Iowa Athletics COVID-19 Discussion

That's very noble of you and I respect it greatly. If you're in NW Iowa we will probably come close to crossing paths at some point. Welcome to the area; I hope you enjoy it.

Message me if you're in an area ever looking for something to do and I'll point you in a bunch of directions.

I hope your grandson stays healthy, and I'll think of him when I put a mask on.

Thanks, we live in Des Moines but only a 3 1/2-4 1/2 hour drive depending on pit stops.

My wife is the really top nanny of the two of us. She has been retired and spent a year in 2012 driving to North Liberty every sunday nite and watch our first grandson during the day and coming back home friday nite.

Then when our son and his wife moved to Detroit area in 2014 she did the same thing for 4 years but living with them and taking care of their two boys, 18 months and newborn in Oct, 2014.

I remember it was Oct 2014 because on mid-sept on Iowa St-Iowa game day I fell off a ladder cutting limbs and fractured my pelvis in two places and broke several ribs and messed up tendons still to this day.

The reason I bring up this injury is two fold. One, my brother and a friend scraped me off the ground and took me inside but I wanted to watch the game but that was the year the hawks played like shit as everyone knows and I was about done with the Ferentzes.

And two, as I said my wife took off with my son and family to Detroit area and left me in my walker and crutches to fend for myself for about 3 more weeks. Talk about getting the short end of that straw then basically being alone until every 2nd or 3rd weekend when my wife would fly back for a short visit.

We love to be with our grandkids and kids.
Thinking about this more introspectively...

I think our situations are a perfect example of why flexibility is needed, and a one-size-fits-all approach of either having everyone in school or no one is a terrible idea.

If I were your son or daughter I would not want to send your grandson to school. They are making the right choice.

In my situation, I absolutely do not want to keep my son home. He will suffer because his learning disorder impedes how well he functions remotely. I also am cognizant that my choice--to send my son to school--can be perceived as selfish because it requires contact with other people and might be dangerous for someone at some point.

To this point I have not run into any teachers in my district who have spoken out about returning to school (I know several of them very well from coaching and officiating), and to the contrary...most that I have spoken to are eager to get back. Our area is very light regarding COVID cases right now, so if it were a large school system that may be different.

I respect your viewpoint 100%, and I really feel strongly that we as parents/grandparents, teachers, admin, etc. can make this work with flexibility.

I certainly understand many people's varied choices and yours in particular.

I am really against full jam packed 20+ students in classrooms because of covid spread. I am glad all 4 of my grandkids will be doing distance learning as our 2 grandkids in Bainbridge Island WA have a school district that is going 100% online.

I think an Even-Odd day in person situation where only half the kids are there every day and more rooms used in the cafeteria and gym and other resource rooms to spread people out.

If you havent heard about the Georgia Summer youth camp where about 100 staff had about 400 or so campers in for a few days then it is scary. The staff had to where masks but few or none of the campers did or had too.

After camp was over people started getting sick and they tested about 350 of the people and 260 tested positive for covid. It was 75% or just a little more. And if only just a couple of those people get really sick the cost is great, their long term health could be compromised, or some could die.
To paraphrase her, because you can watch the video or I can try to paste it in a post, she said any schools that do not meet the 50% of students in-person instruction rule ARE VIOLATING THE LAW and those distance learning days WILL NOT COUNT toward achievement and WILL NEED TO BE MADE UP. basically her words And there could be repercussions for school leaders.
I've watched the video.

So again, you're being strictly semantic with the outrage here. Reynolds' mouth has written checks that can't be cashed. I know she said 100% remote learning won't count and that those schools would be violating the law. I heard her say it... completely rational for a second and ask your self honestly what will really happen.

--You truly think KR is going to tell all students in those districts that the year they spent remote learning doesn't count and that they have to do it again? She's going to tell that to students who had no control over the situation?

--KR is going to say, "Sorry seniors, you can't go to college now because the DOE isn't going to accredit your diploma, and you have to stay back and redo your senior year if you want to be officially graduated.

