Its official - Jaleel is visiting MSU

I don't see why people hate on a kid for taking all their official visits. Sure it would have nice if he didn't verbal before being 100% sure but that's the nature of kids nowadays. Give it a rest if he comes great, if he goes elsewhere so be it.

17 and 18 year olds are supposed to make all the right choices right away. And if someone commits to Iowa - they have to hold it up otherwise they are bad, naughty kids that are dumb and should never play at Iowa.

Oh wait, I forgot to use the word "us" when referring to Iowa.

Did I do that right?

Why people get so worked up over high school kids is beyond me. Coaches and assistant that are recruiting for their school, fine. Fans of the program, gray area at best.

That said, Dantonio is a complete weasel when comes to these sort of things.
It's silly to worry too much about recruiting. A lot of kids will never play a game at the school they sign with.
Yes... MSU needed to fake injuries against Iowa's vaunted up-tempo offense.

iowa was on a roll that last drive - had good rhythm, tempo - MSU was trying to disrupt that. i remember buddy boy saying that that was in iowa's favor - help them get the plays in, catch their breath, etc. but i think if you are on a roll, disruptions/interruptions matter.
I have no problem with the kids taking all of their officials. I think they should to make sure they get it right. But don't commit until you've visited all you're going to visit. You can't be truly committed while you are still visiting other schools.
I wish signing day was tomorrow so hawkeyenation wasn't filled up with threads about Jaleel, his twitter account, and signing with MSU. If he leaves, so be it. If he wants to be a Hawkeye he will be welcomed with open arms. I just hope his career produces less drama than the last three weeks of his college courting.
I wish signing day was tomorrow so hawkeyenation wasn't filled up with threads about Jaleel, his twitter account, and signing with MSU. If he leaves, so be it. If he wants to be a Hawkeye he will be welcomed with open arms. I just hope his career produces less drama than the last three weeks of his college courting.

how about his facebook status?? ;0)

btw, he changed that picture from him in a hawkeye jersey to him in his hs uniform.....
how about his facebook status?? ;0)

btw, he changed that picture from him in a hawkeye jersey to him in his hs uniform.....

I had never looked at his Facebook wall before.. but I took a gander and man, it sounds like his aunt is really ragging on him about MSU..
I just checked it out as well. kind of, no, VERY creepy the number of grown men talking to him on there.

and those same fans are shocked when that very same player steps foot on the practice field for the first time and isn't given first team reps from day one or has to work his butt off just to have a shot to play on ST.

That very same kid than after a year or two is ****** that he isn't the BMOC that so many grown man had told him he woud be on his facebook page or twitter account if he came to Iowa or any other school and transfers.

Yeah, it's the HS kids that are the problem.
I'm glad he's taking the'll give him a chance to get to know the players he'll be crushing every year for the next 4...

Seriously can't fault a kid for making sure he's checked out all of his options...even if one of those options is a tool bag named Mark Dantonio...
Have to agree, that he is seeming more and more like the type of kid that doesn't fit in with Ferentz. The fact he likes the twitter so much is going to be a problem with KF. Give me a humble 3* that will work his a@@ of any day over a 4* that can't make up his mind. I don't care that he takes a visit, it is all the B.S. he has tweeted like "What is going on over there". Hey recruit making the team you commited to look bad is less than classy. I guess I will never understand the mind set of the prima donna.
There is a reason why they are all of the sudden going after this Juco hard and have since offered Terrell Jackson a scholarship.
There is a reason why they are all of the sudden going after this Juco hard and have since offered Terrell Jackson a scholarship.

Correct. The loss of Lohn and possibly Curry is the impetus for these offers. My guess at least.
I think some people should take a break from following recruiting until signing day has past. They will give themselves ulcers over the smallest development. "I heard Johnson went to the bathroom and was whistling something that sounded like MSU's fight song. Our program is doomed and KF has lost all touch with reality!"

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