Is the College Football Season Too Long?

Rapinoe and kapernick are both looking for one thing. Neither actually cares about “social justice” or standing up for anything. All they biggest want is a payday. They both know they can monetize the anti-trump movement and get a few million from an endorsement, a “settlement”, book deals or TV appearance. There are a few million “resisters” who just lap us their BS and pay the money for whatever shoes, books or foundation they push to enrich themselves.

Kapernick got millions from Nike and from the NFL, he’s happy. He doesn’t actually care about police brutality or race.

Rapinoe is following the same path.

I was hoping the soccer nerd response would have been a little more heated.

And monogamy? I've never argued against that or mentioned it one bit. If you're going to take me to task it has to at least not be made up.

Thought it was you that said it isnt natural I ve been mistaken before.
You’re still an idiot.

How'd y'all meet? When I got my old lady's visa, we had been married for 1.5 years and we had several years of photographic evidence and stuff like school transcripts documenting how we met. We had our interview on the day of the Super Bowl (Monday in Japan) where Tampa was playing Oakland and I was in a major hurry to get to the bar to watch the game. Granted this was over 15 years ago, but I asked the dude at the Tokyo Embassy if they needed more evidence or if the interview would take long and he just laughed. He was like "Bro, you married a woman your age, you clearly met in college in the US, she clearly comes from a nice area of Japan. The cases we look at are substantial age difference and substantial economic difference, so unless you get married to someone from somewhere like Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines or Thailand, we'll pretty much take it on your good word that you aren't engaged in human trafficking, attempting to commit fraud and that you aren't a likely victim of marriage fraud for a visa."

Have you guys started the I-129 process? If so, how was it?
You’re still an idiot.
Look, magazine, internet, it's all the same. We get it.

You said in an earlier post how American women suck, that doesn't just happen willy nilly.

You're a late 50s guy with a googly eye or a limp or something that a lot of American women would shoot you down for. Didn't get the chicks early in life and feel jilted by "American women," but you were enough of a nerd to be relatively intelligent and build up a good chunk of change that'd be attractive to someone at the peasant level. opportunities for US women (a case of your expectations not meeting reality), but guess's the 2010s and instead of magazine ads, we have the internet. Serving the same function which is pay for play arrangements with women who want the cash and don't care if you're balding as long as they get a nicer house and car out of the deal. Happens all the time, but let's not pretend that you aren't required to offer material goods to close the deal.

That ain't love, that's a business transaction, Jack.

You really going to sit there with a straight face and tell us that if you didn't have the cash to flash that your Filipino would be the "fiance" of some goofy American guy who's 15 plus years older than her and is apparently so un-dateable that he can't find a mate in a country of over 150,000,000 women and has to go fishing for one on the internet 8,000 miles and 20 hours away by plane? This is a free country and I got no problem with any of it, but don't sit there and tell us it's love.
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So this Hinkle lady says she follows Christ's teachings which is to love and accept everyone and turn the other cheek but she doesn't agree or like or accept gays. I think her stance is not Christ like. You write or quote about LGBT groups not accepting Hinkle but you don't mention our VP Pence and his wife totally fighting against and excluding LGBT.

And as background I was baptized and raised Catholic but am no longer catholic because of their money hoarding and pedophilia. I do try to live by the golden rule and be a nice person in an agnostic form.

Not jumping into the gay debate but in re to your artempt to define Christian you are right about accepting to a degree but you left out the sin no more part which Christians debate about.

Being respectable to others is one. The agree about legal marriage is another.

The uniforms should not be about statements.

Society does get to decide about moral issues. Thankfully blacks are no longer 3/5th people. Yet many on here saw no issue with Faith having guns trained on him.

As a society we are trying to figure out illegals and kids.

We are moving past job discrimination againts gays. Marriage is a whole different subject and the ramifications could include multiple spouses.

There are elements of society that want laws against sex with minors removed. In Indiana a minor can consent at 16. In a eotld of he said she said, thats an issue.

A pastor of one of the largest church's in US was not guilty by Indiana law withva 16 yo that he used his power and authority to groom but the feds got him on transporting a minor across statelines for sex.

She should have the right to do what she did. Im not a Pence supporter but mist of the bashing of him has to do with gay marriage. That then is said that he hates gays which isnt supported by evidence.

