Is the College Football Season Too Long?

Look, magazine, internet, it's all the same. We get it.

You said in an earlier post how American women suck, that doesn't just happen willy nilly.

You're a late 50s guy with a googly eye or a limp or something that a lot of American women would shoot you down for. Didn't get the chicks early in life and feel jilted by "American women," but you were enough of a nerd to be relatively intelligent and build up a good chunk of change that'd be attractive to someone at the peasant level. opportunities for US women (a case of your expectations not meeting reality), but guess's the 2010s and instead of magazine ads, we have the internet. Serving the same function which is pay for play arrangements with women who want the cash and don't care if you're balding as long as they get a nicer house and car out of the deal. Happens all the time, but let's not pretend that you aren't required to offer material goods to close the deal.

That ain't love, that's a business transaction, Jack.

You really going to sit there with a straight face and tell us that if you didn't have the cash to flash that your Filipino would be the "fiance" of some goofy American guy who's 15 plus years older than her and is apparently so un-dateable that he can't find a mate in a country of over 150,000,000 women and has to go fishing for one on the internet 8,000 miles and 20 hours away by plane? This is a free country and I got no problem with any of it, but don't sit there and tell us it's love.

After 29 yrs. married to the same woman, I’d admit I’ve been out of the dating scene for quite awhile. Since my wife passed away 5 yrs. ago, I have also found dating has changed since I was last single. Why should I date some old bitch with baggage or some monkey branching gold digger, when I can go and live as an ex-pat in a country where younger woman fall over themselves to be with you. Duh, it’s a no brainer. Why in the world would I want to continue to live in this country where a man cannot be free. This country is quickly becoming a fascist police state. You are 12 times more likely to be killed by a cop than in a terrorist attack. Ten years from now, you are gonna be saying to yourself, “I should’ve listen to ol’ ModebaSan, he saw this shit comin’.” Where are you gonna be when the SHTF? I’ll be on a beach in the South Pacific with a beautiful pinay in one hand and a rum and coke in the other.
How'd y'all meet? When I got my old lady's visa, we had been married for 1.5 years and we had several years of photographic evidence and stuff like school transcripts documenting how we met. We had our interview on the day of the Super Bowl (Monday in Japan) where Tampa was playing Oakland and I was in a major hurry to get to the bar to watch the game. Granted this was over 15 years ago, but I asked the dude at the Tokyo Embassy if they needed more evidence or if the interview would take long and he just laughed. He was like "Bro, you married a woman your age, you clearly met in college in the US, she clearly comes from a nice area of Japan. The cases we look at are substantial age difference and substantial economic difference, so unless you get married to someone from somewhere like Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines or Thailand, we'll pretty much take it on your good word that you aren't engaged in human trafficking, attempting to commit fraud and that you aren't a likely victim of marriage fraud for a visa."

Have you guys started the I-129 process? If so, how was it?
I’m moving to the Phillipines and will retire there. I don’t plan on returning except to see family on occasion.
Why should I date some old bitch with baggage or some monkey branching gold digger...
Stupid generalization of all women, which really means, "I'm too much of a lumpy, no personality jilted fuckstick to be compatible with one of the millions of good-hearted, intelligent women in the United States, so I'm going to just blame American society for my dysfunctions and shortcomings.

...when I can go and live as an ex-pat in a country where younger woman fall over themselves to be with you
JEEZUS...She's not falling over you...

They fall over your money, Francis...Which means instead of marrying a wife, you're buying a roommate who doesn't give two shits about you. Your "fiance" is--in your own words--a "monkey branching gold digger." How can you not see that??? They have gold diggers in the United States too, but you can't afford them. What you're doing is essentially buying the Chevy version of a gold digger because you can't afford the Lexus one. It just happens to be in the Phillipines. Somebody who becomes invlolved with someone else because of their money or ability to improve their socioeconomic status is by definition a gold digger.

As I've said before, buy ten of 'em if you want, but at least call it what it is. You're the butt of this entire joke and she's laughing all the way to the bank no matter how many times she gives you a back rub and says she loves you. Don't brag to us about how you have it all figured out...

