Is the College Football Season Too Long?

At what point during the games did they bring that up? Not once. I watched every minute of every game, and it was never mentioned. I think you're letting the news surrounding it bleed into the game - kinda like this fall when the Patriots take the field, will the commentators be talking about the controversy about Robert Kraft? Doubtful. I'm genuinely interested in what makes her such a "radical". Because she supports equal rights and is against discrimination? All "men" are created equal is such a radical idea.

Yeah it wasnt mentioned during games but around the games and on all kinds of channels.
Well said, there is a lot riding on it. I've played a lot of golf as well, but just because I enjoy doing something it doesn't mean I'd want to watch others do it. It sounds like you're really into the stakes that they each face, and the precision they have along with their character. I can dig that. I guess I've never really taken any time to get to know any of the players but I will say that anytime you have an interest in seeing certain individuals do well it definitely makes something more enjoyable to watch. Do you like World Series of Poker at all?

I have liked playing poker a lot in bygone years but dont play or gamble much now. I had a lot of good times playing with friends and their friends for medium size bets. I used to watch Poker on tv but years ago. And yes they are playing for a lot of their own dough.
At what point during the games did they bring that up? Not once. I watched every minute of every game, and it was never mentioned. I think you're letting the news surrounding it bleed into the game - kinda like this fall when the Patriots take the field, will the commentators be talking about the controversy about Robert Kraft? Doubtful. I'm genuinely interested in what makes her such a "radical". Because she supports equal rights and is against discrimination? All "men" are created equal is such a radical idea.

What irked me about her is (this was after the WC had ended) But Rapinoe said something along the lines of "I don't want to talk to anyone who doesn't believe in the same way that I think." I thought that was a pretty swallow thing to say. It just comes off as she is saying, it's my way or the highway. Her kneeling during the anthem and then she was told to stand, then she would just stand there and not sing the anthem,. If she doesn't like the President that's fine, but she was on team USA wearing the red, white and blue uniform. I look at Carli Lloyd and I think she is a great example of class and dignity for the women's' soccer team. She's a very classy and well spoken person. Look at Carli's speech at the ESPY'S from a few weeks ago, then watch what Rapinoe said right after Lloyd got done talking...night & day!
You answered your own question. It’s money.

You can come up with all the creative scenarios you want, but money talks and they’ll never shorten the season.

I think the season is too long but I agree it is not going to change.

Coaches like Ferentz are figuring out that with the long season it is imperative to rotate players. Kirk is doing that more and more. It certainly reduces the risk of injury.
This is the second worst thing in all of sports, short of only flopping in soccer.

But soccer is kinda like one of those balsa wood paddles with a rubber ball bungeed to it. A cheap way for barefoot third world countries to pass the time that comes across as unbearable monotony to the actual civilized world. So I guess it doesn't count.

Soccer nerds come at me.
Those paddles, in a mother's hands, served another purpose when the string broke.

