Well-Known Member
We play Indiana next, not Minnesota.
I admit the error and have been dutifully notified twice.
We play Indiana next, not Minnesota.
I don't think he separated himself (like I was hoping) to where there was no question...even in Kirk's mind. That said, I agree with you we should see more of him to make further evaluations. He would be my starting qb, but I can't honestly say with a straight face he is a runway for it. I do think his arm and the way he can stretch the field puts him over right now.
I hope CJ can continue to grow, using his feet (like he did when he needed to), throw the ball away when he needs to (he did that a couple of times), not eat sacks (needs to continue to improve here). Should be interesting on how Kirk decides this in the next 2 weeks.
I don't think CJ did anything that would lead KF to think JR should get the next start. If not for the 6 drops CJ's line is 23-37 2/1. That is damn good for your first start, on the road and in conference. It's likely to be a competition this next week, but I would want to see how CJ breaks down his performance on film and gets ready for the next game, as the starter. CJ now has twice as much film to break down (his own game film and IU). Let's see if he improves his performance starting a second game.
We had a guy in 2009 that stepped in due to our starter's injury. He came into a more hostile environment as a first time starter and went 20/33 with 233 yards and 2 TDs (of course, he had 3 picks). JVB lost to OSU in The Horseshoe 27-24 in overtime that day (including two fourth quarter drives to tie it) and everyone was drooling about how good he could be as a starter.... and there was no QB controversy at the time.
Not sure how you compare playing at Purdue with playing at OSU.
OK Mrs. Rudock, we get it.You know... I hate to see loyal Hawkeye fans disappointed but many of
you are going to be very sadly disappointed when Jake starts the next game
and all subsequent games for the rest of his career. (barring injury).
And all this nonsense about Jake not being mobile... better go back
and watch the film. He's not Brad Banks but he's plenty mobile when
the situation calls for it.
My bet is Jake comes roaring out of the box in practice and puts all
this nonsense to rest. Seriously... I doubt there's the least bit of doubt
in The Captain's mind.
Jake is your QB. Feel the love...
We had a guy in 2009 that stepped in due to our starter's injury. He came into a more hostile environment as a first time starter and went 20/33 with 233 yards and 2 TDs (of course, he had 3 picks). JVB lost to OSU in The Horseshoe 27-24 in overtime that day (including two fourth quarter drives to tie it) and everyone was drooling about how good he could be as a starter.... and there was no QB controversy at the time.
Not sure how you compare playing at Purdue with playing at OSU.
The captain? 65-55 career big ten record. Top ten paid coach. Can we please put to rest the term "captain" when referring to Kurt?
I just don't see what you guys are seeing. CJ had a pretty rough game, especially in the first half.
17/37. Under 50%.
And before you blame the drops, most of those were because CJ always throws the fastball. His passes are not easy to catch. He's going to break receivers fingers. He's going to get passes tipped at the line because he doesn't put enough air under a lot of this throws.
Today he checked down past several open receivers, just like you always complain about how Jake does. He's going to try to force a lot of passes, and today you saw the pick 6 as a result.
Yes, CJ does some nice things, but overall I simply don't see him as an obvious upgrade from Jake. I think we can win with either guy, frankly.
Purdue is a bad team. Jake could have easily piloted a 14 point win today.
The captain? 65-55 career big ten record. Top ten paid coach. Can we please put to rest the term "captain" when referring to Kurt?
The captain? 65-55 career big ten record. Top ten paid coach. Can we please put to rest the term "captain" when referring to Kurt?
I agree with the last sentence and that Jake, with 16 career starts, is better than CJ, who has now played approximately 2 full games. The one thing CJ gives us is an absolutely gifted arm at dropping the ball in sweetly on deep passes - Jake lacks that. The issues with CJ can improve with reps, but Jake's arm on deep balls is never gonna improve. That's why I see CJ bringing a higher ceiling. Notwithstanding the chatter on here, Kurt has a tough call.
Beathard's passing efficiency rating was only 105.1, which is terrible. His feet are way too happy! He is not the answer at quarterback until he stops doing a Ben Vereen tap dance number every time he drops back to pass.
1. Completion percentage is a big part of the efficiency rating. When your receivers are dropping a ton of passes, that's going to hurt your efficiency rating, even if you're making good throws. Especially when one of those drops was on what should have been an easy TD catch, which would have given his rating a big boost.
2. His pocket presence isn't great, but that often comes with experience. He improved quite a bit in that area from the opening drive to the end of the game, which was very encouraging.
I don't care too much for passer ratings. Chad Pennington is in the top 15 in that category in NFL history. I care more about the eyeball test.
Anyway, let's not forget that Davis had some stat about his performance when his team wins the big play + turnover battle. I believe that with CJ at the helm in just over 6 quarters, he has compiled over 50% of the big plays the team has this season, so if Davis needs some big plays to win, perhaps CJ's the guy.
This is a great point. You can really see the zip on the ball on those plays from CJ. It doesn't give the defender as much time to adjust. The rocket screens or whatever you want to call them just seem to go for more yards when when Rudock throws them. Every moment counts and the faster you get it out the better chance you give your WR to get yards after catch.Actually, more important than big plays, CJ gets the ball out on WR screens fast enough to let the receiver run and can hit the 15-20 yard shot between deep gaps. That takes patience and velocity. Jake has neither of those.