Why in the world would I want to continue to live in this country where a man cannot be free.
More proof of your incel-ness.

I'm starting to wonder if you're the Bagel Boss guy. Is that you, Chris Morgan?

I’m moving to the Phillipines and will retire there. I don’t plan on returning except to see family on occasion.
Have you lived there for an extended period in the past? Maybe things are better now with the advent of streaming TV services, but I about went insane at around the 12 month mark in Japan. I know a lot of guys who have lived in Asia, and my observation is that if you are a normal dude, you will have a tough go of it after a year or two. The dudes who have lived in Asia for like 10+ years are uniformly the weirdest dudes I have ever met. There will be a honeymoon phase where you think everything is awesome, but when you are enjoying a "nice night out" at Jollibee with your new wife's extended family and the 92 year old grandmother gives you a half toothless smile when the cashier seeks payment, at some point you'll crack. If you're normal, that is.

What are your plans if you have a serious medical issue? Are the hospitals good there if something major happens? There used to be an insurance policy you could get that would cover you to go to Thailand or India because they have set up a very advanced medical tourism industry. I don't know if you can get underwriting for that if you are a retiree, though. But please look into that stuff. I guess you can still get Medicare if you have to go back to the US as an option, too.

Anyway, good luck man. Get a Philippine bank account and don't leave too much money in it. Keep most of your funds in the US and under no circumstances should you give your wife access to those funds in the US. There are too many stories of dudes getting whacked over there and the wife absconding with all the money. So be safe.

Sorry to hear about your wife passing away. I hope you can find peace.
Stupid generalization of all women, which really means, "I'm too much of a lumpy, no personality jilted fuckstick to be compatible with one of the millions of good-hearted, intelligent women in the United States, so I'm going to just blame American society for my dysfunctions and shortcomings.

JEEZUS...She's not falling over you...

They fall over your money, Francis...Which means instead of marrying a wife, you're buying a roommate who doesn't give two shits about you. Your "fiance" is--in your own words--a "monkey branching gold digger." How can you not see that??? They have gold diggers in the United States too, but you can't afford them. What you're doing is essentially buying the Chevy version of a gold digger because you can't afford the Lexus one. It just happens to be in the Phillipines. Somebody who becomes invlolved with someone else because of their money or ability to improve their socioeconomic status is by definition a gold digger.

As I've said before, buy ten of 'em if you want, but at least call it what it is. You're the butt of this entire joke and she's laughing all the way to the bank no matter how many times she gives you a back rub and says she loves you. Don't brag to us about how you have it all figured out...

More proof of your incel-ness.

I'm starting to wonder if you're the Bagel Boss guy. Is that you, Chris Morgan?

You know what? You have just as much a right to have your opinion as I have a right to mine. I tell you what, you live your life the way you want and I’ll live mine the way I want. I have made a conscious decision to get off that hamster wheel and leave the rat race behind. I don’t have to be a sheep like you, because I don’t need you or anyone else as my shepherd. You take the blue pill-the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. I’ll take the red pill, thank you.
I’ll take the red pill, thank you.

Again, I wish you nothing but the best in your endeavors. But the actual red pill you need to take is to gain an understanding of "hypergamy." Women want to marry up. This guy is attempting to explain that to you. Your true red pill path would be to move to the Philippines and crush for like 2 years until you get sick of it, not to walk right into a marriage over there, particularly given that divorce is illegal. What are you gonna do if the gal is totally insane?
Again, I wish you nothing but the best in your endeavors. But the actual red pill you need to take is to gain an understanding of "hypergamy." Women want to marry up. This guy is attempting to explain that to you. Your true red pill path would be to move to the Philippines and crush for like 2 years until you get sick of it, not to walk right into a marriage over there, particularly given that divorce is illegal. What are you gonna do if the gal is totally insane?
I’m not stupid enough to jump right into marriage. Let’s get that straight right now. I even told this girl that we are gonna take things slow and get to know each other first. I’m not going to get married for the sake of getting married. When I get there, things may be totally different, I get that. But what really gets him upset is that I refuse to be socially indoctrinated by buying into what the media and society as a whole are trying to do to our masculinity. They are trying to shame us and that we should feel bad about ourselves just because we are males. That’s bullshit and I’m just not buying into it. I can be me and be proud of who I am. We are getting all this crap shoved down our throats by these social justice warriors, and I’m not one that is going to let anybody tell me I need to be ashamed of myself because I’m a man and that I have “white privilege.” That’s why I’m getting the f*ck outta here and going somewhere where this social incrimination doesn’t take place.
I’ll take the red pill, thank you.
My work here is finished. You’ve publicly admitted that you’re a jilted, misogynist incel. Thank you.

