Iowa's 2014 Football Schedule

I swear there are fans on here who pine for the Big Two Little Eight years of the 1960s and 70's.
Some fans hate KF so much they want us to be horrible and get hammered by OSU and Michigan just so they can spend another 24/7 year kvetching about KF.....they seem very disappointed that Iowa might have a shot at a good season in 2014!

Just watch...if Iowa does beat Nebby,Minny,NW,Wis,Pitt,ISU. (THEY WON'T)ect....they will discount it...(THEY WON'T)hey,they already have (THEY HAVEN'T).

Some folks just need to take a deep breath, realize that KF is our coach,and will be for a few more years,and root for the is not that complicated. How bout we go to the 2014 Big Ten title game,and beat OSU...satisfied? Nah...not sexy enough.
I've always liked the idea of playing teams in your geographic region, but I have trouble with the three best teams of the big ten being in the same division. You'll never have a true big ten conference championship game with this alignment, as those three teams are heads and shoulders above the other teams in the conference, historically.

This is somewhat similar to the National Title game this year. Like Notre Dame was better than A&M, Ga, Florida or LSU? Pffffttttt.................... It was number one against a team that probably shouldn't have even been in the top ten.

So, the big ten title game will not give an accurate depiction of the two best teams as long as the conference is set up this way.


First of all, Michigan didn't win the "west" last year, Nebraska did. Second of all Penn St. will be down for a few years. I don't care that they did pretty well last year, the loss of scholarships will take a toll. I am glad that Iowa isn't anywhere near the Ohio St. division, because that is what that side is. Michigan is getting better, but the last 5-6 years they haven't been close to being the 2nd best team in the conference, Wisconsin has been.
I predict it right now. Iowa will go 4-8 this year and Ferentz seat will be on FIRE. Then with this schedule, even with an extremely mediocre team and coaching job they could go 8-4 with that schedule and Ferentz' job safe again. Of course to be followed by a 6 win season the following year and it starts all over.

Bingo. This schedule is tailor-made to give KFz room to breathe.

I can hear the calls of "What the hell is wrong with you people?" if we complain after going 8-4 or 7-5...losing to Nebraska, Wisconsin and 2-3 other teams we should beat.

This is the type of schedule that should get us the "most over-rated 9-1 team in America" tag in early November.
First of all, Michigan didn't win the "west" last year, Nebraska did. Second of all Penn St. will be down for a few years. I don't care that they did pretty well last year, the loss of scholarships will take a toll. I am glad that Iowa isn't anywhere near the Ohio St. division, because that is what that side is. Michigan is getting better, but the last 5-6 years they haven't been close to being the 2nd best team in the conference, Wisconsin has been.

I'm not so sure about that. The scholly loss will hurt, no doubt. But last season wasn't all done on emotion. Penn St undressed the Hawks on our home field. I think O'Brien can coach.
I'm not so sure about that. The scholly loss will hurt, no doubt. But last season wasn't all done on emotion. Penn St undressed the Hawks on our home field. I think O'Brien can coach.

The impact of the sanctions did not even come close to affecting PSU last year.....they were on full scholarships basis....cut them down to 65 from that will hurt them.

This is rich....we already have someone ******** that Iowa at 9-1 still unhappy camper at 9-1....says a lot about some not want to ever be even slightly happy!
Per Marc Morehouse, here are the pairings for the other Western Division teams in 2014...

Wisconsin -- Maryland, at Rutgers
Nebraska -- at Michigan State, Rutgers
Northwestern -- at Penn State, Michigan
Minnesota -- at Michigan, Ohio State (bad draw for the Gophers)
Purdue -- Michigan State, at Indiana (protected game)
Illinois -- at Ohio State, Penn State
Iowa -- Indiana, at Maryland

Looks to me like they are going lite on Iowa and Wisconsin, I think they are doing this to assure that the three top teams in the west are the big money makers, which Iowa Wisconsin and Nebraska are. Which if that is the case I agree as The Big 10 does not need a NW, Purdue and Nebraska vying for the division title every year. Would be unbearable to watch.
I would have bet my next social security check that as soon as they announced the two new divisions, the naddering nabobs of negativism would be out in force saying that if Iowa wins some games, they will be meaningless; and, they won't likely win many anyway. So far, my prediction is right on. Then, they announce an INTERIM schedule in preparation for the nine league game slate and because Iowa gets a schedule break, temporarily, which other teams have gotten in past years, now if the kids win a few in 2014 it will only be due to the light schedule. Glad to see you are so supportive of Hawkeye football! Been to any games? Support the I Club? Have you gotten to know anything about the great kids we have playing for the Hawks? Been to an away game and listened to the small group of Hawk fans make all kinds of noise? No, you are more likely sitting around, thinking about what stupid things you can post on the message board at Hawkeyenuisance. Go away. You are totally annoying.
Looks to me like they are going lite on Iowa and Wisconsin, I think they are doing this to assure that the three top teams in the west are the big money makers, which Iowa Wisconsin and Nebraska are. Which if that is the case I agree as The Big 10 does not need a NW, Purdue and Nebraska vying for the division title every year. Would be unbearable to watch.