Eventually these discussions will lead to rights in college sports in re to gender equalization. Eventually that will occur.
so un-dateable that he can't find a mate in a country of over 150,000,000 women

A lot of this is contingent on where in the US someone lives. There are A LOT of great single women in huge cities like New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Houston, Minneapolis, etc. Other cities that are tech heavy like Seattle, San Fran and Austin have something like a 7 to 3 imbalance of single men to women. A lot of rural areas have similarly dismal ratios for men. And in more rural areas, people get married way younger than they do in cities. Those areas where women are sparse create some interesting dynamics, as a gal who looks like Honey Boo Boo's mom will go around thinking they are 9s or 10s.

Your post attacking this guy is incredibly mean-spirited and I hope that you consider deleting it or apologizing to him. No one on here has all the facts except for him.
It's okay for Rapinoe to voice her personal political opinions, but it looks like a different story for another female soccer player.................

"The U.S. women's soccer team has certainly made headlines as of late, both on and off the pitch—not only for winning the 2019 World Cup but for the political views of some of its players.

Because those views have been front and center, the American Family Association (AFA, and others are wondering if the liberal bent of team leaders had anything to do with one standout Christian player being cut from the team.

"Why was a Christian player cut from the U.S. women's soccer team?" said AFA President Tim Wildmon. "Most likely, it was intolerance toward her strong faith in Christ. Jaelene Hinkle is a 26-year-old star for the North Carolina Courage professional soccer team and has been called the top women's left defender in the nation. So why didn't she have a place on the U.S. women's national soccer team that just won the World Cup?"

According to The Washington Times, Hinkle turned down a call-up from the national team in 2017 for a pair of international games after learning that the players would be required to wear rainbow-themed jerseys in honor of Gay Pride Month. She later said the uniform conflicted with her Christian faith.

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"I just felt so convicted in my spirit that it wasn't my job to wear this jersey," Hinkle told The 700 Club in a May 2018 interview. "I gave myself three days to just seek and pray and determine what [God] was asking me to do in this situation."

Hinkle's testimony has prompted AFA to initiate a petition of support for those who desire to honor Hinkle's stand for her faith.
Hinkle's decisions appeared to have left her blacklisted from ever playing on a national team. Her outspoken faith was first picked up on the LGBT's anti-Christian radar soon after the Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell v. Hodges legalizing gay marriage.

"This world may change, but Christ and His Word NEVER will," Hinkle posted on Instagram after the ruling. "My heart is that as Christians we don't begin to throw a tantrum over what has been brought into law today, but we become that much more loving."

While Hinkle was sharing the truth of God's love, LGBT activists were becoming ruthless in their hate-filled attacks. For example, an SBNation sportswriter called her a "vocal homophobe" while acknowledging that "there isn't a better pure tactical fit available than Hinkle." A BuzzFeed reporter also tweeted, "Let's take a second to think about how Jaelene Hinkle might have missed out on winning a World Cup bc she is homophobic."

"It was very disappointing," Hinkle said about missing out on national team opportunities by staying faithful to her beliefs. "And I think that's where the peace trumps the disappointment, because I knew in my spirit I was doing the right thing. I knew I was being obedient. Just because you're obedient doesn't make it easy."
That's unfortunate if true. Discrimination goes both ways. Not sure what that has to do with the post of mine that you quoted though.

I've always found it interesting that homosexuality is such a big issue for some religious folk even though it was only mentioned 7 times in the Bible, yet the proper use of wealth is mentioned 250 times and our responsibility to care for the poor and work for justice is mentioned 300 times.
Your post attacking this guy is incredibly mean-spirited and I hope that you consider deleting it or apologizing to him. No one on here has all the facts except for him.
Lol...nah. I'm good.

I’ll still be in a country with an unlimited supply of beautiful women wanting their foreign guy. A win-win situation. At least I will no longer have to deal with these American women that have turned this country into a toxic environment for men.

Oliver Martin Transfer

An incel turning himself into a victim and blaming "American women" as a whole for his need to turn to "" ain't getting an apology or retraction. I'm sorry if you were offended. It's bad enough to blame a class of people for your own shortcomings, but to act like it's something else beyond a money thing takes it over the top. The dude even describes it in that thread like it's window shopping for chicks wanting out of the tropics. 100% fine if that's what you want to do, but don't go blaming people for why you "have" to do it.

It's cool if he says American women suck, but not cool if I tell him that shopping online for women who want your money is stupid (and just sad at the end of the day)?
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Not jumping into the gay debate but in re to your artempt to define Christian you are right about accepting to a degree

but you left out the sin no more part which Christians debate about.

Well the thing about being catholic or growing up catholic is that that religion knows you are going to keep sinning so they have confession and penance. They say try your best, come to church, put money in the collection basket, go to confession and then repeat. Not a bad deal in that you can keep sinning and still go to heaven. Most catholic parishes around Iowa are usually short of money because they send it up stream to the vatican.