P.S. Saying you’re a “red piller” when in reality paying for ass makes you the cuckhold, is both ironic and hilarious. Good luck in your travels and make sure you keep enough cash in your underwear for a plane ride back to the States. Godspeed.
My work here is finished. You’ve publicly admitted that you’re a jilted, misogynist incel. Thank you.

P.S. Saying you’re a “red piller” when in reality paying for ass makes you the cuckhold, is both ironic and hilarious. Good luck in your travels and make sure you keep enough cash in your underwear for a plane ride back to the States. Godspeed.
That’s why I’m getting the f*ck outta here and going somewhere where this social incrimination doesn’t take place.

Not sure if you meant discrimination here, but there is major social discrimination in Asia. And in the more impoverished nations it is pretty drastic. The difference is that you will be a big beneficiary of the discrimination in most instances.
My work here is finished. You’ve publicly admitted that you’re a jilted, misogynist incel. Thank you.

P.S. Saying you’re a “red piller” when in reality paying for ass makes you the cuckhold, is both ironic and hilarious. Good luck in your travels and make sure you keep enough cash in your underwear for a plane ride back to the States. Godspeed.
You are so off base it isn’t funny. I never said I hated women. But you go ahead keep your head in the sand, it’ll be easier for you to get in the ass. I suspected you were LBGT.
Not sure if you meant discrimination here, but there is major social discrimination in Asia. And in the more impoverished nations it is pretty drastic. The difference is that you will be a big beneficiary of the discrimination in most instances.
No I meant incrimination. We are being considered criminals because we are straight males.
Well, they kind of already do that with the new redshirt rule, where players can play a max of 4 games a year and still get a redshirt.

Maybe there should just be a rule that players can play a max of 50 games total and a max of 5 years in a career.

The current redshirt rule means that some of the least important players can play a little without costing a year of eligibility. That is quite different that the suggestion of a rule where your best players can play all but 2 games. It would be awful to try to manage which two games you don't play your best players. Interesting, but awful.
You are so off base it isn’t funny. I never said I hated women. But you go ahead keep your head in the sand, it’ll be easier for you to get in the ass. I suspected you were LBGT.

You know, Modeba, this only stop when you stop taking Fry's bait. I knew from his first irrelevant reference that this thread would get hijacked into a discussion about your marriage plans. You post something to try to "end." He gives you more "bait," and you just keep taking it.
You know, Modeba, this only stop when you stop taking Fry's bait. I knew from his first irrelevant reference that this thread would get hijacked into a discussion about your marriage plans. You post something to try to "end." He gives you more "bait," and you just keep taking it.
Yeah, I know that now. I think he has a man crush on me.
MLB season large number of games has been likened as a way to even out all the weird hops, even out the flair/bloop hits vs the stinging line drives right at a player, and various other statistical items, even umpire calls. And as others have said games were the main way of making money.

As far as the World Series almost being played in November well that is because of TV/extra rounds to the playoffs, the change from 156 to 162 games, elimination of almost all double headers which can shorten the season while leaving the number of games the same.

MLB is fine right now but they could easily decide they are saturating their product and reduce the games without bothering many fans.
With the additional round of post-season and apparently still using railroads to travel (only reason to have 8 off days to change sites)

I would move back to 144 games:

Revenue is eyeballs not tickets. Losing 9 home games isn’t going to damage any of these teams.

With the balls being made “more aerodynamic” the season long stats would align with historical numbers better.

With the additional playoff spot, the need to equalize the hops in baseball is unnecessary.

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