Well-Known Member
Just listened to the podcast. Great job Jon, way to step out in front of this.
Difficult to answer. Would Todd have had more success this year with Kelly, Peterson, Palmer and Davis on the team? I think yes...a lot more in fact. I don't think I'd be where I am right now were those guy still around.
Jon is going out on a limb here, but knows more than he is letting on.
When the number one representative of Hawkeye Nation thinks that the coach needs to go, you better pay attention.
Jon is going out on a limb here, but knows more than he is letting on.
I know for an absolute fact that Lickliter has a very good relationship with(at least some)players. I can't speak to every player, however. I saw how players reacted when their coach was in the hospital. Don't tell me there is no love there.
I don't know if Lickliter is the right coach for Iowa, and I certainly have my doubts, but to say he has to go because of poor player relationships is way beyond wrong in my book.
If players leave he has to go. But boy I would like to see what he could do with a full squad and the better talent he will have available next year.
When the number one representative of Hawkeye Nation thinks that the coach needs to go, you better pay attention.
Jon is going out on a limb here, but knows more than he is letting on.
I'm not a soothsayer, but if I'm good at reading people at all, I think Fuller stays. 40-60% chance to stay is a little low IMO.
I'm genuinely curious: From what exposure are you reading Fuller, and what did he do or say in that exposure that causes you to read him in any particular way?
You may well be right about him. I've never met him, never interviewed him. Only heard him say he isn't leaving, and what (if anything) that answer is worth has already been discussed at length.
I will say this, though: I saw something in the second half of the Minnesota game that really caught my eye and I had written a lengthy post about it that day that I just trashed because objectively it was far too thin to base any judgment on. However, here's what it was: For a good part of the second half Fuller had a look on his face that I would describe as tormented, and not just passively unhappy. When I first saw it I wondered if he was physically injured and trying to play through it. Maybe he was, but if so his play in no way reflected it. If you have the tape a good time to see that look is when he got fouled going to the hoop and shot two FT's, missing the first and making the second, about midway through the second half. The camera followed him in close-up as he walked from under the basket all the way out beyond the three point line, and back to the FT stripe. He looked like he was battling a demon.
Of all the unhappy looks I've seen on our players' faces in all the losses this season, that look appeared more to me as one that said "I want this to end" than any other I've seen. Yes, we were losing by 30 and any competitor would hate that, standing alone. But this look seemed to be something more than that.
So, I will not be surprised if it turns out there's something to the Fuller rumors after all.
Now, I challenge anyone to express an opinion on this subject based on flimsier evidence than that.On the other hand, at least it's not hearsay...
Watching Hoosiers on WGN America. Turned it on when voting on the coach staying or going. Too bad we don't have Jimmy Chitwood! He can walk in and change the vote!![]()
Almost time for the picket fence!