IOWA one for the ages vs. Stanford Rose Bowl game thread.

You think this is some super burn or something, and I'll get all defensive and butt-hurt? We'll be awful. We're always awful.

But if it keeps you from crying or whatever, you can put on your big girl pants and try to tell me something I don't already know about ISU. :rolleyes:
In other words you're the boy/girl who takes her ball and goe home.
Isuffer. Her mom was pregnant and her dad wanted a boy and her mom wanted a girl and they were both thrilled when he/she was born.
We we're definitely outschemed, offensive playcalling and oline play is really poor.

This just sucks so bad. Team lost confidence after the pick 6 and the steamroll happened. Even CJ was rattled, which I've never seen before.

Dominated in every phase, sloppy. Really tough way to end the year.
Enough of little brother. Happy Iowa has three. Maybe Shaw will call off the dogs and Iowa can get a couple of scores so it doesn't look as bad as it is.
Well I guess 12-2 is a great season, when the 2 you(we) lost is the last two games against the best teams we faced it takes a lt of the joy out of our season.