different attitude towards it all. In the end it didn't change out season much. Even tho it's possible we could have had Ohio States spot with a better Bohannon. That's about it tho.

I also wish everyone for Iowa worked as hard as Luka. I don't think less of them when they don't tho. I don't think less or Jordan either.
I know this guy at work. He's constantly bitching about being underpaid. Yet he shows up early every morning and stays late. He also works harder than anyone there.

Just kidding, I don't know that guy, and neither does anyone else because that guy doesn't exist.

Bro... that is such an over generalization. There are literally entire generations of people throughout history that fit that very description.

Heck the US was built upon under paid labor... and worse.

Do I know people that bitch about their pay but work hard? are you serious my man lol?
Bro... that is such an over generalization. There are literally entire generations of people throughout history that fit that very description.

Heck the US was built upon under paid labor... and worse.

Do I know people that bitch about their pay but work hard? are you serious my man lol?
You know people who CONSTANTLY bitch about it but still give 100%? I know plenty of people who do what you just said.
And once again, it's not like I'm saying the dude never worked at all. But if you could somehow run a simulation where Bohannon has a middle of the road mindset on this whole thing, then add up all the hours he spent in the gym and compare it to all the hours he actually did spend in the gym, I'd bet everything I own that simulation Jordan spent way more hours in the gym.

But all also say this again. I care just a little bit more than not at all.
Keep in mind this is coming from a guy who thought (and still thinks) Murray should've started over Bohannon...

The idea that he's not giving 100% is complete horseshit. Lolz.

That guy loves his teammates and coaches, they love him, and he's always been one of the most fan-friendly dudes Iowa has ever had. The idea that he's out there tossing up threes and not really caring if they go in, or not trying hard to get back down the court and playing like shit in games because he's mad at the NCAA is complete and total dumbfuckery. Jesus Christ.

I've given plenty of criticism to JB over the years and a lot of it I still think is totally valid, but thinking he's out there purposely dogging it for his teammates, team, and fans because of Mark Emmert's opinion is just so goddamn stupid it doesn't really warrant a response.

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this board is dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.

And the shout out to Billy Madison...Love that quote!!!
The other side of the argument would be to imagine having the opportunities that he seems to forgetting all about (and taking for granted) while he continually emphasizes how life isn't fair yet you've been playing by the current rules since you grew up playing ball in the backyard. He's playing a game...His life revolves around a sport. If he doesn't like the fact that he's not being compensated for what he puts in then he needs to do something different with his life.

I totally get his point of view and am totally in favor of making money off his NIL, but at the same time he's forgetting that whether he's being compensated or not he's spent years playing at a level that almost all of dreamed about. I don't necessarily see it as being "the worst" or an asshole if people want him to be less vocal, I simply think they see it as a matter of being appreciative for the opportunities and doors its opened rather than continually bringing it up.

.....and lets not act like these athletes don't have advantages or get a jump on life from being an ex college athlete, even if working in the general population. They get their school paid for, get an education and it looks terrific on a resume, which it should for all their hard work and dedication. Most of them are going to get terrific job opportunities post college and have an advantage over many others.

I don't think they need to be pinching pennies and going hungry while in college, but I also don't think we need to give up the last of our amateur sports which kind of still has a hint of innocence.

This is not a simple situation and would have a LOT of collateral issues that many people don't think about. I spoke with a college administrator just at Easter about this and meetings they've had within the college. There are many issues that arise like the question if the student athlete now has a right to wear a team jersey with the school's name on it, etc.. There are issues with different sponsors crossing each other and if that would be fine to a college. This is a can of worms.
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....and for the record, I never stated that I think Jo Bo should have just shut up and dribbled, so I hope GoodCo is not referring to me. I merely was getting sick of the bitching about certain things, but also recognize that he also probably was in search of certain podcast content.

I don't care what student athletes have going on outside of the team, except if it interferes with their performance. There is a question if this did happen with Jordan, as both his 3 pt shooting % and probably FT % declined from his Fresh/Soph years to his Jun/Sen years. Now, he had a terrific FT % so one has to put that into perspective that maybe it could only really go down.

In addition, I think we also have to put into perspective his hip issues and recovery and can't just presume he was completely distracted. I'm sure the injuries played a part.

I don't think it is fair to state that he was significantly distracted by this outside political stuff. I am also not sure one can blame everything on his physical condition. I think it as a mixture of both.

That's why I stated in my post above that I would take him for another year, IF HIS HEAD WAS IN THE RIGHT PLACE! This to increase his consistency. This proves I'm not in the "shut up and dribble" group.
Schools stand to earn a lot of revenue from this as well. I am talking about NIL, which is all Jbo is talking about as well. If they can earn money off their name locally, guess who else is going to get a cut? The university he represents. This is an untapped revenue stream that's literally good for everyone and isn't going to take a dollar out of anyone's pocket unless it's an entity that wants to pay a student athlete for their NIL.

Jordan being an advocate of NIL, IMO, shouldn't be looked at as a bad thing and I kind of find it funny that people do. Every single person in the world can make money off themselves. It's un American to tell them they can't, yet also tell them they can't work any other job while under scholarship. They aren't asking to be paid, they are asking to be able to brand themselves, which IMO, the school should be helping them with cause it's a great life skill and again, they stand to get rich off that as well. More money for everyone. Who loses?