Iowa nets $55k from Orange Bowl; but band cost nearly $500K?

And nearly $90k for "administrators" who traveled with the team? WTF? Who was that? Where they'd stay? How much did they eat?
Well that sucks. The band should have to fundraise to be able to make the bowl trip or not make any trips during the season to save up the money for the bowl. That is ridiculous
Well that sucks. The band should have to fundraise to be able to make the bowl trip or not make any trips during the season to save up the money for the bowl. That is ridiculous

Seriously, what is the University going to do with the extra money? In the scheme of the overall budget $500k is nothing. Nothing. No need for everyone to get their panties in a bunch. I agree its a high number for band travel but it doesnt really matter
but who will play our famous victory dance after the game? just to hear in heaven, 500k was well worth it
500K Could go to the football program, the reason any of us made the trip. Im sure that some of it could be used to update facilities or anything. They deserve it, they earned it, they should have the money.
500K Could go to the football program, the reason any of us made the trip. Im sure that some of it could be used to update facilities or anything. They deserve it, they earned it, they should have the money.

My point is the FB program has plenty of money. This $500k is not going to come at the expense of anything the program needs. If money was an issue they wouldnt have taken the band and tried to "make" as much as they could off the trip
Pennies in the bucket compared to the NATIONAL exposure the University/Team got leading up to and following the game.
Well that sucks. The band should have to fundraise to be able to make the bowl trip or not make any trips during the season to save up the money for the bowl. That is ridiculous

I agree it is ridiculous that a fourth of the budget went to the band, however I don't think it is ridiculous that they went.
Seriously, what is the University going to do with the extra money? In the scheme of the overall budget $500k is nothing. Nothing. No need for everyone to get their panties in a bunch. I agree its a high number for band travel but it doesnt really matter

What instrument do you play?
Band and staff total about 250 people. Expenses include travel, hotel, meals, transporting a semi-truck of equipment, and bus transfers to rehearsals and numerous events for a week. Divided by 457k = $1,800 per person.

That's cheaper than most of Jon's 3- and 4-day packages. If it's "ridiculous", what SHOULD it have cost?
Four lap dances at the "Pink Flamingo", $650.

Three tropical drinks with those little umbrellas in them, $18.

One crispy grouper sandwhich, $14.

Travelling 250 kids to Miami Florida to watch a football game and play "Hey Jude" in the 3rd quarter, $500,000.

Winning the first BCS Bowl game in school history, priceless.
I think we need to separate the band argument from the "drop in the bucket" argument.

I personally don't see any added value that the band brings to the football atmosphere. Piping in better music and / or sounds is common place amongst major universities and yet at Iowa we choose to pay for the band.

1) The seats at Kinnick the band members occupy can be additional revenue for the program.
2) Halftime could be enjoyable again. I would rather watch a bunch of 10 yr old peewee football kids have the chance of lifetime to play in Kinnick than watch a group of, shall we say rotund, college kids trying to spell something on the field.
3) Travel expenses to and from the bowl games are ridiculous. If the band members want to go then go out and do a fund raiser or pay for it out of your own pocket.
4) The $500k goes to the athletic budget I'm guessing not directly to the football program. Assuming this is the case then that $500k could have gone to help buyout Lick. Improve facilities for all sports programs. Increase scholarship $ for non-revenue generating sports. Title XI initiatives. Paint the water tower. Lower ticket prices. A million things or at least a half-million $1 things.

Screw the band. They blow.
Hawkeye football: Profit from Orange Bowl totals $54,954 | | The Des Moines Register

Seriously...Iowa got 1.9 mil budget to travel to orange bowl and nearly 500k went to pay for the band making the trip?

What the heck...(here we go ;)

This is very surprising. The fact that the University could pay for all the band members and staff, cover all their meals and travel for this low amount is nothing short of shocking. I am not sure there is a BCS school who does not bring their marching band to the Bowl games. It is pretty much expected by the Bowl committees. The fact that Iowa could do this at a cost of under 500k tells me somebody is doing a good job of watching the purse strings. Nice job, Hawks!