And it hurt twice as much when your ass met the side with the staple.
What irked me about her is (this was after the WC had ended) But Rapinoe said something along the lines of "I don't want to talk to anyone who doesn't believe in the same way that I think." I thought that was a pretty swallow thing to say. It just comes off as she is saying, it's my way or the highway. Her kneeling during the anthem and then she was told to stand, then she would just stand there and not sing the anthem,. If she doesn't like the President that's fine, but she was on team USA wearing the red, white and blue uniform. I look at Carli Lloyd and I think she is a great example of class and dignity for the women's' soccer team. She's a very classy and well spoken person. Look at Carli's speech at the ESPY'S from a few weeks ago, then watch what Rapinoe said right after Lloyd got done talking...night & day!
The biggest problem in this country is that it's really hard to talk to the other side about things, neither wants to listen, neither wants to compromise. While I don't have the same opinion as her, and if it's from the Anderson Cooper interview she did, I interpreted it differently. I feel that talking about political issues in this country can be so draining and it's almost pointless to try to talk to the other side, especially if you are trying to change their mind. For somebody like her (LGBTQ), it might also be painful. I know that for myself, I'd much rather talk to like minded individuals than the opposite, but I wouldn't necessarily NOT talk to those with opposing views. So while I don't necessarily agree with her statement I can understand and appreciate the reasons why she might have it. She also has an incredibly strong personality and can come off as b*&^%y. Carli Lloyd is awesome, I can agree with that.
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The biggest problem in this country is that it's really hard to talk to the other side about things, neither wants to listen, neither wants to compromise. While I don't have the same opinion as her, and if it's from the Anderson Cooper interview she did, I interpreted it differently. I feel that talking about political issues in this country can be so draining and it's almost pointless to try to talk to the other side, especially if you are trying to change their mind. For somebody like her (LGBTQ), it might also be painful. I know that for myself, I'd much rather talk to like minded individuals than the opposite, but I wouldn't necessarily NOT talk to those with opposing views. So while I don't necessarily agree with her statement I can understand and appreciate the reasons why she might have it. She also has an incredibly strong personality and can come off as b*&^%y. Carli Lloyd is awesome, I can agree with that.

What is lost in all of this is her sheer bravery. No one, and I mean absolutely no one, has the bravery to stand up to the President, but she is willing to put herself out there and be the lone voice of dissent. So brave.
What is lost in all of this is her sheer bravery. No one, and I mean absolutely no one, has the bravery to stand up to the President, but she is willing to put herself out there and be the lone voice of dissent. So brave.
What is lost in all of this is her sheer bravery. No one, and I mean absolutely no one, has the bravery to stand up to the President, but she is willing to put herself out there and be the lone voice of dissent. So brave.

It is no surprise that "the moment" never seems to get to her in big matches. Nothing seems to faze her, she just does her thing. A pretty incredible athlete.
At what point during the games did they bring that up? Not once. I watched every minute of every game, and it was never mentioned. I think you're letting the news surrounding it bleed into the game - kinda like this fall when the Patriots take the field, will the commentators be talking about the controversy about Robert Kraft? Doubtful. I'm genuinely interested in what makes her such a "radical". Because she supports equal rights and is against discrimination? All "men" are created equal is such a radical idea.

I strongly disagree. Every Patriots fan is expecting a happy ending this season.
What irked me about her is (this was after the WC had ended) But Rapinoe said something along the lines of "I don't want to talk to anyone who doesn't believe in the same way that I think." I thought that was a pretty swallow thing to say. It just comes off as she is saying, it's my way or the highway. Her kneeling during the anthem and then she was told to stand, then she would just stand there and not sing the anthem,. If she doesn't like the President that's fine, but she was on team USA wearing the red, white and blue uniform. I look at Carli Lloyd and I think she is a great example of class and dignity for the women's' soccer team. She's a very classy and well spoken person. Look at Carli's speech at the ESPY'S from a few weeks ago, then watch what Rapinoe said right after Lloyd got done talking...night & day!

I get that she brought the attention on herself whether deserved or not, but I question the comment in bold. I totally get the mindset that its considered disrespectful to kneel during the anthem, but how's it disrespectful to not sing it? I get the controversy, but if she'd of never taken a knee in the first place or voiced her displeasure of trump nobody would question her (or anyone else) for not singing the anthem. I have no opinion on athletes taking a knee during the anthem as I view it as a political issue and don't combine sport and politics, but with no disrespect, I think anyone that calls someone out for not singing the anthem is a cheapshot at the athlete and nothing more. Singing or not singing the anthem has never been a measurement of patriotism and if it is lets go after everyone that doesn't sing the anthem the anthem rather than picking out certain individuals. I think it would be safe to wager that a higher percentage of individuals (athletes and spectators) don't sing the anthem as opposed to those that do.
I strongly disagree. Every Patriots fan is expecting a happy ending this season.