--KR is going to tell those thousands of kindergartners that they have to stay back and redo kindergarten which, with new incoming kindergartners would instantly double the class size of 2034 out of nowhere?

--KR is going to go full communism and personally use her crown to fire hundreds of school staff and administrators, or suspend their licenses, or prevent them from registering with the State, especially in a time when educators are severely hard to find? Wouldn't she be hurting those students who need those teachers and -administrators?

In any scenario you are suggesting it would be doing nothing but hurting students. If she even suggested any of the possible "punishments" or sanctions she'd get burned at the stake on the Capitol lawn.

So in all seriousness, please tell me what you TRULY think Kim Reynolds is going to do to punish kids and administrators in real life and not as part of merely outrage over her toothless, unenforceable threats. I'd like you to tell us how KR is going to enforce any of what she's suggested.

None of this will come to fruition. Her mistake was being a complete fucking idiot and suggesting that she's willing to do things she can't enforce, and which would only serve to hurt students and families that can't control any of this situation. I get it that you're mad, but you're pissed off and venting about something that CANNOT HAPPEN anyway, so what's the point of it?
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As of right now, I hope Iowa cancels all Fall sports, and basketball until at least January 1, 2021. Basketball may be able to resume in January and if all is well and the powers that be decide on football in the spring, ok. Not only is the national leadership ineffective, but also our citizens apparently cannot handle basic common sense.

BTW, although I am not an Iowa resident now, it will always be my home. So, I will say that in 40 years as a public school educator, never have I seen anything as crazy as re-opening face to face. Iowa’s governor needs to be locked up. Her roommates could be the Wisconsin Republican legislators.

Finally, here you go: In a classroom with 20 students, there is a 77% probability that at least one student is infected with Covid.

I (sort of) apologize for a political statement, but truth matters.

The COVID-19 Consortium for Understanding the Public’s Police Preferences Across States, a survey taken monthly in all 50 states, showed that the approval rate of Reynolds in regards to the pandemic has fallen from 52% in late April to 28% in late July. That is the lowest of any state, with the next lowest being Arizona’s Gov. Doug Ducey at 30%

On average, state governors have higher approval ratings than those for President Donald Trump. Governors average a 51% approval, while Trump’s handling of the pandemic is only approved by 32% nationwide. Reynolds joins the governors of Arizona, Georgia, and Missouri in having lower approval ratings for pandemic handling than the president, with 29% of Iowans approving of Trump’s job at it so far.

The COVID-19 Consortium for Understanding the Public’s Police Preferences Across States, a survey taken monthly in all 50 states, showed that the approval rate of Reynolds in regards to the pandemic has fallen from 52% in late April to 28% in late July. That is the lowest of any state, with the next lowest being Arizona’s Gov. Doug Ducey at 30%

On average, state governors have higher approval ratings than those for President Donald Trump. Governors average a 51% approval, while Trump’s handling of the pandemic is only approved by 32% nationwide. Reynolds joins the governors of Arizona, Georgia, and Missouri in having lower approval ratings for pandemic handling than the president, with 29% of Iowans approving of Trump’s job at it so far.

No surprise with this news about those 4 governors, I cant believe Disantis (sp?) isnt lower than 30%
I've watched the video.

So again, you're being strictly semantic with the outrage here. Reynolds' mouth has written checks that can't be cashed. I know she said 100% remote learning won't count and that those schools would be violating the law. I heard her say it...

None of this will come to fruition. Her mistake was being a complete fucking idiot and suggesting that she's willing to do things she can't enforce, and which would only serve to hurt students and families that can't control any of this situation. I get it that you're mad, but you're pissed off and venting about something that CANNOT HAPPEN anyway, so what's the point of it?

Until she is proven otherwise and shutdown in the courts or wherever I go by what she says is what she will do. She said it and it is a fact what her thoughts and intentions are. Ah, the voters of Iowa!!!!
As of right now, I hope Iowa cancels all Fall sports, and basketball until at least January 1, 2021. Basketball may be able to resume in January and if all is well and the powers that be decide on football in the spring, ok. Not only is the national leadership ineffective, but also our citizens apparently cannot handle basic common sense.

