IF Ferentz did leave. . . who would we realistically have for a HC?

what if he got fired in 07,there wouldn't of been a orange bowl victory, quit over reacting to a loss ferentz is one of the best coaches in the nation.
how about comparing it to how long it took and how many coaches it took for Michigan and Notre Dame to have winning teams? Many years, many coaches for two of the most winning programs in all of college football. Is that comparison valid?

Exactly correct.

The argument that 4 million will get you a good coach is easily disproved by Notre Dame and Michigan.

Think about what they ended up with. Midmajor guys. Notre Dame could pay 10million if they wanted to.

People who think you can just throw out 5 million and get Urban Myer or Jon Gruden are fools. Its clearly not just about money.
I bet they have more money than we do. Also, attendance numbers don't mean **** to me. I'm a Hawkeye fan, haven't been to a game this year, but I watch them all on TV. So, they aren't counting all the fans who don't go to games.

Nope. Iowa spends more on football than Miami. And that includes Miami having to pay for leasing the Dolphins stadium.

McMurphy's Law: Ohio State Still Big Spender With Alabama, Irish Closing Gap

And if you don't go to the games and don't donate money, you don't mean **** to Iowa or any other school. Who cares about how many bandwagon fans a program has? Fans who attend games, attend bowls and donate money are the fans that count.
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And that is where Barta needs to step up and say something. Obviously something isn't working. They are getting outcoached on defense on a weekly basis. We also need to hire an offense coordinator who has a 2 minute offense because clearly we dont. Our players could actually practice this during a game in the 2 minutes we get the ball with at least 2 timeouts left before halftime every game.
I bet they have more money than we do. Also, attendance numbers don't mean **** to me. I'm a Hawkeye fan, haven't been to a game this year, but I watch them all on TV. So, they aren't counting all the fans who don't go to games.

LOL, You have no idea what you are talking about.

How do you think football programs make money? TV contracts and home games.

Miami plays in the ACC and they average like 25000 less fans than Iowa.

Iowa generates twice as much money. Maybe you have heard of the bigten network?
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KF IS loyal to a fault, and in this world, I'll take that too. Everyone wants to win, Penn State, Notre Dame, Miami, Texas, Michigan, Florida, Florida State, etc. A lot easier said then done. Remember, our late great Hayden didn't win every year either and we treat him like a God. Stick with KF he has a lot more winning seasons in him.
I dont think Ferentz is a kind of guy who would fire his cordinators. He is loyal to a fault.

I also do'nt think he is the type of guy to simply turn over the offense to someone to do as they please, which is what people seem to assume would happen.

He is a micro manager.

If he hired a new coordinator It might make a little difference in the playcalling but the offense would be the same scheme.
I'm fine with keeping Ferentz as long as he gets new coordinators....I think we all know why at this point.
I DO think Norm will step down and it will bring some new blood into the program which will be good. It's a down year, enough said.
Does anybody else think that Kirk's NFL experience hurts him a little when coaching college football? The difference between the college and NFL are pretty big when it comes to style of play and preparation. I think that is why he is so conservative because the NFL is compared to college football.
We should hire Chuck Norris as our new coach. Sh!t, he wouldn't even need assistants and coordinators.

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