The biggest problem in this country is that it's really hard to talk to the other side about things, neither wants to listen, neither wants to compromise. While I don't have the same opinion as her, and if it's from the Anderson Cooper interview she did, I interpreted it differently. I feel that talking about political issues in this country can be so draining and it's almost pointless to try to talk to the other side, especially if you are trying to change their mind. For somebody like her (LGBTQ), it might also be painful. I know that for myself, I'd much rather talk to like minded individuals than the opposite, but I wouldn't necessarily NOT talk to those with opposing views. So while I don't necessarily agree with her statement I can understand and appreciate the reasons why she might have it. She also has an incredibly strong personality and can come off as b*&^%y. Carli Lloyd is awesome, I can agree with that.

It's okay for Rapinoe to voice her personal political opinions, but it looks like a different story for another female soccer player.................

"The U.S. women's soccer team has certainly made headlines as of late, both on and off the pitch—not only for winning the 2019 World Cup but for the political views of some of its players.

Because those views have been front and center, the American Family Association (AFA, and others are wondering if the liberal bent of team leaders had anything to do with one standout Christian player being cut from the team.

"Why was a Christian player cut from the U.S. women's soccer team?" said AFA President Tim Wildmon. "Most likely, it was intolerance toward her strong faith in Christ. Jaelene Hinkle is a 26-year-old star for the North Carolina Courage professional soccer team and has been called the top women's left defender in the nation. So why didn't she have a place on the U.S. women's national soccer team that just won the World Cup?"

According to The Washington Times, Hinkle turned down a call-up from the national team in 2017 for a pair of international games after learning that the players would be required to wear rainbow-themed jerseys in honor of Gay Pride Month. She later said the uniform conflicted with her Christian faith.

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"I just felt so convicted in my spirit that it wasn't my job to wear this jersey," Hinkle told The 700 Club in a May 2018 interview. "I gave myself three days to just seek and pray and determine what [God] was asking me to do in this situation."

Hinkle's testimony has prompted AFA to initiate a petition of support for those who desire to honor Hinkle's stand for her faith.
Hinkle's decisions appeared to have left her blacklisted from ever playing on a national team. Her outspoken faith was first picked up on the LGBT's anti-Christian radar soon after the Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell v. Hodges legalizing gay marriage.

"This world may change, but Christ and His Word NEVER will," Hinkle posted on Instagram after the ruling. "My heart is that as Christians we don't begin to throw a tantrum over what has been brought into law today, but we become that much more loving."

While Hinkle was sharing the truth of God's love, LGBT activists were becoming ruthless in their hate-filled attacks. For example, an SBNation sportswriter called her a "vocal homophobe" while acknowledging that "there isn't a better pure tactical fit available than Hinkle." A BuzzFeed reporter also tweeted, "Let's take a second to think about how Jaelene Hinkle might have missed out on winning a World Cup bc she is homophobic."

"It was very disappointing," Hinkle said about missing out on national team opportunities by staying faithful to her beliefs. "And I think that's where the peace trumps the disappointment, because I knew in my spirit I was doing the right thing. I knew I was being obedient. Just because you're obedient doesn't make it easy."
This is the second worst thing in all of sports, short of only flopping in soccer.

But soccer is kinda like one of those balsa wood paddles with a rubber ball bungeed to it. A cheap way for barefoot third world countries to pass the time that comes across as unbearable monotony to the actual civilized world. So I guess it doesn't count.

Soccer nerds come at me.

We know your opinion on marriage and manogamy.

Now Europe isnt civilized. Got it.
We know your opinion on marriage and manogamy.

Now Europe isnt civilized. Got it.
I was hoping the soccer nerd response would have been a little more heated.