There are some religions that profess to the sin no more rule or go to hell but many of those religions have huge "Jesus-Plex" churches and pastors on TV etc railing at their flock to give them money or they will be damned.
Lol...nah. I'm good.

Oliver Martin Transfer

An incel turning himself into a victim and blaming "American women" as a whole for his need to turn to "" ain't getting an apology or retraction. I'm sorry if you were offended. It's bad enough to blame a class of people for your own shortcomings, but to act like it's something else beyond a money thing takes it over the top. The dude even describes it in that thread like it's window shopping for chicks wanting out of the tropics. 100% fine if that's what you want to do, but don't go blaming people for why you "have" to do it.

It's cool if he says American women suck, but not cool if I tell him that shopping online for women who want your money is stupid (and just sad at the end of the day)?

I stand corrected. I feel like I need a shower after seeing that.

Of course to each his own, but I love the game of golf and have been playing it for 60 years. One thing I like about golf and especially watching professional golf is everything all the pressure is on the individual. The pro golfers pay to get into tournaments, travel etc, and no other competitor can mess with their ball. The players are trying to maintain their careers and livelihood. They police themselves and it has been 30 years since I heard about any kind of cheating in men's or women's pro golf. It hardly ever happens.

They dont have guaranteed money but a lot of them open charities and help raise a lot of money. The PGA Tour just passed the mark last year of raising over $2 Billion for charities. I can learn about golf by watching it. I am not a huge Bubba Watson fan but a few weeks ago he gave over $200,000 to the Paul Newman Hole in the Wall organization to help underprivileged kids.

I use to watch some nascar but not now so our tastes change. But I love to watch a guy hit a golf ball a 1000 feet right where they want or sometimes in the bushes and then later deftly with so much touch make a great chip from 40 feet.

Golf is relaxing to watch. I turn the sound off and listen to early Miles Davis, Stan Getz, Astrid Gilberto and so on.....

So this Hinkle lady says she follows Christ's teachings which is to love and accept everyone and turn the other cheek but she doesn't agree or like or accept gays. I think her stance is not Christ like. You write or quote about LGBT groups not accepting Hinkle but you don't mention our VP Pence and his wife totally fighting against and excluding LGBT.

And as background I was baptized and raised Catholic but am no longer catholic because of their money hoarding and pedophilia. I do try to live by the golden rule and be a nice person in an agnostic form.

Fellow Former Papist Here
Well the thing about being catholic or growing up catholic is that that religion knows you are going to keep sinning so they have confession and penance. They say try your best, come to church, put money in the collection basket, go to confession and then repeat. Not a bad deal in that you can keep sinning and still go to heaven. Most catholic parishes around Iowa are usually short of money because they send it up stream to the vatican.

There are some religions that profess to the sin no more rule or go to hell but many of those religions have huge "Jesus-Plex" churches and pastors on TV etc railing at their flock to give them money or they will be damned.

Cant argue with that.
A lot of this is contingent on where in the US someone lives. There are A LOT of great single women in huge cities like New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Houston, Minneapolis, etc. Other cities that are tech heavy like Seattle, San Fran and Austin have something like a 7 to 3 imbalance of single men to women. A lot of rural areas have similarly dismal ratios for men. And in more rural areas, people get married way younger than they do in cities. Those areas where women are sparse create some interesting dynamics, as a gal who looks like Honey Boo Boo's mom will go around thinking they are 9s or 10s.

Your post attacking this guy is incredibly mean-spirited and I hope that you consider deleting it or apologizing to him. No one on here has all the facts except for him.

I would imagine that the men in tech heavy/savvy cities might be more interested in playing video games than chasing skirts in many cases

I am surprised that people have enough time away from their iPhones for anyone else

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Well the thing about being catholic or growing up catholic is that that religion knows you are going to keep sinning so they have confession and penance. They say try your best, come to church, put money in the collection basket, go to confession and then repeat. Not a bad deal in that you can keep sinning and still go to heaven. Most catholic parishes around Iowa are usually short of money because they send it up stream to the vatican.

There are some religions that profess to the sin no more rule or go to hell but many of those religions have huge "Jesus-Plex" churches and pastors on TV etc railing at their flock to give them money or they will be damned.

Father: I am heartily sorry that I have sinned

I just beat my girlfriend to death and shot her parents

Try to do better, Son and say 10 Our Fathers and 10 Hail Marys

See you next week
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