Iowa nets $55k from Orange Bowl; but band cost nearly $500K?

Every year there is hand-wringing..

Well that sucks. The band should have to fundraise to be able to make the bowl trip or not make any trips during the season to save up the money for the bowl. That is ridiculous

over the spending of the bowl money. The money that Iowa gets for travel to the bowl game has to be spent. It's part of the agreement with the bowls. The bowls require the teams to be in the town for a number of days. Transporting, housing, feeding players and staff for a week+ at a top-flight hotel in a major city is not cheap.
I played a mean triangle and thought about leaving early... unfortunately I suffered a career-ending hazing injury and missed my window.

FWIW, I'm still sorry about that. We no longer do beer keg slip races down concrete stairs, and everyone gets elbow pads.
The usually semi-hot chick? I can live with that.

The wasted 20 minutes of my life at halftime...that I really can't stand.

So use that time to go get a drink and use the rest room and let those that enjoy the band do so.
Hawkeye football: Profit from Orange Bowl totals $54,954 | | The Des Moines Register

Seriously...Iowa got 1.9 mil budget to travel to orange bowl and nearly 500k went to pay for the band making the trip?

NCHawker's Band Cost Wild Assed GuessBand Members75Room per night $ 150.00 Est Cost per night $ 11,250.00 Four Nights $ 45,000.00

Ground Transportation $ 500.00

Meals / day30Meal cost for 1 day $ 2,250.00 Total Meal Cost $ 6,750.00

Airfare $ 450.00 Airfare x 75 $ 33,750.00 TOTAL COST $ 86,000.00

So I gues you have to guess that I wiffed on the Hotel and meals by a HUGE MARGIN...

Looks like someone allocated other costs to "the band"

DBorwig is on to something here....

NChawker? 75 members? is this your adjusted budget band plan or something? Something else very few probably know...the cheerleaders, dance team, herky mascot and band all travel the group of 250 is more like 300-310 after you add in all the members, coaches, doctors and various guests that are allowed to come with. That doesn't drop your "per person cost" that much..but let's be honest, the budget was fair, if not modest.

We were put up in a pretty low rate, outdated high rise hotel. Some of the hotel was remodeled, but most of it looked like it was right out of the movie scarface.

In terms of earning it, I'm not sure where the band stands practice wise, but I'm sure they do a lot and put in a lot of time to do what they do on saturday afternoons. As for the cheerleaders, we practice 12 hours a week and put in 7 hours per day on gamedays (granted, 3 of those hours are sheer bliss). No scholarships are offered to spirit squad members, either. So if you still say that a trip to the bowl is undeserved, then shame on you.
The usually semi-hot chick? I can live with that.

The wasted 20 minutes of my life at halftime...that I really can't stand.

Give the band a break. They are part of Iowa's tradition. Sometimes they play goofy songs, but in general, they add to the entire atmosphere at Kinnick on a Saturday. You can always use the time to take a leak - that's about how long it takes to stand in the line - if it is that bothersome to you.
I wholeheartedly agree with ThunderHawk's position on the band. I would like to add that you SHOULD NOT sit next to a former member of the HMB during a game, especially during halftime. "War stories" from ex-band geeks are pretty lame, but not as lame as hearing them yell "Hey 4th trumpet, fall in line" during the halftime show and then hearing their lame excuses why they are leaving early in the third quarter because they already saw what they wanted to see.

I think we should get rid of the band and just play the songs over the PA system. A band made sense back in the days before you could play really loud music over the PA system, but now they are as outdated and lame as Wrigley Field.
Neither he nor the 80s are still here. It's time to move on.

There are only a few topics where a "move on" is acceptable:

1. Todd Lickliter
2. Steve Alford
3. Possibly Tom Davis, depending on the context

A "move on" on Hayden is blasphemy. Sorry.
These people put in a lot of work both adminstrators and band memebers. They should be able to go and have fun.
The band is a big part of the bowl atmosphere. They usually march in the parade, go to the pep rallies, go to beach day, and of course go to the game. Maybe without the band Iowa wouldn't perform so well in bowl games. The band helps them feel the 'home atmosphere' while down there.

Plus you can whine about how the money is spent all you want but you and I will never see a dime so what's the point?

For the record I suck at playing instruments except for the mouth harp.
Then stay home. College football and it's marching bands will do just fine without you there.

I agree. If you want to listen to head-banging music then stay home, toke up, and deaden your brain with heavy metal blasting at full volume.

You sir, are in the vast minority. Get used to it.

(I am referring to thunderhawk, not you Dborwig)
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Give the band a break. They are part of Iowa's tradition. Sometimes they play goofy songs, but in general, they add to the entire atmosphere at Kinnick on a Saturday. You can always use the time to take a leak - that's about how long it takes to stand in the line - if it is that bothersome to you.

Not to mention, the band was a HUGE help in making the comeback against Indiana. Anybody remember the mood of the crowd going into halftime? It was pretty dead, depressed, defeated. Then the band comes out and plays "Thriller", with the bit of zombie acting by the band members, and gave the crowd a HUGE shot in the arm, energizing the whole place for the second half. And given Rick's rough 3rd quarter, the crowd really needed that. Otherwise there would have been a riot after his 5th pick.
You know what I hate the most about college football?

The never-ending 20 minute half-time and the useless, worthless band.

If I want to see a band I'll go to a concert. They are an annoyance at a football game. I'd rather listen to rock music during breaks. Not teeny-bop crap either. AC/DC. Green Day. You get the picture.

I know, I know. The band is "tradition." Yeah, so what. Lots of traditions suck. This one sucks especially hard.

Plus, the band chews up a bunch of scholarships which would be better used for academics. It is, after all, a freaking UNIVERSITY. At least some of the athletic scholarships pay for themselves.

You want to play an instrument in front of crowds? Join a symphony or orchestra. But for the love of God divorce it from football.


Hope this was a joke post....

If not it sure was a joke of one.
Think about it this way:

If we didn't spend the money, whatever is left gets divided up amongst the rest of the Big 10. That would mean Ill-annoy would get some of the money we earned. Do you really want that to happen? :)

I say spend the money on Iowa and let everyone have some fun after a great year.
Not to mention, the band was a HUGE help in making the comeback against Indiana. Anybody remember the mood of the crowd going into halftime? It was pretty dead, depressed, defeated. Then the band comes out and plays "Thriller", with the bit of zombie acting by the band members, and gave the crowd a HUGE shot in the arm, energizing the whole place for the second half. And given Rick's rough 3rd quarter, the crowd really needed that. Otherwise there would have been a riot after his 5th pick.

This is possibly the stupidest post I've ever seen.

You really think the band had ANYTHING to do with Iowa coming back against Indiana?

I want what you're smoking. :rolleyes:

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