And monogamy? I've never argued against that or mentioned it one bit. If you're going to take me to task it has to at least not be made up.
What irked me about her is (this was after the WC had ended) But Rapinoe said something along the lines of "I don't want to talk to anyone who doesn't believe in the same way that I think." I thought that was a pretty swallow thing to say. It just comes off as she is saying, it's my way or the highway. Her kneeling during the anthem and then she was told to stand, then she would just stand there and not sing the anthem,. If she doesn't like the President that's fine, but she was on team USA wearing the red, white and blue uniform. I look at Carli Lloyd and I think she is a great example of class and dignity for the women's' soccer team. She's a very classy and well spoken person. Look at Carli's speech at the ESPY'S from a few weeks ago, then watch what Rapinoe said right after Lloyd got done talking...night & day!

Rapinoe and kapernick are both looking for one thing. Neither actually cares about “social justice” or standing up for anything. All they biggest want is a payday. They both know they can monetize the anti-trump movement and get a few million from an endorsement, a “settlement”, book deals or TV appearance. There are a few million “resisters” who just lap us their BS and pay the money for whatever shoes, books or foundation they push to enrich themselves.

Kapernick got millions from Nike and from the NFL, he’s happy. He doesn’t actually care about police brutality or race.

Rapinoe is following the same path.
It's okay for Rapinoe to voice her personal political opinions, but it looks like a different story for another female soccer player.................

"The U.S. women's soccer team has certainly made headlines as of late, both on and off the pitch—not only for winning the 2019 World Cup but for the political views of some of its players.

Because those views have been front and center, the American Family Association (AFA, and others are wondering if the liberal bent of team leaders had anything to do with one standout Christian player being cut from the team.

"Why was a Christian player cut from the U.S. women's soccer team?" said AFA President Tim Wildmon. "Most likely, it was intolerance toward her strong faith in Christ. Jaelene Hinkle is a 26-year-old star for the North Carolina Courage professional soccer team and has been called the top women's left defender in the nation. So why didn't she have a place on the U.S. women's national soccer team that just won the World Cup?"

According to The Washington Times, Hinkle turned down a call-up from the national team in 2017 for a pair of international games after learning that the players would be required to wear rainbow-themed jerseys in honor of Gay Pride Month. She later said the uniform conflicted with her Christian faith.

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"I just felt so convicted in my spirit that it wasn't my job to wear this jersey," Hinkle told The 700 Club in a May 2018 interview. "I gave myself three days to just seek and pray and determine what [God] was asking me to do in this situation."

Hinkle's testimony has prompted AFA to initiate a petition of support for those who desire to honor Hinkle's stand for her faith.
Hinkle's decisions appeared to have left her blacklisted from ever playing on a national team. Her outspoken faith was first picked up on the LGBT's anti-Christian radar soon after the Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell v. Hodges legalizing gay marriage.

"This world may change, but Christ and His Word NEVER will," Hinkle posted on Instagram after the ruling. "My heart is that as Christians we don't begin to throw a tantrum over what has been brought into law today, but we become that much more loving."

While Hinkle was sharing the truth of God's love, LGBT activists were becoming ruthless in their hate-filled attacks. For example, an SBNation sportswriter called her a "vocal homophobe" while acknowledging that "there isn't a better pure tactical fit available than Hinkle." A BuzzFeed reporter also tweeted, "Let's take a second to think about how Jaelene Hinkle might have missed out on winning a World Cup bc she is homophobic."

"It was very disappointing," Hinkle said about missing out on national team opportunities by staying faithful to her beliefs. "And I think that's where the peace trumps the disappointment, because I knew in my spirit I was doing the right thing. I knew I was being obedient. Just because you're obedient doesn't make it easy."

So this Hinkle lady says she follows Christ's teachings which is to love and accept everyone and turn the other cheek but she doesn't agree or like or accept gays. I think her stance is not Christ like. You write or quote about LGBT groups not accepting Hinkle but you don't mention our VP Pence and his wife totally fighting against and excluding LGBT.

And as background I was baptized and raised Catholic but am no longer catholic because of their money hoarding and pedophilia. I do try to live by the golden rule and be a nice person in an agnostic form.

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