isu player arrested

So the real question for tomorrow is, who do you think Fred and convicted drunk driver Cornell Mann will pick to replace drug house owner BDJ in the starting lineup? Will it be convicted drunk driver Abdel Nader or convicted drunk driver Natty Ice Thomas? Thank god they take a bus to and from the arena, I wouldn't trust any of those guys on our roads.

To me the real question is just how DEEP will ISU go? They usually only play 8 players and that's WITH dejean-jones...who averages around 32 minutes a game. So now you're looking at 7 players over 40 minutes? Either Iowa will run constantly, or they will pound it inside to get ISU into foul trouble. It doesn't look good for ISU so I'll enjoy seeing just how Iowa screws it up :rolleyes:
not sure if this has been mentioned - but what a neighbor this guy is - puke in the hallway, their trash doesn't go in the wastebasket - goes in the hallway - news story with pictures - incredible. clownnation supporting this turd? good for matt white!
not sure if this has been mentioned - but what a neighbor this guy is - puke in the hallway, their trash doesn't go in the wastebasket - goes in the hallway - news story with pictures - incredible. clownnation supporting this turd? good for matt white!

ISU fans think it's the neighbors fault, it's sad really. They were organizing a harassment campaign against the guy on CF once they found his name. Classy board that MJ4Cy is running.
There are no statistics on moped deaths caused by drunk driving but I can promise you that more people die from it than disturbing the piece.

I would have to believe that this is not at all true.

I would be willing to bet that disturbing the "peace" leads to more deadly confrontations than there are drunken moped deaths.
It really just comes down to common sense. If your neighbor has a problem with you and has brought the authorities into it, you might want to change your behavior. Then when your coach has to beg the neighbors / cops to work with him to keep you in line, it becomes clear this will not end well for isu. I fully expect this suspension to lead to dismissal or quitting.

I agree. If he hasn't learned by now, this isn't gonna change him. I'm sure he thinks he's headed to the league and soon to be a multi millionaire so he don't need nobody tellin him what to do.
I'd take that bet all day long. It's pretty common for disturbing the PEACE incidents like this one to end with someone pulling a gun or some other type of weapon. Show me a single incident of a drunk moped driver causing the death of another person.

BTW... unless someone was interrupted during sex I don't think anyone was disturbing the PIECE...


FYI--I disturbed a piece of pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving.
Don't forget this bit of information before you start throwing stones:

Investigation: Iowa second among top 25 schools in football player arrests
The amount of Hawkeye fans in here that think their players are somehow inherently better or above this sort of behavior is sad. College kids are college kids regardless if they go to school in Ames or Iowa City.

Iowa players are inherently better because they go to school in Iowa City and not Ames!;-)
Don't forget this bit of information before you start throwing stones:

Investigation: Iowa second among top 25 schools in football player arrests

Considering Iowa hasn't been in the top 25 in years, I'm going to doubt this bit of 'information' is factual.
Don't forget this bit of information before you start throwing stones:

Investigation: Iowa second among top 25 schools in football player arrests

First of all, did you comprehend the article you linked? The study was only done among top 25 football schools, not the entire college football other words Iowa State was not even investigated.

Secondly, where are your statistics on the Iowa arrests? How many of them were alcohol/public intox related? I say that because have you ever actually been to Iowa City? The cops there don't just give 10 warnings and then turn the other cheek like they do in Ames
"Weed is illegal" isn't justification for entering someone's house. The cops screwed something up, and it probably got whatever evidence they found inside tossed. I'm sorry that doesn't play with your fantasy of Hoiberg calling all the shots crime-boss style.

Smelling weed in the apartment is probable cause for a search idiot.
So, you're just sticking with conjecture then.

The Register, meanwhile, is reporting (with, you know, actual facts!) that he may still be charged. Which damages your fantasy theory a bit. Also, if Hoiberg could seriously make the charges disappear, you think he couldn't make the noise complaint go away too? Don't be foolish.

Well, he was successful on the previous ***FIVE*** times that BDJ had the Ames police as guests at his apartment. This time, there was more than just noise.
Wow...a ten page thread on this issue and the only thing I've learned is that DeSean is really stupid.

He's ESPECIALLY stupid because he's already earned a college degree (only reason he can transfer and play immediately). Makes you wonder about the academic standing of USC and UNLV, eh?
Care less about the pot. Care less if he plays. What's not up for debate is that this kid is an absolute grade A a$$hole, and was one well before he came to Ames. If he's gonna be suspended it should be for being a complete ***** for months despite being warned over and over by the cops and Fred.

As was noted earlier, by the Iowa State Student Code of Conduct Policy he has committed an expulsion offense due to the involvement of weed.
I don't know everyone here, and his username didn't indicate anything either way.

So you don't frequent Cyclone Fanatic? He uses the exact same username there (as do I). He's pretty level-headed, unlike a LOT on that board (and some on this board).
"Weed is illegal" isn't justification for entering someone's house. The cops screwed something up, and it probably got whatever evidence they found inside tossed. I'm sorry that doesn't play with your fantasy of Hoiberg calling all the shots crime-boss style.

Probable cause is smelling weed. They did go back and get a warrant and found weed when searching the apartment. Not saying it was BDJ's weed, but they did find it... and it was incredibly dumb to keep it in the apartment after they entered earlier with probable cause.
Don't forget this bit of information before you start throwing stones:

Investigation: Iowa second among top 25 schools in football player arrests

Funny how you reach back 3 years to get this headline. And that was justified then. It was dealt with at the time with team dismissals. Is Fred going to do what Kirk did and suspend permanently all parties?
Isn't this DJK kid the doosh that committed the flagrant foul against Maryland towards the end of that game when there was still a chance the clones could have mounted a comeback. I guess we didn't know it then, but was showing his intelligence/thugness at that time.