Have a lot of inside information on the manipulation of the schedule? Glad it would be unbearable to watch...then you can go find another hobby.
I swear there are fans on here who pine for the Big Two Little Eight years of the 1960s and 70's.
Some fans hate KF so much they want us to be horrible and get hammered by OSU and Michigan just so they can spend another 24/7 year kvetching about KF.....they seem very disappointed that Iowa might have a shot at a good season in 2014!

Just watch...if Iowa does beat Nebby,Minny,NW,Wis,Pitt,ISU.ect....they will discount it...hey,they already have.

Some folks just need to take a deep breath, realize that KF is our coach,and will be for a few more years,and root for the is not that complicated. How bout we go to the 2014 Big Ten title game,and beat OSU...satisfied? Nah...not sexy enough.

Aha! A sensible quote! When will you ever learn that such logic does not fly on this board...but good try!
First of all, Michigan didn't win the "west" last year, Nebraska did. Second of all Penn St. will be down for a few years. I don't care that they did pretty well last year, the loss of scholarships will take a toll. I am glad that Iowa isn't anywhere near the Ohio St. division, because that is what that side is. Michigan is getting better, but the last 5-6 years they haven't been close to being the 2nd best team in the conference, Wisconsin has been.

Oh, geez, Dean...give it up. DO NOT break the rules and post things like this that actually make sense.
Thought of that too. Iowa will run through that gauntlet around 7-5. Go to a bowl game and try to spin the season as a success. Ferentz gets another raise and extension.

Sorry, but you can't have it both ways. If KF is not successful in a relatively short time with the new division structure, it will increase the possibility that he will be eased out of the head coaching job. Unlike you, I wish him success, not failure,if for no other reason than I want to see the kids be successful...apparently that is of secondary importance to you. If you think he will get an extension without a pretty dramatic breakthrough in he near future, you better read the basic primer on big time college football realities.
First of all, Michigan didn't win the "west" last year, Nebraska did. Second of all Penn St. will be down for a few years. I don't care that they did pretty well last year, the loss of scholarships will take a toll. I am glad that Iowa isn't anywhere near the Ohio St. division, because that is what that side is. Michigan is getting better, but the last 5-6 years they haven't been close to being the 2nd best team in the conference, Wisconsin has been.

I don't see where we disagree. I was mainly making a point about the big ten conference as a whole. Historically, I would think Osu, Michigan and Psu are the most winning teams in the conference. I am sure Osu and Michigan are the top dogs. Michigan has a good coach again and is in the rise. I believe they will challenge Osu annually for the eastern division champ. In short, the best teams in the big ten will almost always be from the same division.

Since that's the case, we'll probably never have a true big ten title game as the eastern division is vastly superior to the western.

I'm glad Iowa doesn't have to play them each year, and think the schedule is favorable for them to have success in their division for the long run. I must be in the minority because I don't think it's that easy of a schedule still.

The impact of the sanctions did not even come close to affecting PSU last year.....they were on full scholarships basis....cut them down to 65 from that will hurt them.

This is rich....we already have someone ******** that Iowa at 9-1 still unhappy camper at 9-1....says a lot about some not want to ever be even slightly happy!

You may be right about PSU. Time will tell.

As for the highlighted portion, reading comprehension seems to be a common problem on this board. Apparently you're in that camp.
You may be right about PSU. Time will tell.

As for the highlighted portion, reading comprehension seems to be a common problem on this board. Apparently you're in that camp.

Not really, I think JH comprehended what you were saying. Sure you pointed out that basically going 8-4 is Sh!tty with that schedule, but one could also assume then you would be unhappy about 9-1 also, as we should be 10-0.

The problem is, much like with political arguements, once you take a side, you defend it even past reason. Some of those that want KF head will still feel the same if we go 10-2. Vice versa certain posters will defend another 4 win season.
Not really, I think JH comprehended what you were saying. Sure you pointed out that basically going 8-4 is Sh!tty with that schedule, but one could also assume then you would be unhappy about 9-1 also, as we should be 10-0.

The problem is, much like with political arguements, once you take a side, you defend it even past reason. Some of those that want KF head will still feel the same if we go 10-2. Vice versa certain posters will defend another 4 win season.

True people dig in their heels for the most part. You got your doclees and your hawkeyebobarinos that come in and insult the poster they know they dont agree with without even thinking about what was written. My favorite is the telling people their post is logical. "No room for logic on this site" hardy har har.....dont you think both sides think they are being logical?

There are truth to both sides. Thats why there are so many disagreements about the subject.

It now looks like both sides are set up for a good fight in 2014.

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