BTW, although I am not an Iowa resident now, it will always be my home. So, I will say that in 40 years as a public school educator, never have I seen anything as crazy as re-opening face to face. Iowa’s governor needs to be locked up. Her roommates could be the Wisconsin Republican legislators.

Finally, here you go: In a classroom with 20 students, there is a 77% probability that at least one student is infected with Covid.

I (sort of) apologize for a political statement, but truth matters.

I hope that even if they start the college football season the people in charge keep in mind finishing the season in the spring and shut it down if need be, early enough to not make the players etc play around infections and to not make a sham of the games.

Keep that spring football season idea in your minds folks.
I’m guessing CSU is not alone in this, that this attitude exists in other programs. It’s this kind of thinking that will kill college football, at least for the time being.
Until she is proven otherwise and shutdown in the courts or wherever I go by what she says is what she will do. She said it and it is a fact what her thoughts and intentions are. Ah, the voters of Iowa!!!!
Ahhh gotcha. So if she said she was going to dunk a basketball from the three point line you’d believe it, because she said it and it’s a fact, right? Even though it’s a complete impossibility. Am I interpreting that correctly?

You’re still dodging and not answering my question...

How exactly do you believe she will 1) force kids to go to school, and 2) punish students, schools, and administrators who hold school 100% online?

You can’t answer those questions because you know it’s impossible, and you also know that you’re carrying on a bout it just to be mad.

If you can’t tell us how she’s going to enforce it and how she’s going to dole out punishment/sanctions, then you can’t expect anyone to even remotely take you seriously.
Ahhh gotcha. So if she said she was going to dunk a basketball from the three point line you’d believe it, because she said it and it’s a fact, right? Even though it’s a complete impossibility. Am I interpreting that correctly?

You’re still dodging and not answering my question...

How exactly do you believe she will 1) force kids to go to school, and 2) punish students, schools, and administrators who hold school 100% online?

You can’t answer those questions because you know it’s impossible, and you also know that you’re carrying on a bout it just to be mad.

If you can’t tell us how she’s going to enforce it and how she’s going to dole out punishment/sanctions, then you can’t expect anyone to even remotely take you seriously.

The Gov is not going to get the National Guard to pull kids from their homes and force them into schools. That is correct, at least I think she is not that NUTS!!!! So yeah she is not going to force them to school.


She has already said she will punish parents and kids by not allowing them to count their distance learning days toward matriculation for the school year. They will have to retake the time in school I suppose. She thinks she can maybe keep funds from districts and screw with their licensure and accreditation.

She says she is going to punish them and we shall see but it is not entirely impossible that she could do this as she and her lawyers think parents and school admins will be breaking the law, OMG the shame.

She is acting like a leader of the Spanish Inquisition or the Vatican Inquisition, like the all powerful autocrat.

And don't project why or how I am feeling about this. I would say I am more incredulous about her lack of flexibility, her lack of empathy of the situation, lack of care for sending kids to schools. She has had a lack of empathy and care all through this with her absolute "we are not shutting down the meat processing plants" , it cant be done because Donald wont like me and yell at me and tweet at me. haha
I heard a short blurb on the tv news about the Rutgers football team having a bunch of players test positive, I think it was in the twenties. That is definitely not a good look for Big Ten football proceeding or at least Rutgers in the mix.

Anyone else have more specific info on this??
I heard a short blurb on the tv news about the Rutgers football team having a bunch of players test positive, I think it was in the twenties. That is definitely not a good look for Big Ten football proceeding or at least Rutgers in the mix.

Anyone else have more specific info on this??

28, as of last report.

Shut it down B1G?

This does not look good, 28 players, wow.

And this quote from your 2nd link sounds dire about the bad possibilities of getting sick even by a young healthy player:

"The mother of an Indiana offensive lineman said in a viral Facebook post that her son is battling heart problems after “14 days of hell battling the horrible virus,” a chilling post for anyone still convinced that this is only a problem for old people in nursing homes.

“Bottom line, even if your son’s schools do everything right to protect them, they CAN’T PROTECT THEM!!” Deborah Rucker wrote."

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